The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 415 Who and Who Returns

Chapter 415 Who Will Go To Whom ([-])

Early the next morning, the weather was not as good as expected.The sky looked a little hazy, a pile of gray clouds blocked a corner of the sky, like a huge pile of mud, about to collapse from the top.

In this kind of weather, of course, there will be no sun, and the weather looks quite cold.

At this time, Liu Chan was standing outside his Xingyuan gate with a group of civil and military men, waiting for Jia Xu's arrival. Everyone looked quite solemn, and they were not hindered by the unbeautiful weather at all.

Liu Chan's dress today is very different from usual.He was dressed in a black robe with a red ribbon symbolizing the royal family.The ribbon is looped and worn on the belt in front of the body, allowing it to hang down naturally. It is two feet one foot long and has three hundred pieces, which seems to add a bit of majesty.

Soon, a gorgeous carriage drove over slowly on the street ahead.Behind the carriage, there are two rows of black armored warriors serving as a guard of honor, each riding a black horse.

The horseshoe trampled on the street, making a thumping sound, and the sound spread a great distance, causing the people on both sides to stop and watch.

Of course Liu Chan knew that this was the arrival of Jia Xu's people.He straightened his clothes a little bit, then turned to look at the people behind him, obviously he felt a little nervous in his heart.

After all, what he was going to meet this time was not an ordinary person. Jia Xu, who could almost be said to be one of the few peak wise men in the Three Kingdoms era, felt a little drummed in his heart, which should be regarded as a normal phenomenon.

When Jia Xu's carriage stopped, the curtain of the carriage was lifted from the inside, first a young man's head poked out from inside.This person will not be older than 16 years old, with red lips and white teeth, but a pair of small eyes destroys the overall aesthetic feeling, which inevitably gives people a feeling of revenge.

Liu Chan asked Ma Liang beside him softly, "Sir, who is that young man?"

Ma Liang had been looking at the carriage, stepped forward and replied: "This man's name is Sima Wang, there is indeed him on Jia Xu's list, he is just serving as a general attendant."

In fact, when Ma Liang was among the group of people who picked Jia Xu up, he didn't even notice the penniless Sima Wang.It was only now that Shizi asked, that he remembered that there was such a person.

Liu Chan's heart skipped a beat, what a Jingzhou.It was a war, but many important figures who reported to the Sima family's future were drawn out.He met Sima Shi and Sima Zhao in Wancheng, two old enemies, and now he met Sima Wang again.

Liu Chan couldn't help sighing in his heart, God really wanted him to get entangled with the Sima family.

This Sima Wang was the second son of Sima Fu, Sima Yi's younger brother. He was adopted by Sima Lang as his son and moved to Situ.After the Western Jin Dynasty replaced the Wei Dynasty, Sima Wang was named the King of Yiyang. He supervised the army many times to resist the attack of Wu State, and his official position was Da Sima.Sima Wang was stingy and fond of collecting money. After his death, his family piled up like a mountain of gold and silk, so he was ridiculed by the world.It can be seen that this person is indeed unusual.

Then, an old man with white hair and white beard came out from the car. He was not very tall, but he looked hale and hearty.This person is Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe.

Liu Changui is the son of the king of Hanzhong, of course it is impossible to go up to meet a minister of an enemy country in person, otherwise it would be too out of state.Therefore, Liu Chan just stood there quietly, looking at Jia Xu with a pair of eyes tightly, without any intention of moving.

At this time, Ma Liang wanted to go up to pick up Jia Xu.But Liu Chan suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him, Ma Liang turned his head to look at Liu Chan, and had to stop.

Jia Xu got out of the car, and after being supported by Sima Wang to the ground, she also looked towards Liu Chan.

At this time, the distance between the two sides would not exceed six meters, not to mention that Jia Xu was not dizzy. His eyes swept across the front and fell on Liu Chan who was standing in the front.He immediately knew Liu Chan's identity from Liu Chan's ribbon.

Although Jia Xu had a detailed understanding of Liu Chan's various backgrounds before he set off, but now that he saw Liu Chan in real life, he still couldn't help being a little surprised at his youth.

But Jia Xu is not an ordinary person after all, he is not even afraid of a murderous strongman like Dong Zhuo, so how could he be intimidated by Liu Chan?He immediately came back to his senses, gently broke free from Sima Wang's support, and walked towards Liu Chan.

Seeing this, Sima Wang hurriedly followed.

Jia Xu came in front of Liu Chan, who was half a head taller than Liu Chan.He bowed to Liu Chan and asked very humbly: "Surely this is the son of Hanzhong King Liu Shijun?"

Liu Chan nodded, without any change in his expression, he cupped his hands slightly and said, "This son is Liu Chan. Doctor Jia doesn't need to be polite."

Then, Liu Chan didn't go forward to help Jia Xu, he didn't show any enthusiasm at all, but just stared at Jia Xu with a bit of power in his eyes.It can be seen from this that Liu Chan was afraid of this Jia Xu in his heart, and his impression was actually very bad, and he wanted to give the other party a blow when they met.

Seeing this, Sima Wang cursed inwardly, this Liu Adou is too high-ranking, he is so arrogant.

Jia Xu is an old man, and when he saw Liu Chan not wanting to see him like this, his heart moved, and he felt a little more relaxed.

Because Liu Chan's performance can only explain one point, this son is still not experienced enough, and he still can't show emotions like his father Liu Shijun.Guan Yu let such a child come to negotiate with him, what else do he have to worry about next?

Jia Xu suddenly felt relieved.

Therefore, Jia Xu said politely: "Thank you, my son."

Liu Chan nodded, but suddenly asked: "Chan heard last night that Dr. Jia is not very satisfied with the posthouse we provided, is it?"

Jia Xu never imagined that Liu Chan would bring this up on his own initiative on such an occasion.He couldn't help feeling in his heart, is this Liu Adou a fool?Wouldn't it be embarrassing for his guests to be dissatisfied?

Could it be that the person who talks nonsense like this is that Liu Adou who defeated many generals of the Great Wei one after another?Jia Xu couldn't help but feel a little confused.

But Jia Xu didn't want to make the embarrassing anger even more embarrassing.He coughed lightly and said, "No, Xu is very satisfied with the posthouse."

Liu Chan was actually waiting for his words, and immediately smiled and said, "That's great! I've also been to that post house, it must be able to accommodate people!"

Then, Liu Chan turned his head and smiled at Ma Liang: "Look, Mr. Ma, Dr. Jia is really satisfied with the posthouse. We Jingzhou has been fighting all the time, and we are already so poor that we can repair the posthouse like this. It's not easy... Besides, the world has become such a miserable situation, and Dr. Jia deserves the credit!"

Hearing this, Ma Liang could only shake his head secretly, feeling a little at a loss for Shi Zi's performance today.

Jia Xu's face turned pale because of Liu Chan's words.The plan he gave Li Que and others back then caused chaos in the world, it was a secret scar in his heart, and even the biggest stain in his life.Now being uncovered by Liu Chan in public, Jia Xu's eyes flashed, and the beard on his chin bulged, his anger was evident.

Jia Xu said immediately, "What is the meaning of Liu Shizi's words?"

Liu Chan sneered and said, "I'm afraid Dr. Jia knows better than anyone else what I mean?"

Jia Xu immediately snorted coldly.

Ma Liang was afraid that the two would clash in the street, so wouldn't it be a joke for people to see?He hurried forward and persuaded: "You two, it's really cold outside, let's talk after we enter the residence."

Under Mr. Ma Liang's persuasion, Liu Chan, Jia Xu and others finally entered the residence of the eldest son Liu Chan, and then came to the meeting hall.

(End of this chapter)

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