The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 419 The Sunset Is Boundless

Chapter 419

Lu Meng has actually been very troubled recently.As the commander-in-chief of the expedition here, he originally thought that he could take advantage of Guan Yu's Northern Expedition to take Jiangling City in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, what he didn't expect was that Mi Fang, that bastard, actually dared to hand over the military power to Yu Jin.Yu Jin did have some ability to defend the Jiangling city of Nuoda so tightly that no matter how the army attacked, he could not capture it.

Now Guan Yu's army came again outside the city.His momentum was even more powerful, defeating all the troops he sent out one after another!Therefore, although Sun Quan didn't say anything recently, his trust in Lu Meng has actually dropped a lot.

As the person involved, if Lu Meng didn't notice this change in Sun Quan, then his position as chief governor would be in vain.Therefore, he has been thinking about how to defeat Guan Yu every day these few days, and finally came up with a plan for him.

So seeing the lord's expression changed, Lu Meng immediately felt a little relieved.He said at once:

"Now that Guan Yu has won several games in a row, his arrogance must have greatly increased. At that time, he still dared to go to the meeting of Lu Zijing's first governor, and he had already despised our Jiangdong army. Therefore, our army can fight in the next few days. , and then pretend to be defeated for a game or two, while continuing to deepen his contempt, while leading the enemy deep. Then, our army can set up an ambush to surround and kill them."

Sun Quan nodded immediately.

Kan Ze couldn't help clapping his hands and laughing loudly: "If our army can kill Guan Yu in one fell swoop, the enemy army will lose its commander, and they will be defeated without fighting. Then the Jingzhou army will no longer be able to pose a threat to our army. Threatened. This is a plan to behead!"

When Sun Quan and the generals heard what Kan Ze said, they couldn't help applauding immediately, and they all agreed with the strategy drawn up by Lu Meng.Only the old man Zhang Zhao sat alone on the seat without saying a word, looking quite disappointed.

At this time, Lu Meng said again: "It's just that when the time comes, I have to ask the Lord for a favor."

The next day, Sun Quan sent Jiang Qin to lead an army of five thousand to challenge Guan Yu's camp. Jiang Qin was defeated under Guan Yu's men within ten rallies.

Guan Yu immediately led his army to hide and kill them, and he did not lead his army back until he chased them ten miles away.

Several people from Sun Quan's army fought together to draw with Guan Yu. Guan Yu became more vigorous as he fought, shouting that his strength had improved a lot.Sun Quan's generals could no longer block his attack under his saber force.Sun Quan's generals retreated.Guan Yu went straight to Sun Quan's camp.Wu Jun pretended to be unable to stop and retreated five miles before setting up camp.

On the third day, Zhou Tai led the army to come.Guan Yu played again, but Zhou Tai also lost, and was once again overshadowed by Guan Yu.

On the fourth day, Ling Tong attacked.Seeing that Ling Tong was only in his early 30s, Guan Yu was a little younger than his eldest son Guan Ping, so he looked down on Ling Tong even more in his heart.

Guan Yu immediately pointed at Ling Tong, and laughed loudly: "Little Ling Tong, you are still so young, how dare you come here to challenge your family, Guan Junhou? I think you Jiangdong really have no one to use!"

Ling Tong was immediately annoyed by Guan Yu's words.Among the generals of the Wu army, his age is indeed not that old, but he is not that young either.He went out with the army when he was a teenager, and he has achieved a lot of battles until now. He is also Sun Quan's closest general, and he leads the pro-guard army for Sun Quan.With Ling Tong's identity and status, Guan Yu couldn't bear to be ridiculed like this.

So Ling Tong shouted loudly: "Old thief Guan Yu, don't underestimate your general, let's see the real chapter right away!"

Ling Tong immediately mobilized his horse, and the horizontal knife charged towards Guan Yu.

Ling Tong is holding his breath in his heart now, and he is a "desperate man". Back then, Sun Quan fought fiercely with Zhang Liao in Hefei, but was surrounded by Zhang Liao.At that time Ling Tong only had [-] personal guards.However, Ling Tong dared to turn around and go back to fight Cao Jun. Until all the left and right soldiers died and he was injured, he still attacked and killed dozens of people, and Sun Quan, who was protecting him, managed to escape.

Therefore, Ling Tong really relied on such courage to dance the big sword in his hand so that the wind and rain could not be seen.As a result, unexpectedly, Guan Yu went through forty rounds.

Seeing Ling Tong's bravery, Guan Yu immediately couldn't help but praised: "Not all Jiangdong people are cowards, this son is really a milk tiger!"

However, taking Guan Yu's forty rounds, this is already Ling Tong's limit.After struggling to force Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Saber, he quickly turned his horse's head and rushed towards his army formation.Seeing the sword in his hand pointing forward, his army immediately turned around and withdrew in the direction it came from.

This time, Guan Yu did not lead his army to cover up the killing.His army originally wanted to attack one after another, but was immediately stopped by Guan Yu.Perhaps, he was showing his appreciation for Ling Tong.

Guan Yu immediately returned to his Dazhai with the army.

Perhaps it was because he had won another match today, or because the fight with Ling Tong was extremely enjoyable, Guan Yu had a rare smile on his face along the way.When he was walking, even his footsteps became more cheerful, causing the long black beard to float aside.

When Guan Yu was in his command tent today, he saw Shi Guangyuan and Wang Fu already waiting for his return inside.However, unlike Guan Yu's elation, Shi Guangyuan's face didn't seem so relaxed, but rather worried.

At this time, Guan Ping also came in excitedly.He also played with Guan Yu just now, but he didn't have the chance to fight.

Wang Fu hurried up to meet him, bowed his hands and bowed to Guan Yu, and asked eagerly, "Your Majesty, what's the result of this battle?"

Before Guan Yu could answer, Guan Ping behind him couldn't help answering excitedly: "What else can I do? Of course, my father won another game. I think it's okay for me to play tomorrow, and I can definitely do it." Kill Jiangdong's army without a single armor left!"

After Guan Ping finished speaking, Guan Yu couldn't help but burst out laughing.It can be seen that he is now absolutely full of confidence in the army that can defeat Jiangdong.

A gratified smile appeared on Wang Fu's face.However, he knew Guan Yu's temperament very well, so he reminded him a little: "However, your lord, we still have to be careful that Jiangdong's army may be cheating."

The expression on Guan Yu's face remained unchanged, and he said: "Mr. Wang, those generals in Jiangdong are just a group of incompetent young people. You don't have to overestimate their abilities. I think, in a few days, this Marquis will definitely be able to defeat them." They were expelled from Nanjun. Then, the Marquis led his troops to attack Jianye City!"

Guan Yu really has great ambitions, the siege of Jiangling City has not yet been lifted, and now he is heading towards attacking other people's capital...

Shi Guangyuan stepped forward suddenly and said to Guan Yu: "Guan Junhou, from my point of view, your big victory for several days may be suspicious."

The smile on Guan Yu's face immediately disappeared, and a trace of indifference emerged, and he asked: "What does Junshi Shi mean by this?" There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his words.

If ordinary people were asked such a question by Guan Yu, they would not dare to say what they said next, no matter how pertinent they were.But who is Shi Guangyuan, but it is impossible to be afraid of Guan Yu's power.

Shi Guangyuan still stated his views on this matter in detail.He said: "Guan Junhou, I think that the enemy army has been defeated for several days in a row, and they attack continuously, the target is probably on Guan Junhou."

Guan Yu frowned, Danfeng's eyes flashed brightly, and asked, "On Benhou's body?"

Shi Guangyuan nodded and said, "Yes. They're probably here to encourage Guan Junhou's contempt for you, and then they will take tricks to defeat you."

Guan Yu sneered and said, "Junshi Shi, you think highly of those defeated generals in Jiangdong, don't you?"

"Guan Junhou, you..."

Guan Yu forcibly interrupted Shi Guangyuan's words before he finished speaking.Guan Yu immediately waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, let's talk about this later. Benhou has been fighting for a long time today, and now I feel a little tired. Let me eat something first."

What Guan Yu said clearly meant that he didn't want to discuss the matter with Shi Guangyuan anymore, and even wanted to see off the guests.

Seeing Guan Yu's proud expression, Shi Guangyuan couldn't help feeling frustrated.The anger in his heart also came up, he really didn't bother to persuade such a recalcitrant general.

Shi Guangyuan flicked his sleeves and walked out of Guan Yu's handsome tent with his hands behind his back.

Seeing this, Wang Fu knew that Shi Guangyuan was angry, so he hurriedly chased him out to persuade him.

(End of this chapter)

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