The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 420 The Sunset Is Boundless

Chapter 420

On the fifth day, Wu Jun came to challenge again.

However, what is different from the past is that this time it was Sun Quan and Lu Meng, the governor of the Wu army, who led the attack in person.Almost all the generals under Lu Meng's command also appeared, except for one Pan Zhang.However, no one on Guan Yu's side noticed this.

Sun Quan and Lu Meng went out to the front of the formation and saw Guan Yu wearing a green robe with white armor lining, phoenix-eyed silkworm eyebrows, long beard fluttering, and a maroon red rabbit horse under his crotch. A Qinglong Yanyue Knife, the image is really powerful and unparalleled, it is like a god descending from the earth.

Seeing Guan Yu's appearance, Lu Meng couldn't help being fascinated, and couldn't help but admire Guan Yu for being extraordinary.

So Sun Quan suddenly had a heart of love for talents.He turned his head to Lv Meng and said, "Dudu Lu, Yun Chang is a hero in the world, and he loves his talent so much, can we not kill him?"

Seeing that Sun Quan hesitated, Lv Meng shook his head and advised, "No, my lord. In the past, when Cao Cao got this man, he was granted the title of marquis, a small banquet every three days, and a big banquet every five days. He got gold when he got on his horse, and silver when he got off his horse. Such kindness, after all, can not be kept, let him kill the general and go away, so that he is forced today, and almost wants to move the capital to avoid his front. Now that the lord has been captured, if he does not get rid of him immediately, it may cause future troubles. "

Sun Quan pondered for a while, feeling that Lu Meng's words were actually correct.Guan Yu is a fierce tiger, except Liu Bei who can subdue it, no one can drive it.He sighed, and said to Lu Meng, "The chief governor said so."

Guan Yu played triumphant songs all the way down, and now he saw Sun Quan actually went to battle in person today.He was immediately overjoyed, and immediately decided to capture Sun Quan. When Jiangdong loses the hero, it will really be within easy reach!

Therefore, Guan Yu no longer fought against the enemy.I saw the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand under the reflection of the sun, suddenly swung downwards, and all the troops behind him burst into shouts, and rushed towards the enemy like a tide.

Sun Quan didn't expect that Guan Yu would lead the army to rush over like this, and he couldn't help being startled.Fortunately, he is also a battle-hardened person, so he quickly asked: "Great Governor, Pan Zhang should be ready, right?"

Lu Meng replied: "My lord, don't worry, General Pan has already made preparations."

Only then did Sun Quan feel relieved a lot.

Then, with a wave of Lu Meng's hand, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin immediately led the army and rushed to meet Guan Yu's army.

After the armies of the two sides fought fiercely for more than half an hour, the Wu army was finally unable to resist again, and the generals had no choice but to protect Sun Quan and retreat again.

Seeing Sun Quan fleeing, Guan Yu certainly couldn't let go of such a good opportunity.He immediately led the army to rush up.

Sun Quan's army fought and retreated.Before they knew it, they didn't head towards the Wu army's camp to the east, but towards the southeast, and soon retreated into a valley in a hilly area.

Guan Yu hurriedly pursued him all the way, but he didn't notice this, he just galloped on his horse to give chase.As a result, when he chased to the end, except for some cavalry, he was out of touch with his large army, and there was no trace of the large infantry.

At this time, Guan Yu also realized that Sun Quan, who he had been following and chasing, had completely disappeared.

At this time, the time was approaching dusk, and the sun's light had faded, only able to dye the sky orange.Just above their heads was a thick cloud, and here was a small valley, which made the light even more dim.

At this time, a gust of wind blew up in the valley, and the cavalry flags were blown away.This is not a good sign.

Guan Yu immediately looked at the surrounding environment, and his heart couldn't help but move.Good fighting instincts seem to remind him that there seems to be a huge crisis hidden in this valley.

Guan Yu immediately realized that in such a geographical environment, it was too easy to be ambushed by the enemy.

——Could it be that Shi Guangyuan's guess is correct, the enemy's defeat for several days in a row was intentional.Because they're trying to lure me here for an ambush?

Thinking of this, Guan Yu's heart suddenly felt a little confused, and he thought it would be better to turn around and go out from here immediately.

But Guan Yu's natural pride broke out again at this time.In his consciousness, he is absolutely unwilling to admit himself, and he is not as good as that corrupt scholar Shi Guangyuan.Why should I listen to his strategy, why should I doubt my own judgment, why didn't Sun Quan enter here because of panic?

Therefore, Guan Yu immediately turned his head and shouted an order: "Everyone and I will continue to pursue Sun Quan's son. This Marquis must capture Sun Quan today, and Jiangdong will be destroyed by then!"

The soldiers seemed inspired by Guan Yu's high fighting spirit, and there was a burst of cheers among them immediately.

Therefore, the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in Guan Yu's hand pointed forward, and the cavalry behind him followed him and continued to chase into the valley.

When Guan Yu led the army and continued wandering around in the valley, Lu Meng and Sun Quan were already enjoying the cool air on a hillside, waiting for his chariot.

After a while, the light falling from the sky was even more dim.The color of the green pine leaves on the hillsides on both sides of the valley is now dark green or even black.

At this time, Guan Yu's men also arrived.A smug smile suddenly appeared on Lu Meng's face. The life and death of the invincible Guan Yu is now in his own hands.Therefore, Lu Meng couldn't help feeling extremely proud of this.

So, Lu Meng waved his hand and shouted: "Attack!"

The messenger immediately conveyed Lu Meng's order.

Those Wu army soldiers who had been lying in ambush on both sides of the mountain all stood up from the ground, and threw a large number of rocks, wood and other objects down, making a rumbling sound.They immediately blocked all the exits at both ends of the valley.

Guan Yu couldn't help being taken aback, and immediately realized that he had really been tricked.He felt very regretful immediately, but now that the way out was blocked by the enemy, it might be difficult to retreat.

Guan Yu couldn't help but let out a long sigh in his heart, and immediately sent an order to all the soldiers to dismount.Because according to Guan Yu's rich experience, the enemy will definitely shoot arrows next.If the soldiers were on horseback, the target would be too obvious.

Then, Guan Yu immediately ordered all the soldiers to take out their shields and form a circular formation, guarding Guan Yu tightly in the center.

Guan Yu's countermeasures in advance are absolutely correct.At this time, Lu Meng gave another order, and a bow and arrow team appeared among the Wu army on the mountain, shooting long arrows into the valley continuously. The empty sound resounded throughout the valley!

Due to the Wu army's geographical advantage, they shot condescendingly. Even though Guan Yu's soldiers were protected by shields, they still fell to the ground from time to time with arrows and screamed, which made other soldiers feel terrified.

After three rounds of shooting, Guan Yujun had a total of [-] or [-] people down.

Lu Meng saw that such shooting had little effect, and he couldn't help secretly praising Guan Yu for his amazing military skills.Therefore, Lu Meng ordered the archery team to use rockets instead. Since Guan Yu couldn't be shot, they should be burned with fire.

As a result, countless rockets flew into the sky, and then fell into the valley.In the valley at this time, Wu Jun had already placed countless fire starters, and as soon as they encountered a fire point, they immediately burned wantonly.

The rising flames quickly turned into a big fire, reflecting the valley like daytime, and quickly approached Guan Yu's men and horses.

This time, Guan Yu was really anxious.The reason why he formed the army into a circle just now was simply to hold on until reinforcements arrived.Now that Lu Meng used such vicious tactics of attacking with fire, all his men and horses would be burned to death before the arrival of reinforcements!

So, Guan Yu felt ruthless and decided to give it a go.He suddenly raised his arms and shouted: "Listen, soldiers, the fire has already burned, and we are here to form an formation to wait for death. Why don't you rush up the mountain with me and fight with the enemy army, life or death Just depends on fate!"

When the soldiers heard the words, they suddenly became a little disturbed.Then, Zhou Cang suddenly shouted loudly: "Death and life are fate, we are willing to fight with the king!"

Encouraged by Zhou Cang, the soldiers immediately shouted loudly: "I am willing to fight with the king!"

Guan Yu saw that he now has only 500 people on hand, but the morale is available, and it may not be certain that he may be able to escape.Thinking of this, Guan Yu's self-confidence also rose, and he shouted: "Everyone follow me!" He rushed up the valley first!
(End of this chapter)

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