The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 421 The Sunset Is Boundless

Chapter 421

Seeing Guan Yu on the mountain, Sun Quan dared to charge up to the top. He couldn't help being shocked and said, "Guan Yu is really a man of God, so brave!"

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Lu Meng immediately drew his sword and rushed down, ordering all the archers to shoot at Guan Yu.

Facing the oncoming arrows, Guan Yu put away the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, drew the sword from his body with his right hand and swung it, but none of the arrows could hit him.Then, the soldiers behind him caught up with Qianlai one after another and covered Guan Yu's body with shields.

Guan Yu then continued to charge towards the mountain,

Seeing that Guan Yu had already reached the mountainside of the valley, Sun Quan couldn't help feeling a little scared, and said to Zhou Tai and Ling Tong who were beside him, "What should I do? I'm afraid Guan Yu is going to come up the mountain."

Ling Tong immediately said: "My lord, don't panic, there are the last general and General Zhou here. Even if Guan Yu can charge up, the two last generals will definitely keep the Lord safe and sound."

Hearing Ling Tong's words, Sun Quan became more at ease again.

At this moment, Lu Meng suddenly turned to face behind, and ordered loudly: "I told you to bring out the tung oil that you prepared earlier!"

After receiving Lu Meng's order, hundreds of soldiers soon threw barrels of tung oil that had been prepared towards Guan Yu's path.The oil barrel was smashed to pieces, and the tung oil inside spilled all over the ground.

Guan Yu knew that things were really not good right now.This Lu Meng is really too vicious.Guan Yu had no choice but to shout loudly: "Everyone dodge to a place where there is no tung oil, the enemy's rockets are coming."

Guan Yu was right again, but at this time the effect of predicting the enemy's first opportunity is not great.

Lu Meng immediately ordered loudly: "Rockets are ready, shoot!"

Wu Jun's bow and arrow team just fired a round of rockets, and the tung oil burned into a huge fire, and Guan Yu's men were instantly surrounded by fire.

Many Guan Yu soldiers were burned by the flames, and the severe pain made them subconsciously fall to the ground to put out the fire.But now the ground is full of tung oil, and the result will only make the situation worse. After more tung oil is stained on the body, the flames on the body burn even more fiercely.

At this time, Guan Yu's body inevitably burned, and he quickly dropped the long sword in his hand and extinguished the flames.

Guan Yu was finally out of anger.He shouted loudly, pushed away the soldiers in front of him blocking his way, grabbed the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, and rushed out again!
The soldiers of the Wu army were all dumbfounded when they saw that Guan Yu's figure was able to leap forward quickly in the sea of ​​fire.Even Sun Quan, Lu Meng and others couldn't help opening their eyes wide because of this, feeling that such a thing is really incredible!
Sweat also broke out on Lu Meng's head. He knew that Guan Yu must not be allowed to go up to the top of the mountain, and he shouted: "Follow the rolling wood, the rocket must not stop, keep pouring the oil!"

As the rolling log was lowered, Guan Yu's ascent speed was blocked, and the sword kept smashing the flying wood, stones, and arrows.

However, Guan Yu had no choice but to deal with the ever-burning flames.The clothes on his body were constantly burning.After all, he is a man and not a god. Guan Yu was panting as he swung continuously, and the big knife in his hand began to slow down.

Seeing this, Guan Ping and Zhou Cang hurriedly rushed towards Guan Yu, wanting to support him.

Guan Yu also knew that he had reached the last moment, so he worked hard to rise a lot, and he was about to reach the top of the mountain.

Ma Zhong, Pan Zhang's subordinate on the top of the mountain, was closer to Guan Yu at this time, so he quickly took out his long bow, drew the bow and aimed the arrow at Guan Yu's heart, and shot it out.

Guan Yu discovered Ma Zhong's hidden arrow, but it was a bit late. When he dodged, the hidden arrow had already hit his left shoulder.Guan Yu suddenly let out a deep groan, obviously in great pain, and almost couldn't grasp the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand.

But Guan Yu was Guan Yu, and suddenly he stretched out his hand and broke the shaft of the arrow, and then continued to rush up the mountain. He was really brave!
Seeing Ma Zhong shooting Guan Yu with an arrow, Lu Meng immediately reacted, and immediately ordered the archery team not to shoot randomly, but to concentrate on shooting Guan Yu.

For a moment, countless long arrows poured down on Guan Yu like rain.Guan Yu suddenly felt that the top of his head was dark, which was because the figure of the long arrow blocked the light.

Faced with such a situation, even if Guan Yu is a master of martial arts, it is impossible for Guan Yu to block so many long arrows with his own strength.Guan Yu sighed in his heart, he would inevitably die after all...

Suddenly, "Your Majesty!" Zhou Cang's tall figure suddenly rushed over and crushed Guan Yu under him.Then, Guan Yu heard a messy popping sound like raindrops falling from behind him.

Guan Yu then smelled a bloody smell, turned his head to look, Zhou Cang was already dead at this time, and the blood from the corner of his mouth was flowing on his face.

Guan Yu felt a pain in his heart, so Zhou Cang gently pushed him away, and then picked him up. Zhou Cang's back had been shot into a hornet's nest, filled with long black arrows!
"Zhou Cang...!" Guan Yu weakly shook Zhou Cang's body.But no matter how Guan Yu called, Zhou Cang could no longer reply to him.

Then, the second wave of bows and arrows flew into the sky again.But the sky has completely turned black, only the stars that can be dimmed add a little bit of color to it.

At this time, a sneer appeared on Guan Yu's face, full of determination.

Guan Yu put down Zhou Cang's body, looked up to the sky and shouted loudly: "Big Brother, Third Brother, Yun Chang has fulfilled your trust! I'll take a step first!"

The sound continued to echo in the valley, and it could not go away for a long time.

Guan Ping was also charging towards the mountain, but his speed was a lot behind Guan Yu.Now, Zhou Cang's death and Guan Yu's shout shocked him on the spot.

Then, Guan Yu's tall figure fell heavily.

Guan Ping let out a mournful cry, and tears blurred his eyes.He rushed to the front of Guan Yu's body at the fastest speed, not only the surrounding ground was full of scattered arrows, but the front of Guan Yu's body was also covered with white feather arrows, and the shafts of the arrows were still trembling lightly. .

On the ground, a pool of bright red blood had flowed out, melting some of the snow beside it, forming a small red ditch.

Guan Ping immediately knelt down to help his old father up, called his father several times, but got no response, leaving only Guan Yu's cold body in his arms.

Guan Ping couldn't help letting out a terrifying roar.He suddenly put Guan Yu down, and immediately raised his sword and charged towards the mountain.

Maybe it was because of his youth and strength, or maybe it was because of the power generated by the grief and anger of his father's murder, which made Guan Ping's combat effectiveness even stronger.

I saw Guan Ping's figure constantly moving on the ground, while using his sword to push away the arrows that were shot at him.

Guan Ping's speed was really too fast, and he approached the archery team on the hillside very quickly.When the archers saw that Guan Ping was like a murderous god, the expression on his face had become distorted due to anger, and they were all frightened immediately. Some of them couldn't stand it, and they dropped their bows and arrows and ran away without authorization.

Seeing the momentum, Guan Ping jumped into the archery team.Guan Ping was really brave, and his subordinates could not meet a good general.After he slashed and killed together, he had already killed more than a dozen people.The rest of the people saw that the momentum was not right, and scattered like birds and beasts.

Guan Ping immediately shouted loudly: "Little Sun Quan, come out for me, come out quickly."

Of course, it is impossible for Sun Quan to come out and answer Guan Ping.

Immediately, Guan Ping saw not far above him, standing a young general who was not too tall, who seemed to be less than 20 years old.He recognized at a glance that this person was the one who directed the shooting of Guan Yu.This person is Ma Zhong.

Guan Ping shouted loudly, and immediately swung his sword to kill Ma Zhong.

Seeing Guan Ping approaching with murderous intent, Ma Zhong didn't feel very scared, but rather excited.

But Ma Zhong's next performance was beyond people's expectations.He suddenly turned around and ran to the back, it seemed that he didn't want to fight Guan Ping at all.

Seeing this scene, Guan Ping snorted coldly: "How dare you escape!"

Guan Ping immediately chased after him at the fastest speed.

However, Guan Ping didn't catch up a few steps away, and suddenly felt light under his feet.He couldn't help but exclaimed, Guan Ping's miserable cry came out.Then everything was silent again.

Ma Zhong turned around immediately, with a tricky smile on his face.He rushed down immediately and stretched out his head to look towards the pit.The space was filled with more than a dozen silver spears that had been shaved into pieces, and the heads of seven or eight of them had penetrated Guan Ping's body.

Poor Guan Ping Yongwu, who died under such means!
(End of this chapter)

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