The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 432 Lujiang Upper Armor

Chapter 432 Lujiang Upper Armor ([-])

However, Wu Jun thought that he had spent all his money today.Although they did not have an advantage at the top of the city, they still sent people to the city continuously.

The Jingzhou army on the city adopted the mode of alternately participating in the battle, even though the number was far less than that of the enemy army, they did not appear to be exhausted in the face of the enemy army coming like a tide.Their physical strength is also maintained very well, and they can even eat three meals on time during the battle, which greatly maintains their combat effectiveness.

At this time, Wu Jun's difficult performance, even using his life to win every inch of the city's advancement, was all seen by Sun Quan.His brows were tightly wrinkled for a long time.

Later, Sun Quan couldn't bear it anymore.He immediately ordered Lu Meng to keep an eye on the situation of the battle, and then he took off his robe, revealing the shiny armor underneath.

Sun Quan rushed to the drum stand and shouted loudly to the drummer, "Give me the drumstick!" He reached out and grabbed the drumstick from the drummer, and went up to beat the drum himself.

The thunderous sound of war drums exploded over the bloody Jiangling City.Seeing the lord beating the drums himself, the soldiers of the Wu army couldn't help but feel refreshed, and cheers erupted in some places.

At this time, Zhou Tai also knew that it was time to work hard.

Zhou Tai waved his right hand and shouted loudly: "The Jia army on the Lujiang River and my personal guards obey the order, everyone come with me!"

After Zhou Tai's words fell, he rushed down the city with two hundred personal guards and one hundred Jia soldiers from the Lujiang River, and quickly climbed to the top of the city.

Yu Jin's combat experience is really rich, and he immediately realized the change in the morale of the enemy army.In order to boost the morale of his army, he rushed to the battlefield with his own guards regardless of his own danger.

Soldiers from both sides had a huge collision at the top of the city, knocking out countless bloody flowers.The red-eyed soldiers of both sides have already become crazy because of the blood. They just slashed the weapons in their hands towards each other's body desperately, strangled each other's throat with their arms...

The two sides have completely entered a dead end situation.

Moreover, with Zhou Tai going to the city to supervise the battle, the situation of the Jingzhou Army began to deteriorate.

With the appearance of the Jia Army and Zhou Tai on the Lujiang River, the most powerful combat power of the Wu Army finally appeared.

The Jingzhou army had never encountered such an opponent so far, and they were all stunned.This group of guys who suddenly appeared was actually not many, only 100 people.

But when they stood in the crowd, they were so eye-catching that no one could ignore their existence.

Each of them is more than eight feet tall, and their whole bodies are tightly wrapped in black armor, leaving only two black eye holes, flashing fierce eyes like wild wolves.The machete in their hands was also much larger than normal.I don't know how these people, carrying such heavy equipment, climbed up the city wall.

The sun shone on them, flashing black streamers, they looked like black giants, that kind of momentum was too frightening!

Although the members of Zhou Tai's personal guards were all tall and burly, they paled in comparison with the Lujiang Upper Jia Army.

Looking at the Jingzhou army in front who were so shocked by the appearance of the Jia army on the Lujiang River, Zhou Tai couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face.

Zhou Tai immediately shouted loudly: "Everyone give me!"

The Wu army was led by the Jia army on the Lujiang River in the front, Zhou Tai's guards were in the middle, and ordinary soldiers continued to come up in the back.They launched the most powerful surprise attack on the Jingzhou army at three levels.

At this time, the Jingzhou army also reacted.They knew that on such a cramped city, they had no way to retreat now. They had to either kill all the enemy troops or retreat down the city wall, otherwise all they would have left was their bodies.

The melee troops of the Jingzhou Army rushed up with weapons, and their determination to die allowed them to minimize the shock in their hearts to the Jia Army on the Lujiang River just now.

However, when they came into contact with the Lujiang Shangjia Army, they realized that the shock they had just given was indeed true.

Once their swords set their sights on the heavy black armor on the opponent's body, there will be a crisp sound and a bright flame, and then the sword will bounce to the side, unable to hurt the enemy inside the armor at all!Then, the next thing they have to face is the counterattack of the Jia army on the Lujiang River.

Therefore, after the first wave of contact, the Jingzhou Army was easily killed by the Lujiang Shangjia Army ten lives.Moreover, the deaths of these people were extremely tragic. The opponent's large machete usually slashed at the Jingzhou soldiers, drawing a slightly black bright line in the air.Then, before the Jingzhou soldiers had time to dodge, a burst of blood flashed in front of the person.Either they were cut in half, or they were split in half from head to toe!

A quarter of an hour later, the Jingzhou army's line was forced back a foot by the Lujiang Shangjia army.If it was placed just now, Wu Jun would have to pay at least hundreds of people to achieve such a result, and he may not be able to defend it.

Zhou Tai's figure was actually the tallest in the audience, even taller than those of the Lujiang upper class.He didn't go forward to charge himself, but just stood in the middle of his guards on the second line with a long sword.However, his height advantage allowed him to see the battle ahead clearly without reporting.

A smug smile suddenly appeared on Zhou Tai's face, and he was also sighing in his heart. It is true that Commander Lu Meng dispatched this Lujiang Shangjia army to his side so that he could attack at the most urgent moment. A wise decision!

Zhou Tai then looked into the distance, Yu Jin was standing inside the female wall at this time, thinking that Yu Jin must be very anxious now, right?He even cursed Yu Jin maliciously, weren't you so proud just now?How do you feel now?
In fact, Yu Jin is now as usual, every time he goes to the battlefield, he always has a sullen face, his expression is very serious, and it even makes people feel that he will unconsciously emit a cold breath, which makes people afraid Even if you get too close to him, you can't see any changes in his heart.

Therefore, even though Yu Jin is now surrounded by guards, they are actually a little far away from his side, leaving a small space around Yu Jin.

The Jingzhou Army of the Jia Army on the Lujiang River may not have seen it.Yu Jin was once one of the five good generals under Cao Cao's command. During the Battle of Chibi, Zhou Yu's plan by Cao Cao mistakenly killed Cai Hao and Zhang Yun, the captains of the navy, so Yu Jin and Mao Jie replaced them as captains of the navy.He may have fought against Zhou Yu's characters on the front line.

This Lujiang Shangjia Army was formed by Zhou Yu back then, and made great achievements in the Battle of Chibi.Yu Jin's men had suffered a great loss at their hands, how could he not recognize them?

Therefore, Yu Jin felt a little heavy in his heart now.He couldn't help thinking that the team formed by Lu Bu's Gao Shun back then was able to defeat Cao Wei's strongest cavalry tiger and leopard cavalry.But a small part of that army is now in the hands of Zhang Liao, and because of their special background, they have been strictly ordered to be stationed near Hefei, and they can hardly be used without authorization.

But now is not the time to lament the past, Yu Jin's mind suddenly started to work, and he tried his best to think about the strategy to retreat from the enemy.

So, in order to buy more time, Yu Jin also decided to go all out.He immediately called Mao Hun, the captain of his guard, and ordered in a loud voice: "Mao Hun, you immediately lead the guards to block the enemy's Lujiang upper armor army. Remember, I want you to do whatever it takes. At least give me half an hour to hold on. If you don't do it, you don't have to come back to see me!"

Mao Hun was stunned for a moment, and his face even turned a little pale. Yu Jin had given them a death order.Then, Mao Hun couldn't help but said anxiously: "General Yu, if the officials and others attack here, who will protect your safety?"

Yu Jin gave a rare sigh, and turned his head to look at the fair-skinned swordsman behind him, whose figure was about the same as Yu Jin himself, and dressed in a suit.The expression on the swordsman's face was very indifferent, just calmly watching the fight ahead.This person was Huang Quan who was sent to Jiangling by Liu Chan to serve as the guard swordsman for Yu Jin.

Yu Jin said: "If I have Huang Quan here, there shouldn't be any danger."

Yu Jin's words are of course unbelievable.After Huang Quan heard it, although he didn't express anything on the surface, he knew in his heart that once the enemy's army rushed over, even if there were ten of him, it would be impossible for him to protect Yu Jin's safety.This is on the battlefield, not fighting in the rivers and lakes.

Of course Mao Hun also knew this, and he knew even more in his heart that the reason why Yu Jin said this was nothing more than to comfort himself, showing that he would never change his order.Although Mao Hun has been with Yu Jin for a short time, he is clear about Jin's temper.

Mao Hun bowed his hands to Huang Quan, and said solemnly: "Huang Zhuangshi, the safety of General Yu Jin will be left to you."

Huang Quan returned the courtesy and said: "Captain Mao, feel free to step forward and kill the enemy. Even if Huang Quan fights for his life, he will guarantee the safety of General Yu Jin."

Mao Hun nodded, and then ordered ten guards to stay, and then rushed out with the rest of the guards.

(End of this chapter)

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