The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 433 Lujiang Upper Armor

Chapter 433 Lujiang Upper Armor ([-])

Mao Hun's guards are indeed not vegetarian.After their joining, the situation of the retreating Jingzhou Army was quickly stabilized.The Jia Army on the Lujiang River had nothing to do with them for a while, and the two sides fell into a stalemate for a while.

However, this is not to say that the combat effectiveness of Mao Hun's escort team can really rival the Lujiang Shangjia Army.The reason for this is actually somewhat subtle.

The Lujiang Upper Armored Army is a heavy armored force.Although each of their team members is tall, but even so, wearing such a set of armor weighing hundreds of catties all the time is definitely a very labor-intensive job.

In addition, when they climbed the city wall just now, they also consumed a lot of physical strength, and now after a lot of fighting, their physical strength has almost been exhausted.

Therefore, when the Lujiang Shangjia Army is facing the physically strong guards of Shangmao, it is natural that they can no longer completely occupy an absolute advantage as before.In fact, even at some times, the guards could even take advantage of the slowing down of the movements of the Jia army on the Lujiang River to launch a counterattack against them.

Therefore, under the leadership of Mao Hun's guards, the fighting between the two sides reached a climax again, and even caused some casualties of the Jia army on the Lujiang River.

Having experienced many battles, Zhou Tai quickly realized the current problems of the Jia Army on the Lujiang River.He decisively replaced the Lujiang Shangjia Army, and then sent out his own escort, trying to fight the escort with the escort.

However, this way of fighting is indeed a spectacle.There has never been a case in this world where the main generals of both sides sent their own guards to directly serve as the bureau to fight each other against the main force in the front.

However, what Zhou Tai did was actually right, at least it made the embarrassing situation of the Jia army on the Lujiang River gradually develop in the direction of a balance of power between the two sides.

At this moment, with a flash of light in Yu Jin's eyes, he suddenly called a messenger and gave him an order in a low voice.Huang Quan is the closest to Yu Jin, and he has high martial arts skills, of course he has very good hearing. He heard Yu Jin's orders clearly, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Half an hour later, the Lujiang Shangjia Army replaced Zhou Tai's guards and stepped forward to fight again.

At this time, the two sides were already on the top of the city, and each left hundreds of corpses.Blood was sprinkled everywhere on the entire city, and all the places with potholes were even filled with blood, and under the sunlight, they gave off an unpleasant smell of blood.

Just when the two sides fought for more than a quarter of an hour, Yu Jin's side suddenly blew gold.

Mao Hun was taken aback for a moment, but the military order was like a mountain. Although he was not reconciled in his heart, he still gave the order to the soldiers around him to retreat.

Zhou Tai couldn't help feeling suspicious, he couldn't figure out the reason for Yu Jin's sudden retreat.Because Yu Jin's army is not at an absolute disadvantage now, why give up the city?Isn't he afraid that his own army will rush into the city and capture Jiangling City?

It was Zhou Tai's hesitation that made Mao Hun quickly evacuate everyone.

Seeing this, Yu Jin suddenly shouted to a group of hundreds of soldiers behind him, "Attack!"

I saw that all those soldiers were throwing countless pots and pans towards Zhou Tai.After they fell to pieces on the ground, some liquid flowed out of them, and splashed on many Jia soldiers on the Lujiang River.

Someone from Zhou Tai's side suddenly shouted, "Isn't this oil?"

Zhou Tai's heart moved, and surprise suddenly appeared on his ugly face.Zhou Tai guessed Yu Jin's intentions, and couldn't help shouting loudly: "Fire attack! This bastard Yu Jin actually used fire attack on the top of the wall! Has he gone crazy! Everyone get out of the top of the wall!"

When Yu Jin heard Zhou Tai's shout, a cruel smile appeared on his face.He raised his right hand, and the rockets of the archers behind him were wound up.

Yu Jin's right hand fell, and the rocket flew up.On the top of the city in front, a huge fire suddenly ignited.From inside came the sharp and creepy screams of many Jia soldiers on the Lujiang River when they were buried in the sea of ​​fire because they couldn't retreat in time.

Sun Quan had stopped beating the drums at this time, and had already returned to Lu Meng's side to continue watching the battle.When the flames ignited from the top of the city, Sun Quan was really stunned, and couldn't help exclaiming: "My Lujiang Shangjia Army! It's over, it's over..." Sun Quan's face suddenly turned pale, and his tall His body trembled slightly from grief and anger.

In fact, the number of Jiajun on the Lujiang River has never been more than 200 people.Sun Quan brought out 100 people this time, which is half of the total.Now that the top of the city is suddenly on fire, I am afraid that few of them will be able to return.Sun Quan's heartache can be seen.

Lu Meng quickly comforted Sun Quan and said, "My lord, don't be anxious. This time, the Jia army on the Lujiang River has played enough functions. Please see, my lord, the fire at the top of the city is really too big this time. If I expect it to be right, Jiangling The city wall cannot withstand such a big fire. Soon, that section of the city wall will inevitably collapse."

Sun Quan heard the words, and then he remembered that this is indeed the truth.

Therefore, when Huang Quan heard Yu Jin's order, the expression on his face changed. It can be seen that he and Lu Meng have long thought of going together.

Sun Quan finally felt a little relieved, and asked, "Captain Lu, shall we continue to send troops to attack above?"

Lu Meng nodded firmly, and said: "Yu Jin is a general in a hundred battles. It is absolutely impossible for him to think that his tactics of using fire attacks are just expedient ones. He even knows that he is making a risky move and wants to use a section of the wall to attack the city." The price is in exchange for the Lujiang Shangjia Army with the strongest combat effectiveness in our army!"

Sun Quan suddenly couldn't help but snorted coldly, obviously he hated the ban to the bone.

Lu Meng looked at Sun Quan, and then said: "So, instead of retreating, our army should continue to launch more violent attacks in other parts of the city. In this way, the morale of our army will not be low, and the morale of the enemy army will not be lowered." It will also be suppressed!"

Sun Quan secretly admired Lu Meng's skill in using troops, and praised: "What Dudu Lu said is very true! Then Gu will send an order to Zhou Tai now, let him continue to send troops to attack various cities!"

However, Lu Meng stopped Sun Quan's order and said: "My lord, General Zhou Tai's troops are very tired now, we should let them down for a while to rest."

Sun Quan couldn't help but wondered: "But the attack..."

Lu Meng smiled and said, "Don't we have an army here? It's time for them to go up and try their skills."

Lu Meng's words were tactful.In fact, this army can be said to be used to protect Sun Quan's safety, and it cannot be used easily.

But Sun Quan is not an ordinary cowardly person.After thinking for a while, he immediately ordered Zhou Tai to withdraw his troops.Then, he actually threw his army into battle.

After the flames at the top of the city burned for a quarter of an hour, the high temperature finally made the city wall unable to support it.With a bang, a corner of the outer side of the city head collapsed.

Sun Quan and Lu Meng were overjoyed, and Sun Quan couldn't help laughing.Because after the temperature above cools down, there will be the most important position for their attack.

But after a while, both Sun Quan and Lu Meng were dumbfounded.

Suddenly many ordinary people appeared on the top of the city, and they quickly moved out pieces of square, brick-like things towards the top of the city.As quickly as possible, they stacked bricks and stones on top of the collapsed city wall, poured mud and water on them, and it was over.Soon, the gap in the wall was repaired by one-third!

Sun Quan couldn't help pointing at the top of the city and exclaimed, "Why are they repairing so fast?!"

Lu Meng shook his head, expressing that he didn't know, but his complexion was not good-looking, at least he felt that he still underestimated Yu Jin's ability.

In fact, this is all thanks to Liu Chan's transformation of Jiangling City.But in his plan, the moat outside the city was deepened and widened.Then it would be very troublesome to transport the excavated soil to other places.

Therefore, Liu Chan suggested that Mi Fang make the soil into adobe and pile it behind the city wall.Once the city wall is damaged during the war, people can be sent to carry the adobe to the top of the city immediately, and the gap can be repaired as quickly as possible.

In fact, once the army lacks rolling stones and wood that can defend the city, those adobes can still come in handy.It's really versatile.

Facts have proved that Liu Chan's move is indeed very effective.

Therefore, the two sides then started a new life-and-death battle around that gap.Sun Quan's army desperately wanted to prevent the repair of the gap, while Yu Jin's army wanted to protect the repair of the gap.

But two hours later, it was already dark, and the gap was finally repaired.

In desperation, Sun Quan temporarily ordered the army to stop the attack with a sense of frustration.

Then, the siege continued for another six full days.

Although Wu Jun maintained an absolute advantage in numbers and a momentum of onslaught.However, under the command of Yu Jin, Mi Fang, Pan Jun and others, the top of Jiangling City was firmly controlled by the Jingzhou army, and the Wu army still failed to successfully capture Jiangling City.

(End of this chapter)

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