The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 437 Jingzhou Strategy

Chapter 437 Jingzhou Strategy ([-])

Liu Chan's small wooden stick moved to the north, suddenly pointed to Poyang Lake, and said: "Poyang Lake is the base camp of the Soochow Water Army. Since Zhou Yu's era, they have been training the water army here, and it is the base camp of the Soochow Water Army. Soochow The reason why they can take sides is because they have a super powerful navy. Therefore, once our army wants to get involved in Poyang Lake, it is impossible for them to agree, and they will definitely send out all their forces to fight back. With such a force, we It’s not strong enough to bear it now.”

Wang Fu nodded, understood what Liu Chan meant, and secretly admired the son for his thoughtfulness.

Liu Chan moved the small wooden stick to the west again, stopped at Dongting Lake, and said: "Actually, my intention is that the first goal of our army's war this time is to untie the siege of Jiangling City; the second is to capture Dongting Lake." control!"

When Liu Chan said this, Shi Guangyuan suddenly exclaimed, pointed at Dongting Lake and shouted: "Water army! You want to organize a water army there!"

Liu Chan smiled slightly and nodded towards Shi Guangyuan.It seems that Shi Guangyuan saw through his intention at once, but it also surprised Shi Guangyuan. After all, this plan is indeed bold enough, and he has the intention of challenging Jiangdong Navy.

Liu Chan said: "So, our army must take the two cities of Baling and Baqiu on the east side of Dongting Lake. In this case, from north to south: Baling - Baqiu - Changsha - Ancheng - Youxian - Moyang - The front line of Guiyang is a complete line of defense for our army. As long as our army holds this line of defense, we may have enough time to train a navy to challenge Soochow!"

Wang Fu let out a long breath when he heard this, the son's courage is really incredible.At this time, if Guan Junhou was still there, it would be incomparable.

Shi Guangyuan's bearing was unmatched by Wang Fu.He has calmed down now, pointed to the Public Security City and said, "Your strategy still lacks a stable operability."

Liu Chan wondered: "The number of our army is about [-]. It should be enough to control the large area from Xiangyang to Guiyang. Why do you say that?"

Shi Guangyuan said: "I suggest that, in addition to defeating Sun Quan's main army besieging Jiangling City, our army should try to encircle and wipe out Xu Sheng's army on the south bank of the Yangtze River. Most of Xu Sheng's troops are from Soochow. If the troops in the Jingzhou territory are wiped out, it will correspondingly weaken their counterattack force against the Jingzhou area in the future."

Liu Chan really didn't think of this, and said with a smile: "Mr. Shi is right. Destroying the enemy's vital forces is indeed the most thorough means of defeating the enemy. Moreover, the area where Xu Sheng is located is distributed with large areas of mountains and hills. Surround them." It would be more convenient if you do.”

Then, Liu Chan asked Zhuge Qiao to record Shi Guangyuan's suggestion.

Wang Fu went on to say: "Then next, the son will talk about how to defeat Sun Quan's army."

Liu Chan said with a smile: "In the early stage of the next war, I'm afraid we must first stick to the principle of 'consumption'!"

Wang Fu wondered, "Consumption?"

Liu Chan said confidently: "Yes, it means 'waste', we will waste time with Sun Quan."

Wang Fu obviously couldn't agree with Liu Chan's method, and said, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid this will not last long for our army. The supply of food and grass for our army is not a small problem, and the morale of our army is now It's not stable either. Besides, how long the army in Jiangling City can hold on is the biggest problem."

These few words of Wang Fu completely hit all the weaknesses of the Jingzhou Army.

It's impossible for Liu Chan not to know this, but he feels that Jiangling City's defense has been defended for more than half a year after his transformation some time ago, and it is definitely not a problem.As for the issue of food and grass, as long as there is the support of Hanzhong and the three eastern counties, the problem is not very big.

Liu Chan said what he said.Then, he pointed to Jiangzhou and said:

"The news of my second uncle's death will definitely reach my third uncle in Chengdu and Jiangzhou within these two days. The two of them must be furious. My third uncle will definitely ask for troops to take revenge, and my father should agree , and even personally conscript. But now is not the best time for Jiangzhou to send troops, so I have sent a letter to Chengdu, requesting Fazheng and Zhuge Military Adviser to prevent my father from conscripting. The time for Jiangzhou to send troops will be at least until In spring, when the water in the Yangtze River becomes plentiful. Because at that time, my third uncle’s army can advance along the Yangtze River by water and land, and can also use the waterway to replenish our army. This will inevitably put great pressure on Wu’s army.”

Shi Guangyuan nodded and said: "This is very good. At that time, General Zhang Fei's military prestige will be the most powerful, and the morale of the Wu army will inevitably drop to the bottom because of the long-term attack on Jiangling City. The morale of our army will also recover at that time. In the meantime, Sun Quan and Lu Meng will not fail to see it. Therefore, they may really choose to withdraw their troops when the time comes."

After listening to Liu Chan, he suddenly remembered that he still has two cards in his hand that can deal with Jiang Dong.

Liu Chan's heart moved, and the small stick pointed to the territory of the Wuxi Man in the west of Wuling, and said: "Maybe we can ask the Wuxi Man to send troops to outflank Xu Sheng's army from the south, then this army will have no escape! "

Shi Guangyuan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he felt that Liu Chan's approach was also a solution.But Wang Fujiu was in Jingzhou, and said: "Wuxi Man has always been on his own side, and since I established the Han Dynasty, I have often rebelled. I remember that General Fubo, Ma Yuan, once quelled the rebellion of Wuxi Man. In this way barbarians, can we recruit them?"

In fact, the issue between ethnic groups is really the most complicated thing.Every nation has a tendency to be self-reliant in its heart, but the Celestial Dynasty also advocates great unity, so it is impossible to grant too much autonomy.

Once the interests of the nation conflict with the interests of the state, it is difficult to appeal to the nation's reasonable demands, and in the end it will only lead to riots.In the eyes of the country's rulers, this means that the barbarians refused to accept the king's transformation and started rebelling again.Thus, the army's repression began again.Repeating this cycle has intensified the antagonism between nations, and the problems of nations can never be truly resolved.

Liu Chan said: "Mr. Wang doesn't need to worry too much about this. If you want to take what you want, you must give it first. As long as the conditions offered by the other party are reasonable enough, after they send troops, they will only have an interest relationship with us, and there will be no trust issues. "

Liu Chan's explanation is straightforward enough, and he does not avoid the ugly term "collusion of interests" at all.What else can Wang Fu say about this?Shut up for now.

In fact, if Wuxi Man's dispatch of troops still fails to completely change the situation in Jingzhou, Liu Chan will use the last card in his hand: to lure Shanyue in the territory of Soochow to erupt a large-scale rebellion.

At that time, the backyard of his family will start to burn, and there will be a strong enemy in front of him. Sun Quan should obediently lead his army to leave Nanjun, or even Jingzhou...

(End of this chapter)

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