The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 438 Supplementary Plan

Chapter 438 Supplementary Plan
After the discussions that day were over, it was already early in the morning, so Liu Chan asked Zhuge Qiao to order the Huotou Army to prepare a supper, and ate supper with Shi Guangyuan and others before going back to rest.

The next morning, Wang Fu did not come to see Liu Chan, and neither Liao Hua nor Liao Sheng came from their respective barracks.Because time was too tight, Wang Fu had sent a notice to the barracks of the two men's barracks last night, asking them to quickly select soldiers who met the requirements.Wang Fu himself didn't sleep at all that day, and spent the night selecting soldiers.

So, the next morning, Liu Chan just saw Shi Guangyuan.

After reviewing the plan discussed yesterday, the two of them found that killing Jiang Qin with a single shot might really be in danger of being insufficient.What's more, there is indeed a lot of variables in whether it can be killed successfully.Therefore, this action needs a supplementary plan, so that it should be more sure.

After thinking for a while, Shi Guangyuan pointed to a place in the southwest of Dangyang: Yiling, and said, "Maybe this Yiling County can be used."

Liu Chan frowned, of course he knew where this Yiling was, and he even knew the meaning of the place name: the so-called "Yiling" means that the mountain is here and the water is here.It means that when the mountain reaches here, it becomes a small hill.When the water reaches here, the danger is saved.In other words, when the high mountains of Western Shu came here, they almost became hills and plains, and became a watershed in the terrain.

Moreover, it was in this place in another time and space that Sun Quan boldly appointed Lu Xun to replace Lu Meng as the governor, and fought the most famous active defense battle in the Three Kingdoms with Liu Bei, who was personally conquered, and achieved the victory in the three major battles of the Three Kingdoms era. The last game.

This battle almost wiped out Liu Bei's own army, and at the same time announced that the power of the Shu Han had been greatly reduced after Guan Yu lost Jingzhou, which made Liu Bei depressed and died in the future.Since then, Shuhan has become the weakest of the Three Kingdoms.

Liu Chan originally felt that the current situation was completely different from the situation in Jingzhou in another time and space, so he never paid much attention to Yiling.

But at this time, Liu Chan took a closer look and found that the geographical location of Yiling is very important, and it is the main land route for inhaling the land of Shu.If we can take it from the Wu army now and firmly control it in our own hands, it will indeed open the most convenient door for Zhang Fei's Jiangzhou army to enter the Jingzhou area in the future.

After all, maybe Fazheng and Zhuge's military division could prevent Liu Bei's personal conquest, but judging from the reality, Liu Bei will eventually make a statement and account for Guan Yu's death.Therefore, once Zhang Fei asks for a fight, Liu Bei will definitely not be able to refuse.Then, apart from delaying Zhang Fei's dispatch as much as possible, Army Master Zhuge and the others couldn't stop him from making the trip.

Therefore, the ownership of Yiling is indeed not that important now, but it will definitely be the most important stronghold in the future, ensuring that the Jiangzhou Army can send troops by water and land as quickly as possible.

Thinking of this, Liu Chan secretly sighed in his heart that his thoughts sometimes were too thorough.Fortunately, what Shi Guangyuan said now made Liu Chan think about it in his heart, and he saw a direction of the future battle of Jingzhou several months in advance.

Liu Chan shouted in his heart to thank God and Shi Guangyuan, this is simply a wonderful gift from God in advance!It seems that next, he will formulate a plan to conquer Yiling.

However, Liu Chan knew in his heart that when Shi Guangyuan mentioned Yiling now, he definitely didn't mean to guarantee Zhang Fei's smooth dispatch of troops in the future, and obviously had other intentions.After all, what the two of them are discussing now has nothing to do with Zhang Fei.

Liu Chan asked, "Sir, what is your purpose in pointing out Yiling?"

Shi Guangyuan smiled and said, "Yiling was killed by Guan Junhou, and after our army retreated, it fell into the hands of the Wu army. They also used the city of Yiling to guard the banks of the Yangtze River, making our army now It is impossible to get close to the Yangtze River at all, and it is impossible to echo Deng Ai's Gong'an City from afar."

Liu Chan nodded. What Shi Guangyuan said made sense.In fact, if you want to cross the Yangtze River from the north bank to Gongan City, it will be closer to go north of Yidao City.But the vicinity there is actually Zhijiang, which is where Jiang Qin's army deployed defenses, and there is no way to go there.That's why Shi Guangyuan now refers to Yiling as a place that can echo the city of Gong'an.

Liu Chan said: "What you said makes sense, but what does it have to do with our army's actions this time?"

Shi Guangyuan smiled confidently: "You just came to Dangyang, so you don't know much about the situation in Nanjun. According to information, there is now an army of 3000 people stationed in Yiling City. Their general is Xie Jing, and the lieutenant general is Li Yi."

Liu Chan said oh, these two people did participate in the war against Jingzhou in another time and space, and they both had the record of defeating the Jingzhou army and achieved good results.Moreover, according to the novel, these two men were fierce generals in the Wu army, and they claimed to have undeserved courage, but they both died at the hands of Zhang Bao.

Liu Chan then asked: "So, sir, have you put these two people on the kill list?"

Shi Guangyuan nodded and said with a smile: "That's right. The army under the command of these two men has 3000 people, which is indeed not small. It must be more than enough to defend a county. Among them, they are all known for their bravery, but they are not outstanding in terms of intelligence. Moreover, after the commander of our army lost his heart, he either retreated in great strides, or hid in the military stronghold, and there is no record of going to war."

Liu Chan immediately understood.Under such an enemy-our situation, in Li Yi and Xie Jing's hearts, if they didn't think that the Jingzhou army had been beaten to pieces by them, at least they would have a little contempt for the Jingzhou army.

Shi Guangyuan is best at taking advantage of the enemy's psychological weaknesses. It seems that Li Yi and Xie Jing cannot escape Shi Guangyuan's palm this time.

Liu Chan asked: "Then sir, are you going to use the strategy of surprise attacking Yiling City this time, or the strategy of luring the snake out of the cave?"

When Shi Guangyuan heard the words, he knew that Liu Chan had tacitly understood his intentions.He was silent for a while, and then began to lightly tap the table with his fingers again, making a few thuds, which made the study less lifeless.

After a long while, Shi Guangyuan looked up at Liu Chan, his face relaxed a lot, and said: "It is more difficult to lead the snake out of the hole, the chance of success is relatively small, and the operation is also difficult. I think it is more appropriate to use the strategy of surprise attack." .”

Liu Chan nodded.In the strategy of luring the snake out of the hole, the initiative of both sides is [-]% to [-]%. The design on your own side has [-]% of the initiative.

Shi Guangyuan continued: "Since surprise attacks are used, the choice of timing is the most important."

Liu Chan thought for a while and said, "You can choose the night when our army killed Jiang Qin, or the night of the next day. At that time, most of the attention of Li Yi and Xie Jing will definitely be attracted. They went to Jiangling City."

Seeing that Liu Chan agreed to use a surprise attack, Shi Guangyuan even planned the time for dispatching troops, secretly praising Liu Chan for indeed knowing how to fight.He said: "The time point can be confirmed as late at night the day after tomorrow. Then, who will lead the troops to fight next. General Liao Hua and Liao Sheng are the candidates who can take on this task."

But Liu Chan said: "Yiling City is not very far from Jingshan. I don't want to expose Gai Meng's cavalry, so I can order Ni Hen to lead the entire garrison in Jingshan, plus 1000 people seconded from the barbarians. , it is definitely enough to surprise a small Yiling City."

Shi Guangyuan nodded and said: "The day after tomorrow, if you send troops from Jingshan Mountain, you should be able to catch up."

Therefore, this supplementary plan was determined in this way.At this time, it was almost noon of the day.

Only then did Liu Chan and Shi Guangyuan go out, came to the military camp in the city, and began to personally check the situation of the army in the city.Of course, they also met Wang Fu.It's just that Wang Fu was really too busy at that time, after everyone just exchanged a few words, Wang Fu went back to busy himself.

Then, half an hour later, Liao Hua and Liao Sheng also arrived with their troops.

Liu Chan and Shi Guangyuan went out in person and welcomed them in. Everyone couldn't help exchanging pleasantries.

(End of this chapter)

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