The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 439 Killing Jiang Qin

Chapter 439 Killing Jiang Qin ([-])

On the night of the second day, although the weather was extremely cold, Liu Chan still ordered to attack the troops. He got up at the third watch to bury the pot to make food, and around the fourth watch, the whole army was dispatched.

When the sun rose in the morning, they came to a distance of fifteen miles outside Zhijiang City, and quickly occupied a slightly higher hillock to set up their formation.

This small hill is not high, and its range is not very wide. Facing the direction of Jiangling City in the north, it is a long slope, and the slope is not particularly steep.However, in such a place, it is more than enough to deploy an army of 8000 people.

Not far from the hill is a small piece of Fengshui forest with many still lush pine trees.There are strings of white snow hanging on many branches.Thirty li to the east of this place is the Zhangshui River that flows from Jingshan Mountain.The Zhang River isolates the Zhijiang River to the west of Jiangling City.

Liu Chan's army now obviously has a numerical advantage, but Liu Chan still moves closer to occupy the favorable terrain such as the small hill first.Then, he divided the army into the left, middle and right wings according to the general practice.

Among them, there are 3000 people in the central army, but no cavalry is arranged; on the left wing, there are 500 infantry and 800 cavalry, a total of 300 people; on the right wing, there are 500 infantry and 200 cavalry. .

However, the cavalry is the mobile force and the main assault force in this battle, so Liu Chan hid it behind the small hill.When the time is right, Liu Chan will order them to go around this small hill and attack suddenly from the two wings.This is another reason why Liu Chan did not leave cavalry in the Chinese army formation.

Since Liu Chan's army came swaggeringly, there is no reason why Jiang Qin's scout team could not find it.Therefore, Jiang Qin quickly led the army to appear.Moreover, they marched in formation to meet the battle.

But what surprised Liu Chan was that among the Wu army, which had always lacked war horses, there was a cavalry team this time, with a number of about a thousand people.

The sudden appearance made Liu Chan stunned for a minute or two.However, he still reacted quickly.

What if the enemy has cavalry to fight?This can only show that Sun Quan really attached great importance to the southern flank, so he was willing to hand over the few cavalry to Jiang Qin for use.

However, the use of cavalry is a difficult tactic, and the number of cavalry in Jiang Qin's team is only half of that in Liu Chan's cavalry.So Liu Chan felt that he still had the chance to win, not to mention that he was calculating Jiang Qin's unintentional intentions now!
However, watching the formation of the Eastern Wu army gradually entering his field of vision in a neat phalanx, Liu Chan suddenly felt inexplicably that the blood in his whole body began to boil.The blood rushed to the top of his head, and he felt a little dizzy. This is definitely a feeling of nervousness on the spot.

Liu Chan couldn't help but looked to the left and right, but Shi Guangyuan's expression was as usual, appearing quite calm.Zhao Feng's performance was also similar, with a pair of piercing eyes closely facing the enemy army opposite.As Zuo Fu and Shi Hui were behind them, Liu Chan was too embarrassed to turn his head to look.

Liu Chan sighed secretly in his heart, and then he came first to stabilize his mentality.

With the appearance of the enemy army, an enemy general in the army attracted Liu Chan's attention.

The enemy general must be over 40 years old, or even close to 50 years old.His eyebrows are extremely thick and black, his armor is very bright in the sun, and he is more than eight feet tall.

Under his crotch was a pitch-black steed, its hair as black as if it had been coated with oil, and it walked forward slowly.He straightened his waist like a silver spear, and the armor on his body set off his sturdy figure and aura.

Liu Chan has never met Jiang Qin before, so now he is not sure that this person is Jiang Qin.But there is one thing that Liu Chan can be sure of. This person's position in the Wu army will definitely not be low.

Liu Chan then asked Shi Guangyuan, "Sir, is the general who takes the lead in the enemy line already Jiang Qin?"

Shi Guangyuan has been fighting with the Wu army in Nanjun for a long time, and he also knows a lot about the generals of the enemy army.He nodded and said, "This man is really Jiang Qin. It's unbelievable that a man of his stamina turned into a bandit in the past, thinking about it now!"

Liu Chan smiled, Gan Ning and Gan Xingba were the first-class water thieves back then!He couldn't help laughing and said: "It's just him!" A gleam flashed in his eyes, and the murderous intent in his heart had already emerged.

Liu Chan immediately called the main characters who participated in the battle, Liao Hua, Liao Sheng, Zhao Feng, Shi Hui, Zuo Fu and others, to them, but their faces were full of solemnity.

Then, Liu Chan pointed to Jiang Qin, telling everyone to recognize his face clearly, so as not to be troublesome when finding the wrong person.

After everyone expressed their recognition, Shi Hui suddenly asked Liu Chan excitedly: "My lord, besides killing that Jiang Qin, can other generals also be killed?"

Liu Chan looked at Shi Hui, she hasn't been on the battlefield for a long time, that's why she looks so excited now, right?Liu Chan glanced at Zhao Feng again, and found that his expression was indeed a bit embarrassed. With such a wife who likes to fight and kill, it is indeed enough for him to drink a pot.

But Liu Chan didn't intend to dampen Shi Hui's enthusiasm, and said with a smile: "Your own safety is the top priority, and killing Jiang Qin is the top priority. I won't interfere with you in other matters."

When everyone heard it, they immediately became excited.

Liao Sheng and Zhao Feng, the two have always been under Liu Chan's command, and they knew that Liu Chan had issued a general order. Now it seems that the crown prince is going to authorize them to lead the charge in the front this time.Of course everyone was happy.

The other person is Liao Hua.He has served under Guan Yu the longest, and naturally he has the greatest hatred for Wu Jun. He will definitely not be lenient if he can kill a lot today.

After a while, Jiang Qin's army stopped at a distance of about 300 meters from Liu Chan's army.At such a distance, the faces of the opponent's soldiers can already be seen clearly.

The weapons in their hands shone brightly in the sun like snow on the ground in the distance, which was really murderous.It can also be seen that their aura is really very majestic. It may not be easy for Liu Chan's army to defeat them easily.

Liu Chan turned his head to consult Shi Guangyuan and said, "Sir, our army is almost ready to attack, right?"

Shi Guangyuan nodded.

When Liu Chan saw that Head of State Shi Guang was willing, he called the messengers and said, "Order the soldiers on each wing of our army to let all the archers put their arrows on the strings. The cavalry on the two wings temporarily hide their whereabouts and do not move. The rest of the infantry are ready to fight! "

(End of this chapter)

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