Chapter 5 Hero Tenderness
Zen is like when Sun Shangxiang was still in Jingzhou in the past, he had to take a walk in the garden alone every day, this is a habit developed together with Sun Shangxiang.

Liu Chan let out a long breath, which turned into a puff of white mist under the winter sun, and then lightly dissipated, disappearing into a part of the air.

Looking back on the past few years, studying with Mr. Zhang Xing has indeed taught him a lot of knowledge.

He is not a philosopher, or a wise man who knows the secrets like Lord Pound.But if you count the age of his previous life Yang Hansheng, his mind is actually more than 30 years old, mature enough.So he was able to learn while thinking, and gradually became convinced:
Since God let him be reborn as a Dou, it is to give him a chance to live again, and he must strive for a different life for himself no matter what.What's more, he even lost his mother now, so what else can't be lost?
Liu Chan felt it was time for a change.He no longer wants to be trapped in this home that is protected like a cage.He needs strength and many supporters in order to achieve his grand goal of saving the common people in the world.

This year, Sun Shangxiang has been away for more than six years, and Liu Chan is also 12 years old.

In the past few years, a series of major events have occurred, which seems to indicate to Liu Chan that the original trajectory of the history of the Three Kingdoms seems to have really reversed.

In the 20th year of Jian'an, Cao Cao's army was divided into two groups. One army was led by Xia Houdun to attack Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, and the other army was led to attack Jingzhou due to the ban, trying to contain Guan Yu's army.Because Cao Cao has been keenly aware that Liu Zhang has been unable to resist Liu Bei for a long time.So he tried to capture Hanzhong, and then went directly south to capture Yizhou. Even if he couldn't, he could use Hanzhong to strangle Liu Bei's future march to Guanzhong and the Northwest.

But history has once again taken a surprising turn.First of all, Guan Yu's Jingzhou Army blocked Yu Jin's crazy attack, and Kong Ming did not sit still, he made a move.He handed over most of the army to the command of Fazheng, and faced a stalemate with the rebels in Yizhou. He led the newly conquered Ma Chao, veteran Huang Zhong and Wei Yan to attack Cao Jun from Jiameng Pass.

Although the relationship between Liu Bei and the Hanzhong Army was still tense at this time, what kind of character is Kong Ming, how could Xia Houdun succeed so easily?Under his strategizing, Liu Bei finally reached a temporary reconciliation with Zhang Lu, and after receiving the most sufficient supply support from Hanzhong, the two armies resisted Xiahou Dun's crazy attack of 20 troops near Yangping Pass.

A year later, Cao Jun had to retreat due to the severe blow of Liu Bei's army on the transportation line of troops and grain, which caused a crisis in the supply of military grain.Xiahou Dun's expedition to Hanzhong ended in failure.

Although Liu Chan got the news of the Hanzhong war very late, it still made him very happy.Because Hanzhong is not lost, it means that Liu Beijun will have the opportunity to capture Hanzhong before Cao Cao in the future and build it as a base for the Northern Expedition.

Because in another time and space, although Cao Cao captured Hanzhong and was captured by Liu Bei's army, most of the residents of Hanzhong had been moved to the north by him at that time, resulting in a situation where no one was farming thousands of miles of fertile fields in Hanzhong.This indirectly led to the subsequent Northern Expedition of Kongming. Because Hanzhong could not become a strong logistics supply base, almost every time it retreated due to insufficient food and grass.

Liu Bei's army was extremely exhausted after fighting from three directions, so even if Kong Ming returned to Yizhou again, the stalemate between the two armies would be difficult to break quickly, so that the Jingzhou army could only fight while repairing the army.

It was not until more than a year later that Fazheng led his army from the south and Kong Ming led his army from the north. The two armies finally encircled Chengdu.Half a year later, under Mr. Jian Yong's persuasion, Liu Zhang went out of the city to surrender.Since then, Liu Bei has finally won the land of Yizhou!

After the news of Liu Bei's self-led Yizhou herd reached Jingzhou, Liu Chan was ecstatic because he was always worried about the situation in Jingzhou.Although Guan Yu is guarding here, in another time and space, Guan Yu will carelessly lose Jingzhou next year.If this period of history has not been postponed accordingly for a few years, and Liu Bei has not captured Yizhou by then, it means that everything is over.

However, it is better now. After capturing Yizhou, Liu Bei finally has a stable rear base, and hegemony is temporarily settled.

Then, another unexpected news came: Zhuge Liang actually invited himself to be in charge of Jingzhou with Guan Yu!
This news was definitely out of Liu Chan's surprise, because Yizhou was initially settled, and it was time for Zhuge's army division to work hard!In fact, the current situation in Yizhou is far more complicated than the history of another time and space that Liu Chan knows.

After Yizhou was newly acquired, Liu Bei employed a large number of Liu Zhang's original team.However, most of these people came from local powerful families in Yizhou, and some of them were killed by the Jingzhou army, so a gap began to appear between the two states, and two interest groups, the Yizhou Group and the Jingzhou Group, were formed.

And Liu Bei originally wanted to entrust Kong Ming with all the affairs of Yizhou, but Kong Ming refused.Because Kong Ming is a representative of the Jingzhou Group, it is difficult to coordinate the conflict with the Yizhou Group.

And now both Cao Wei and Soochow are showing signs of instability, and they seem to intend to use force against Jingzhou.So after thinking about it, Kong Ming simply recommended Fazheng, Li Yan, and Mi Zhu, representatives of the Yizhou Group, to temporarily act as agents for Yizhou affairs.I came out to guard Jingzhou with Guan Yu, and returned to Yizhou to take charge of affairs when the situation was more stable in the future.

After Liu Chan heard the news, he secretly sighed in his heart that Kong Ming understood righteousness deeply, and it was rare that he could not stop thinking about selfishness.Moreover, Liu Chan has always been worried about the safety of Jingzhou. Now that Kong Ming can guard it, it must be foolproof.

Liu Chan, who was in a good mood, wanted to go outside to get some fresh air, but was stopped by Zhao Feng when he reached the door.

"I want to go out." Liu Chan said stubbornly.

"Young Master, this is for your safety. Otherwise, I'll send someone to ask for instructions from the military division right away, shall we?"

"No need, since it's for my safety, then you can send a few more people to protect me." Liu Chan said arrogantly.He was indeed a little impatient.

"This one……"

At this time, at the corner of the street, there was a rush of horseshoes, running very fast.Liu Chan couldn't figure out, who would gallop on the street this early in the morning.He pushed Zhao Feng away, poked his head out curiously, and it turned out that it was his third uncle Zhang Fei who came.

Liu Chan was overjoyed. He had heard that Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun had returned to Jingzhou recently, and their families had come to Jingzhou from their hometowns. Therefore, they are now preparing to move their families to Yizhou.Unexpectedly, the news turned out to be true.

And Zhang Fei is his future father-in-law, Liu Chan's courage immediately grew.This time, he didn't just push Zhao Feng away, but just ran past him and stood at the door to meet Zhang Fei.

After Zhang Fei got off the horse, with big leopard eyes, he carefully looked at the chubby child in front of him, but now he was a little thin, but very energetic.But Zhang Fei's gaze was really scary, and Liu Chan couldn't help feeling a little terrified when he saw it.

Although the two had been separated for many years, Zhang Fei could vaguely see the outline of the chubby Liu Chan from the child in front of him.He immediately asked gently: "Are you my nephew, A Dou?"

Liu Chan nodded. It had been a long time since they parted last time, and his eye sockets couldn't help turning red.

Zhang Fei couldn't help feeling a little sad, and patted Liu Chan's shoulder lightly, comforting him not to be sad, how have you been all these years?Liu Chan nodded again, then took Zhang Fei's hand, and the two of them walked into the house together.

Although Zhao Feng's position was not high, but as Zhao Yun's disciple, he certainly recognized Zhang Fei, so he went up to greet Zhang Fei.Unexpectedly, Zhang Fei flicked the whip in his hand suddenly, and it hit Zhao Feng's armor with a bang. Although the sound was loud, Zhao Feng didn't feel any pain at all.

Zhao Feng couldn't help showing a look of extreme surprise on his face, even Liu Chan himself was a little frightened.Zhang Fei has always respected literati and refined scholars, but he sometimes hit and scolded soldiers and soldiers. I don't know why Zhao Feng disliked him.

"If it wasn't because you belonged to Zilong, the whip just now wasn't on your armor! This is to teach you how to talk to your son in the future!" Zhang Fei stared angrily at Zhao Feng and shouted loudly.It turned out that he was teaching Zhao Feng for Liu Chan.

Zhao Feng had never seen such a ferocious posture of Zhang Fei before, he was so frightened that he took several steps back, his body trembled, and immediately fell to his knees to plead guilty.Zhang Fei's power as an enemy of ten thousand people is really not covered.

Liu Chan was moved for a while, but he knew that Zhao Feng was just following orders.In the past few years, this person has been responsible for his safety, and he has worked hard without credit.Liu Chan was afraid that Zhang Fei would get angry and wanted to whip him down again, so he tried to persuade Zhang Fei not to be angry, Zhao Feng was just following orders, so don't blame him.

Zhang Fei obeyed Liu Chan, the son-in-law-to-be, and shouted to Zhao Feng, "You son-in-law, why don't you thank me soon?"

Zhao Feng knew that he had finally escaped a catastrophe today, and when he, Mr. Zhang, had ever shown mercy when beating someone, he became very grateful to Liu Chan in his heart, and thanked Liu Chan repeatedly.

Liu Chan was afraid that Zhang Fei's temper would flare up again, so he asked Zhao Feng to get up and leave quickly, then changed the subject and asked Zhang Fei, "Third Uncle, why are you free to visit my nephew today?"

"Third uncle is not fighting now, and he has a lot of time every day. And my family will move to Chengdu soon, why don't you come and visit you?" Zhang Fei smiled, "Come on, let's go in, third uncle I brought you something good today."

Liu Chan looked Zhang Fei up and down, and shouted: "Third Uncle, you can't even lie. You clearly came empty-handed. Where did you get the good stuff?"

Zhang Fei blushed, and then told Liu Chan that he was in a hurry to see him, so he asked his servants to bring it to him later.Then, while the uncle and nephew were talking, they came to the garden.

It's winter now, the weather is already quite cold, and there was a light snowfall a few days ago, the ground is covered with snow spots, and there are a few shallow footprints here and there.

Most of the original flowering branches and green leaves in the garden have withered, and even the lonely Xiang bamboo is mostly withered and yellow, with scattered spots on the leaves.The garden looked rather desolate.

Although Zhang Fei looks reckless, he is actually a careful person.He was afraid that it would be too cold on the stone chair, so he took off the cloak behind him and folded it a few times, and spread it on the stone chair before letting Liu Chan sit down.

After Liu Chan sat down, he couldn't help feeling a little moved, and then told Zhang Fei that Zhao Yun had already visited him.Of course Zhang Fei knew Zhao Yun's whereabouts, so he smiled and told him to stay in the city well, and he would take him to fight when he had the opportunity.

In fact, Liu Chan felt that in the entire Jingzhou, only Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei still remembered Liu Chan.As for Guan Yu, that second uncle who is as majestic as a god of war, it is impossible to let go of his figure to care about his nephew.

Soon, Zhang Fei's servant finally came, but he was panting, as if he was afraid of Zhang Fei's blame, so he ran all the way here.He was holding a small bag wrapped in paper, which should be the good thing Zhang Fei said.

Zhang Fei stretched out his hand to take the package from the servant, and put it on the stone table, with a very smug smile on his face, he actually asked Liu Chan to guess what was inside.Liu Chan pretended to think about it, and then said it must be something delicious!It can be regarded as giving Zhang Fei a little face, so that his surprise will not be discounted too much.

"Hey... you're pretty smart, kid!" Zhang Fei raised his big hand when he was happy, and wanted to touch the top of Liu Chan's head.

Who knows Zhang Fei's supernatural power?Immediately, Liu Chan was so frightened that he almost screamed, and quickly turned to the side.Fortunately, Zhang Fei immediately realized the danger of doing so and stopped in time.It was only then that Liu Chan escaped death, otherwise he might have suffered a concussion.

"Third uncle, it was very dangerous just now." Liu Chan complained with lingering fear.

"Hey... I'm sorry, your third uncle is a big bastard, and sometimes he gets carried away. Come, come, this is the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that I specially asked your aunt to make for you. It tastes really good. I have eaten it for several years Never tire of it." Zhang Fei said as he opened the paper bag, and the heat and aroma wafted out of it.

"Did Aunt Xiahou really do it for me?" Liu Chan asked emotionally.

"Yes, of course. I also specifically asked her to add more ingredients. You smell this smell, and even I feel hungry when I look at it."

"Hey hey hey..." Liu Chan laughed, covered the sweet-scented osmanthus cake with both hands and said, "Third Uncle, I'm sorry. This is what my aunt made for me, and it's not for you."

"You little bastard." Zhang Fei stretched out his hand and touched Liu Chan's head lightly, without using any force.However, Liu Chan's hair was still messed up a little bit.

Liu Chan saw that the servant was standing aside and didn't dare to move, so he took out some money from his pocket and wanted to reward him.The man was very afraid of Zhang Fei, so he didn't dare to accept it. Zhang Fei became impatient, so he scolded the man immediately, and told him to take the reward and leave.It seemed his nature had struck again.

The man quickly took Liu Chan's money, forgot to even say thank you, and ran away, probably really scared out of his wits.

Liu Chan couldn't help laughing bitterly.His first effort to buy people's hearts was shattered without a trace under Zhang Fei's power...

(End of this chapter)

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