Chapter 6

After Zhang Fei and Liu Chan ate a few mouthfuls of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, Zhang Fei persuaded Liu Chan, "Adou, Mrs. Sun has returned to Jiangdong now. If you feel that living alone is too lonely, you can move to Yizhou with my third uncle. Aunt Xiahou will take care of you."

Liu Chan himself was very moved by Zhang Fei's proposal.Because if you go to Yizhou, at least you can see your father often, and if you live in Zhang Fei's house, you don't have to be in jail all day.

But in fact, Liu Chan has already received a letter from Liu Bei, telling him not to leave Jingzhou easily, and it is best to wait until Yizhou is stable before going there.So Liu Chan thought about it and decided to reject Zhang Fei's proposal.

And after today's lesson, Zhao Feng's attitude should not be so tough anymore, he shook his head stubbornly and said: "Thank you for your kindness, third uncle. It is convenient for Ah Dou to have Aunt Lan take care of him now, and he also wants to learn to be self-reliant sooner. It's okay to live alone."

Zhang Fei laughed and said, "But you're only 11 years old, right? You're just a kid, how can you be self-reliant?" He couldn't help but reach out to touch Liu Chan's head again.Liu Chan quickly dodged - that hand had just grabbed the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and it was still a little sticky!

Liu Chan had no choice but to change the subject and said: "My nephew has been confined at home for these years, and it's rare to be able to go out to play. Now you can come, third uncle. My nephew heard that your black horse is so fast, let's go now Riding a horse?"

Seeing Liu Chan relying on him so much, Zhang Fei felt very happy in his heart, and felt pity for Liu Chan, so he immediately agreed.And although his Wuzhui horse is not as good as Liu Bei's Luma, let alone Guan Yu's number one Chitu horse, it is indeed a good horse.The two of them came to the stables, rode the black-tailed horses, and ran to the outside of Jiangling city.

Along the way, the speed of the black horse was as fast as lightning. Liu Chan felt that the scenes on both sides of the street, like fast-forwarding in a movie, had been retreating rapidly, and soon left Jiangling City.

Although it is winter at this time, but because the sun is shining today, you can see extremely far.

The ground and the mountains in the distance are all white, and it is hard to tell where is the wasteland, where is the farmland, and where is the water.

Especially in a forest not far away, all the trees inside have become bare, only a few jackdaws are singing hoarsely on the branches, which feels quite wintery.

However, the scenery is beautiful, but the cold wind is quite cold.Liu Chan sat in front of Zhang Fei again, his face was flushed and his body was shivering from the cold.However, he has never galloped like this since he was so old, and the surprise in his heart has already surpassed the coldness in his body.

Zhang Fei was also careful. He was afraid that Liu Chan would be frozen, so he pulled the cloak forward to wrap Liu Chan tightly, and Liu Chan felt much warmer.

After the black horse ran for a while, he saw a yellow horse running in the distance ahead, and a soldier was sitting on it, covered in blood, as if he had just fought.

Seeing the man's appearance, Liu Chan knew something urgent had happened.The first thing he thought of was that Soochow and Cao Wei had sent troops to take Jingzhou, and the war had already begun, but it should not be time for Guan Yu to lose Jingzhou carelessly.

Just as Liu Chan was thinking about it, the soldier had already arrived in front of him. Liu Chan quickly asked Zhang Fei to order the knight to stop the horse, and then asked what happened.Zhang Fei rode his horse to the middle of the road, and shouted to the soldier, "Stop, why are you in such a hurry?"

Seeing that Zhang Fei was wearing high-quality armor, the man knew that he was a general, so he immediately got off his horse and knelt down to report.It turned out that the Zaonanzhuang stronghold was attacked last night, and now it has been occupied by thieves!

Although this Zaonan Village is a little-known place, it is actually an important stronghold of the Jingzhou Army, and there is a large amount of food and grass hoarded inside.It turned out that Liu Bei had long intended to get his hands on Xichuan, so he chose three villages along the Yangtze River, called the establishment of strongholds, but they were actually used as places to garrison grain and grass for Jingzhou to march into Xichuan.One of them is Zaonan Village.Although Liu Bei has captured Yizhou now, there are still a lot of supplies in these three strongholds, and they are now used as a place to store grain and grass in Jingzhou.

After Zhang Fei heard the report, he immediately became angry.He has always had the bad habit of beating people casually, and now he is no exception when he is furious, the whip in his hand is about to fall on the messenger.Liu Chan hurriedly asked Zhang Fei to stop, and if he wanted to fight, he had to wait until he had clarified the matter before hitting him.

It turned out that since most of the Jingzhou army was brought into Yizhou and fought fiercely with Yujin's army, there was already a shortage of troops, so as a last resort, Guan Yu only sent 7000 troops each to station in three strongholds.I don't know who leaked the news. Last night, a group of thieves suddenly appeared around Zao Nan Zhuang. The number was at least six to [-], and they surrounded Zao Nan Zhuang tightly.The army garrisoned in the village fought all night, but they were defeated in the end. They were either killed or captured, and no one escaped.

Liu Chan is a careful person, and he couldn't help frowning slightly.After thinking for a while, he asked the man, "Since no one escaped, how did you come back?"

The man told the whole story.It turned out that he was also captured. Later, at dawn, when the thief was sleeping soundly, he broke free from the rope and rushed out with a group of colleagues. Unfortunately, the thief found out, so he had to grab a horse and rush out to report.The man was already weeping bitterly when he said that, and kept begging Zhang Fei to send troops to rescue his brothers.

Liu Chan saw that this person seemed to be quite loyal, there was no flaw in his words, and he was wearing the uniform of the Jingzhou Army, and most of his doubts were dispelled, so he asked his name again.This person's name is Du Feng, and his identity is just a trivial gatekeeper.

Liu Chan saw that this person was of low status, so he stopped asking any more questions, and said to Zhang Fei, "Third Uncle, there seems to be nothing wrong with this person."

Zhang Fei was impatient at this time, so he nodded, and then sent Du Feng into the city to report to Guan Yu and Ma Liang, while he himself led Liu Chan and galloped westward.

Liu Chan didn't understand why Zhang Fei didn't enter the city at this time, but ran out of the city.He can't think of fighting against six or seven thousand bandits with his own strength, can he?

It turned out that Zhang Fei was in charge of patrolling the river in the four counties, and he knew that the nearest military camp was located not far from Jiangling City, and it is now managed by Guan Yu's general Fu Shiren.Now that the bandits in Jingzhou are so arrogant, if Zhang Fei doesn't get rid of them this time, if he sees Liu Bei in the future, he will be hard to explain.However, Liu Chan believed that now that Guan Yu is in Jingzhou, Zhang Fei should ask for instructions first, and it is really inappropriate to act without authorization.

Zhang Fei has a fiery temper, so how could he have the patience to wait, and shouted loudly: "Don't wait, don't wait, it's just a bunch of little thieves. Your third uncle wants to kill them, just like crushing a few ants. You don't have to wait too long!" Think about it!" As he said that, Zhang Fei stretched out his left hand in a serious manner, and made a "squeeze to death" movement in front of Liu Chan's eyes.Liu Chan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

When the two of them rushed into the barracks, Zhang Fei didn't get off his horse, and continued to gallop in the barracks, shouting loudly: "Assemble, you bastards are about to fight, quickly gather for me, quickly, gather..."

Most of those soldiers recognized Zhang Fei, and regardless of whether they belonged to Zhang Fei's command now, they immediately dispatched one after another.All of a sudden, the barracks was in chaos, soldiers rushing out of tents everywhere with weapons and helmets in their hands, it was as lively as a vegetable market.Liu Chan couldn't help smiling wryly, his third uncle was really reckless.

Fu Shiren had just woken up at this time, and he was still sleepy. He suddenly heard the commotion outside, thinking that he was attacked by the enemy, and immediately woke up from fright.He hurriedly rushed out of the camp to escape, but saw Zhang Fei shouting in the camp to order the soldiers to assemble quickly, he couldn't help but be furious, why should Zhang Fei command his own army? !
But Fu Shiren calmed down very quickly. Of course he knew Zhang Fei's status, so he could only dare to be angry and dare not speak out. Why did you come to the barracks?"

Zhang Fei saw that he had already run back and forth in the barracks for several laps before this Fu Shiren appeared, and he looked like he had just woken up. How could such a person still lead the army?Zhang Fei suddenly lost his temper.But now he has the priority of suppressing the bandits, and he has no time to punish Fu Shiren, so he shouted to Fu Shiren's soldiers: "Listen, quickly escort Fu Shiren to me and send him to Jiangling City to General Guan, and punish him for lax military management! "

Fu Shiren originally wanted to take this opportunity to curry favor with Zhang Fei, but he didn't expect that Zhang Fei not only did not explain the purpose of gathering the army, but also wanted to punish himself.Moreover, Zhang Fei still put on a menacing appearance, which was so terrifying that Fu Shiren was stunned immediately.

And Fu Shiren's soldiers actually listened to Zhang Fei's words, and immediately stepped forward and captured Fu Shiren.Fu Shiren hurriedly shouted: "Although General Zhang is Liu Shijun's brother-in-law, but Fu is not the general's subordinate, how can the general detain me privately?"

Zhang Fei sneered and said, "Detain you privately? I'm now an official of General Zhenglu, and I've been granted the title of Marquis of Xinting. Seeing that you're not good at running the army, don't you have the power to punish you, a little general? Ask me yourself." Second brother or my eldest brother, if they say something that is not allowed, I, Zhang Yide, will chop off my head and give it to you as a stool!"

Fu Shiren knew that he was wronged, and he also knew that although Liu Guanzhang and the others were just sworn brothers, they were more affectionate than real brothers. If he was stupid enough to ask them, he would not be asking for his own death!
Fu Shiren was rendered speechless by Zhang Fei for a while, so he had to turn his head to look around him, only to see his lieutenant general Zhou Tao standing aside.This person used to be a lieutenant under Zhang Fei, because he was quite brave and liked to lead troops to charge into battle, so Zhang Fei favored him.Fu Shiren quickly winked at Zhou Tao desperately, hoping that he could help him.

Zhou Tao didn't want to meddle in this business.Because he knew Zhang Fei's temper very well, if he got involved and made Zhang Fei unhappy, he might be whipped in vain.But now that Fu Shiren signaled himself like this, Zhou Tao felt that Fu Shiren was his commander-in-chief after all, and it was really unreasonable for him to let go of him.

He had no choice but to step forward and say to Zhang Fei: "The last general, Zhou Tao, has met the third general. You are a famous veteran general in the world. If General Fu has done something wrong, just point it out and ask him to correct it." , You don’t need to be familiar with him.”

When Zhang Fei saw Zhou Tao come out to speak, the two hadn't seen each other for some years, so his expression eased a little, and he said: "How can a general who leads soldiers act like a joke! The soldiers in this barracks are all led by me, Lao Zhang, one by one." Those who come out, can't let this trash destroy them all!" Having said this, Zhang Fei's anger flared up again.

Zhou Tao was already very afraid of Zhang Fei's power, but now that he saw Zhang Fei getting angry again, he couldn't help saying badly, this matter might be difficult.Then he remembered how powerful Zhang Fei's whip was, and he couldn't help but shiver, and he didn't know what to say anymore.

Liu Chan immediately saw the performance of everyone below clearly.He knew that in another time and space, when Fu Shiren was stationed at the Public Security Bureau, he would kill Guan Yu's food supervisor, and then lure Mi Fang to surrender to Soochow, causing Guan Yu's army to be defeated. In the end, he was killed by Soochow. The sinner who died Guan Yu.When Liu Chan thought of this, he immediately became murderous towards Fu Shiren.

But Liu Chan thought again that Fu Shiren had always been good at flattering Guan Yu, even if he was arrested and punished this time, he would definitely be employed again in a few days.Then if I make trouble now, not only will I not get any benefit, but it will also cause the other party's resentment, so it is better to help Fu Shiren out of the siege and win the other party's gratitude!
Liu Chan immediately said: "Uncle, our priority now is to suppress the bandits as soon as possible. Fu Shiren's matter will be dealt with when we return to the army. Let's spare him for now, shall we?"

Seeing that Liu Chan was also pleading for Fu Shiren, Zhang Fei felt that what Liu Chan and Zhou Tao said was somewhat reasonable. Now that there are steps built by these two people, Zhang Fei reluctantly asked the guards to let Fu Shiren go.At this time, Fu Shiren discovered that Liu Chan, the son of Zhang Fei's Wuzhui horse, quickly stepped forward and knelt down to salute.

Although Liu Chan didn't like Fu Shiren, since he had pleaded for him, he had to do everything, so he comforted him and said: "General Fu, you should know that my third uncle has always been strict in running the army, and someone like you who is lazy in training the army Situation, my son should not have pleaded for you. But now one thing is urgent, and second, my third uncle is also a magnanimous person, so I can not pursue it for the time being. You should thank my third uncle. .”

Fu Shiren's face turned slightly red when he heard the words. Although he was still dissatisfied in his heart, he could only bow his head and plead guilty to Zhang Fei.Only then did Liu Chan let him stand up.

After all these twists and turns, after Zhang Fei turned his horse's head around again, to Liu Chan's surprise, after the soldiers packed up their luggage, their actions suddenly became faster. Assembled within.It seems that the chaos just now was just Liu Chan's own dizziness.

(End of this chapter)

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