Chapter 7

Looking at the neat queue in front of him, Liu Chan curiously asked Zhang Fei, these soldiers were in a mess just now, how could they gather so neatly all of a sudden?Zhang Fei proudly told Liu Chan that their fighters may encounter enemy attacks anytime and anywhere, so chaos is inevitable.Based on this, he trains such a bastard like this every day.

When Liu Chan heard the words, he believed it but also didn't believe it, so he looked at the deputy general Zhou Tao, only to see him nodding desperately to Zhang Fei.Obviously, during Zhang Fei's absence, he was training these soldiers according to Zhang Fei's old method.

And Liu Chan also understood that Zhang Fei did this to train these soldiers to be calm in the face of danger, and couldn't help but praise Zhang Fei: "Third Uncle is really good at running the army!"

Zhang Fei smiled and told Liu Chan not to run around, he will find some people to send him back to Jiangling later.Seeing that Zhang Fei was unwilling to take him to war, Liu Chan said unwillingly, "Third uncle, as the saying goes, 'a tiger father has no dogs', my nephew does not want to insult his father's reputation, and wants to experience military life early. What's more, my nephew I want to see how my third uncle behaved when he was fighting."

After Zhang Fei thought about it carefully, he felt that this time he was just going to kill a few thieves, and there should be no danger, so he agreed to take Liu Chan with him.But he still warned Liu Chan that since he was going, he had to abide by the rules, and he could only watch from a distance when fighting.Liu Chan naturally agreed, with a surprised smile on his face.

Zhang Fei called a small school named Zhang Hua and asked him to bring Fu Shiren's fifty personal guards to protect Liu Chan's safety.Only then did Zhang Fei separate 3000 people from the army and set out to Zaonan Village in a mighty manner.It was the first time for Liu Chan to act with the army. Seeing Zhang Fei's tall and straight figure walking at the forefront of the team, he looked so mighty, and he couldn't help feeling extremely envious.

In fact, Liu Chan is very interested in the military. After all, in this chaotic era, force is the most admired. Which warlord did not establish a political power with guns?If he doesn't want to be imprisoned in Luoyang by Sima Yan in the future, then he must start to learn how to lead troops to fight now.

Therefore, Liu Chan took the opportunity to ride with Zhang Hua on the same horse and asked him many questions about the army's organizational system and marching formation.Zhang Hua is a careful person, with a fairly thorough understanding of military knowledge, and answered every question in great detail.

While Liu Chan was enjoying himself, although he didn't know whether Zhang Hua had the potential to become a famous player in the future, he was obviously much stronger than a layman like him.Immediately decided to go back, to reward him well.

After two or three hours of rapid marching, the troops stopped suddenly when they came to a place seven or eight miles away from Zaonanzhuang.Liu Chan then asked Zhang Hua, "Isn't this Zaonan Village about to arrive? Why stop now?" Because he remembered the story of Cao Cao's "soldiers are precious and fast". ?

At this time, a rider ran over from the front and started talking with Zhang Fei.Then Zhang Fei raised the whip high in his hand, Liu Chan thought he was going to hit someone again, but he didn't expect him to shout: "Everyone starts to rest."

Liu Chan was speechless immediately, it seemed that he still knew too little about Zhang Fei.

Zhang Hua carried Liu Chan off the horse and began to explain to him why Zhang Fei asked the army to stop and rest.It turned out that Zhang Fei had already dispatched dozens of scout horses to detect the surrounding movement, and cut off all the thieves' spies.So if you rest now, there is no danger at all, and after everyone has finished resting, they will start attacking the thieves.

Only then did Liu Chan remember that his third uncle was born with Liu Bei's extermination of the Yellow Turban Army, and he was very familiar with the bandits.It seems that he has too much to learn...

At this time, Zhang Fei came over and told Zhang Hua that they would launch an attack on the enemy soon. At that time, he was absolutely not allowed to rush forward, so as not to hurt the young master Liu Chan, or he would cut off his head!In front of Zhang Fei, there was no room for Zhang Hua to question him, he just nodded his head like a hen pecking rice.

Liu Chan looked interesting, knowing that everyone was afraid of Zhang Fei's power.But he was secretly moved by Zhang Fei's concern for him, and said with a smile: "Uncle Third, I understand. We will never run around, I promise!"

Zhang Fei then smiled and went back to the former army.

After resting for about half an hour, Zhang Fei ordered the army to start a rapid march, and soon came to the outside of Zaonan Village, and surrounded the whole village firmly.

This Zhuangzi was actually quite big, with fortifications built around it, more than enough to station a thousand soldiers, and it was less than [-] miles away from the Yangtze River, so it was indeed very convenient for the transportation of grain and grass.

However, Zaonanzhuang at this time is no longer the Zaonanzhuang used to repair the younger generation.After yesterday's battle, the wall was already blackened by the fire, as if it had been painted with a layer of black paint.In some places, walls collapsed, broken bricks fell to the ground, and the entire village was severely damaged.

But the strange thing is that since Zaonanzhuang was surrounded, the village has been quiet, as if there is no one in it.

Because the current situation is very different from what Du Feng said, Liu Chan's mind has always been very careful, and then he frowned, and a trace of doubt began to appear in his heart.

At this moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in Liu Chan's mind, and he suddenly realized that Du Feng couldn't be the thieves in disguise, right?So many Jingzhou soldiers in Zaonanzhuang were arrested, it was too easy for them to find a soldier uniform!

But what Liu Chan couldn't figure out was, if Du Feng was a thief, why did they come to spread false news...

——Could it be that those thieves took advantage of Liu Bei's opportunity to enter Xichuan and wanted to grab the territory?
Liu Chan couldn't help smiling wryly, such an idea is too ridiculous.But soon, Liu Chan's absurd idea will be confirmed at once.

Liu Chan immediately came to Zhang Fei's side and asked, "Third Uncle, have you noticed that something is wrong with this village?"

Zhang Fei said carelessly, "What's wrong?"

"Isn't it too quiet in there?"

Zhang Fei said disapprovingly: "I'm afraid our whereabouts have been exposed, so the thieves have already run away."

Seeing that Zhang Fei underestimated the enemy so much, Liu Chan was afraid that he would be easily defeated, so he persuaded him, "Third Uncle has a saying in the art of war: 'Arrogant soldiers are bound to be defeated', so let's be more careful."

Zhang Fei smiled and said, "You kid has been studying with Mr. Zhang Xing for a few years, and you have become so literary." Although Zhang Fei has a rude personality, he likes to make friends with literati, so he didn't ridicule Liu Chan, but just He asked Liu Chan, "Adou, what do you think we should do next?"

Seeing Zhang Fei speaking to him, Liu Chan rolled his eyes and thought to himself, isn't this a good time to test his military skills?
Liu Chan thought for a while, the so-called knowing yourself and the enemy is invincible in a hundred battles, it is better not to act rashly now, you should investigate clearly first.He said, "Third Uncle, we shouldn't rush the entire army into the village, but should send a small number of troops to investigate the situation first."

Zhang Fei wondered, "Why is that?"

Liu Chan raised his horsewhip, pointed at the village and said, "Although the outside of this village has been dilapidated, it is still a closed environment. Once all our troops enter and the enemy surrounds us, we will all be trapped."

Zhang Fei nodded, secretly praising Liu Chan's meticulous mind.

Then, Liu Chan went on to say: "Actually, if those thieves are vicious enough, they place a lot of fire starters in the village, and after we enter, they suddenly surround the periphery, and then take the opportunity to set fire, our army will definitely be wiped out!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fei couldn't help feeling terrified. The strategy Liu Chan mentioned was too vicious, and he, who is an enemy of ten thousand people, could not help but feel cold sweat running down his back.

Now Zhang Fei finally put away his underestimation of the enemy, and immediately sent a pair of laughing pairs of hundreds of people into the village to search, but found that the building was empty, all the supplies had been moved away, and a large number of fire starters were indeed found inside. things.

Zhang Fei was so angry that Zhang Fei yelled, and at the same time sighed secretly that he was lucky-fortunately, Liu Chan was brought here, otherwise he would have been roasted into a roast chicken now!
At this moment, on the hilltops around Zaonanzhuang, there was a sudden burst of gongs, and four or five teams rushed out from all over, forming a circle, and surrounded Zhang Fei's 3000 troops in an impenetrable way!
"It really hit the trick!" Liu Chan sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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