The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 502 Breaking the Water Village

Chapter 502 Breaking the Water Village
On the day Gu Yong received Liu Chan's letter, Liu Chan also received Guan Xing's good news.

After Liu Chan read the combat process in the victory report and the combat map sent, he also understood the combat process of Jingling City in more detail.He secretly praised in his heart, Guan Xing is indeed a talent who can fight, so Ma Zhong and Pan Zhang both fell into the trap and died!

Liu Chan was very happy in his heart, and smiled at Zhuge Qiao after taking the good news: "Jingling City is conquered, and Sun Quan loses Pan Zhang, a general. I think he will be furious!"

Zhuge Qiao also laughed, and said: "Yes, Jiangdong Army has lost another army now, and Jingling City has also fallen, and the pressure they will face next will be even greater."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Who do you think is appropriate to guard Jingling City?"

Zhuge Qiao thought for a while, after Guan Xing got his revenge, it was absolutely impossible for him to stay and defend a small city of Jingling.He must return to Xiangyang City to preside over the defense line along the river.

But now in the big camp, almost all the generals who can lead the army have already gone to battle, and there is only one Xue Kang left to guard the big camp.But this person is loyal, but his ability is not enough to stand alone.What's more, it would be a waste of time to transfer from Dangyang.

Therefore, Zhuge Qiao almost didn't have to think about it, and replied directly: "Captain Mengxi should be a more suitable candidate."

Liu Chan nodded, and said, "You really think the same as me. There really isn't any candidate over there right now, who is more suitable than Meng Xi."

While the two were discussing, Xia Houyun suddenly came in from the outside and sent Liu Chan another document from Jingling City.Liu Chan opened it and saw that it was Meng Xi's battle plan, with Guan Xing's name and official seal on it.

Liu Chan suddenly felt very strange, and said to Zhuge Qiao: "This Mengxi just finished fighting Jingling City, why did he send me another battle plan? This is really strange, who is he going to fight?"

Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao had different reactions after reading the battle plan.There was a trace of surprise on Liu Chan's face, while Zhuge Qiao's expression was a little cautious.

Liu Chan said with a smile: "If this plan is successful, the war in Nanjun can be said to be settled in one battle. By then, all Huya Mountain and Zhijiang Camp will be settled together."

Although Zhuge Qiao agreed with the results that the son said, he was worried in his heart and said, "It's just that the risk of failure is quite high if this plan is implemented. Besides, Changhu Water Village is not very far from Sun Quan's camp. It will startle Jiangdong's army, but if they attack aggressively, General Guan Xing's army will probably be able to withstand it."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "This is indeed a problem. If you hadn't reminded me, I would be a little too optimistic."

Liu Chan immediately called Zhao Feng in and asked him to find Xue Kang.Then, Liu Chan handed over all the 4000 troops in the camp to Xue Kang, and asked him to assist Guan Xing's army in attacking.

With such an arrangement, Liu Chan's alienation scheme against Huya Mountain was temporarily put on hold.

Three days later, Xue Kang's army received an order from Guan Xing on the road to stop first in the area north of Jingling City.When Meng Xi led the captured Wu army warships to surprise the Changhu water village, they immediately launched an attack to the east. force.

A large part of Guan Xing's army is from the north, and even the soldiers of the original Jiangdong army are ignorant of water.Therefore, Guan Xing turned his idea to those under Pan Zhang who had surrendered from Jingling City.

These are Jiangdong people, and all of them are familiar with the nature of water. Even if they can't be sent to fight in the battlefield, it should still be possible to navigate the boat and identify the hydrological conditions.

Therefore, Guan Xing selected 2000 strong and strong men from among the soldiers, most of whom served as oarsmen of the warship.After two days of small training, Guan Xing and Meng Xi disembarked with nearly [-] people.

The reason why Guan Xing and the others dared to attack so hastily was originally the idea of ​​a sneak attack.Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for them to want to fight the water battle with Wu Jun, that is simply asking for their own death.

At dusk that day, as the last ray of sunlight disappeared from the water, a horn sounded in the middle of Guan Xingjun's fleet.Twenty large ships dragged dozens of much smaller boats, anchored and sailed one after another, sailed away from the shore one by one, and followed the wind to rush towards the Jiangdong Army water village in the south.

Guan Xing's flagship was in the center and was responsible for dispatching the entire army. Meng Xi was not on the same boat as Guan Xing, but his boat sailed on the left side of the flagship.They did so with consideration.After all, water battles are very dangerous. If someone has an accident, another person can immediately end the command of the fleet.

Guan Xing's naval fleet sailed smoothly because the wind was smooth and the water flowed smoothly.They paused and rested on the lake for half an hour before moving on.

At Maoshi in the middle of the night, Guan Xing's fleet finally arrived at a place several miles away from Wu Jun's water village.

Tonight's night is very heavy, there is no moonlight, and the surface of Changhu Lake, which is hundreds of miles around, is pitch black.It's just the swaying boards under the feet, reminding everyone that this is not land.

From a distance, you can see some spots in the water village of the Jiangdong Army, which are obviously lit torches.Then, there was the sound of beating the watch from time to time.

Guan Xing's fleet slowly approached.Guan Xing stood at the bow of the boat and looked at the Jiangdong Army water village, his face was a little sweaty, and his right hand was tightly grasping the saber.He was obviously very nervous, after all, this was his first experience in a water battle!
The oars of the warship pierced the water surface, and there was a quiet rushing sound, which was almost drowned by the sound of the lake water.

Soon, the fleet was only a few miles away from the Jiangdong Army Water Village.At this time, the sky looked even darker, not even a single star in the sky could be seen.This is really a dark and stormy night of murder, and it is also a good day for stealing camps and robbing villages.

Guan Xing's mood relaxed a little, and at the same time, he was also praying for God to help, so that the enemy would not find their traces!

Guan Xing's fleet sailed forward in an orderly manner, but they did not concentrate on the entrances and exits of the Jiangdong Army Water Village.In fact, they had already planned that most of the ships would rush to the wall of the water village.

The walls of the village were all driven into the bottom of the lake with logs, densely packed and extended for a long distance, and also blocked the water area behind the water village.There were still torches stuck in many places above, and the flames danced violently with the wind on the lake.

As the Guanxing fleet approached, the Jiangdong Army finally found them, and the sound of the gong suddenly rang out.

Zhou Tai's younger brother Zhou Ping was in charge of guarding the water village.After hearing the alarm, he immediately put on his armor and rushed out of his tent.

After Zhou Ping saw the situation, he felt quite puzzled.The wall of his water village is not the kind of wooden fence that can be easily knocked open, it is made of logs!If a general ship hits it, the bow of the ship is often shattered, and even the decks on the side of the hull will be smashed.

But Guan Xingjun has his own way of dealing with it.After their warships sailed twenty battles away from the wall, they began to anchor.The much smaller warship at the rear immediately drove out to the edge of the water wall, and more than a hundred soldiers with water skills jumped into the water.

Guan Xingjun's big boats raised their poles one after another, and a very long empty noose was tied to the end of the pole.The soldiers who were good at water grabbed the nooses and tied the logs on the wall of the village!

Zhou Ping was very surprised just now how the enemy's warship passed the Yangtze River and entered the Changhu Lake without anyone noticing.But now that he saw that the situation was not good, he immediately wanted to dispatch the warship to fight.But it takes time to prepare.

Guan Xingjun stepped up his actions, and as the soldiers on the big ship pulled the pulley together, the pole slowly rose upwards, and the first batch of logs were easily pulled out of the water.

It only took Guan Xing's fleet a quarter of an hour to clear a gap big enough for four warships to pass through at the same time.

Guan Xing and Meng Xi did not dare to waste time at this time.They are now in a surprise attack, which made the Jiangdong navy unable to react for a while.Therefore, they must land and fight as quickly as possible, and intercept the enemy on the shore.Otherwise, once the enemy's fleet is dispatched, they will have no choice but to flee.

So, Guan Xing gave an order, and the [-] soldiers on the fastest boat fleet immediately rushed towards the south bank of Changhu Lake.

Then, Guan Xing's [-] large ships set off again, and the archers and soldiers with bat poles on board had already taken their positions.

When Zhou Ping saw the enemy's scorpion rushing towards the shore like this, he couldn't react for a while.Then, he screamed to the messengers: "Infantry, go and order the infantry to gather. This is not the enemy's navy, this is the enemy's land force. They are about to land!"

Zhou Ping did have some knowledge, but he guessed the identity of Guan Xingjun correctly.

Zhou Ping first brought his own guards and rushed towards the shore first, trying to block Guan Xingjun with his own troops for a while.

At this time, Guan Xingjun's large ship suddenly spread out in all directions and rushed towards the Wu army's warship docked on the shore.The soldiers on those ships are already busy now.

Following Guan Xing's order, the rockets on the ship and the fireballs from the shooting pole shot out at the same time.In this dark and oppressive late-night sky, it seemed that the sky suddenly cleared up, and countless stars appeared.

The sky instantly became bright.

After Guan Xingjun fired more than a dozen waves of rockets and fireballs in a row, at least ten warships of the Wu army were set ablaze in a large area.On the surface of the lake, there were bursts of wails from soldiers of the Wu army who were burned by the fire.

At this time, Wu Jun's warships were also ready.The warships of both sides immediately started a battle in the small area of ​​water within the wall of the village.

Due to the small area and the gathering of a large number of warships, there is almost no room for each warship to turn around.So, after the two sides shot at each other for a while, the warships of the two sides began to meet, and the hand-to-hand combat began immediately.

Both Guan Xing and Meng Xi drew out their sabers, and jumped onto the enemy's warship in the first place.The first life-and-death battle on the Long Lake finally started.

After the two sides fought for half an hour, Guan Xing's army began to show signs of being invincible because they were not familiar with water warfare.

However, the soldiers of the Guan Xing Army on the warship fleet have made relatively smooth progress on land, and have already seized part of the beach.

At this moment, there was an earth-shattering sound in the distance.The soldiers of Guan Xingjun's land battle were all excited, because the cavalry they had been waiting for for a long time finally rushed over under the leadership of Xue Kang.

All the soldiers of Guan Xingjun shouted loudly that the reinforcements had arrived.

At this time, more than half of Zhou Ping's guards had died in battle.If it weren't for the soldiers from other places to come to support him, all his guards would have been wiped out long ago.

Zhou Ping listened with a pale face. The sound of horseshoes sounded like half a thunder, and his face suddenly became deathly pale, and his body trembled with excitement.

His guard captain hurried over and said excitedly: "General, the water fortress can't be defended anymore, you should get on the boat and go first!"

Half an hour later, all the water villages of the Wu army fell, and the main general Zhou Ping fled, but at least two-thirds of the Soochow warships moored here escaped.But that hand-to-hand battle at the bow alone caused Guan Xing's army to lose more than 800 people!
It can be seen that Guan Xingjun was really lucky to win this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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