The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 503 Calling Quan Cong

Chapter 503 Calling Quan Cong
Sun Quan's emotions were almost out of control.Pan Zhang's conduct is indeed very poor, but he is also a general who can fight.But such a general was actually manipulated by others, and was wiped out by Guan Xing in three or two strokes.

What's more, in the current situation where the strength of the Jiangdong Army is tight, Nanjun has lost Pan Zhang's more than 3000 troops, adding another bargaining chip to the Jingzhou Army in terms of the battle situation!The blow to the morale of the army is even heavier.

Sun Quan immediately hated Guan Xing to the bone. Why are the members of the Guan family so difficult to deal with.Not long after he killed an old man, his four generals were wiped out by Liu Adou.Now suddenly a small one came out, and wiped out his two generals in two or three strikes!
If the generals on hand go on like this, is it enough for them to kill them?

Under the current situation, some rumors have begun to appear among many generals, and the morale of the army has also begun to fluctuate, which seems to be showing signs of instability.Even, many generals have expressed in private that it is time to stop the siege of Jiangling City and return to Jiangdong.

These news, of course, cannot be concealed from Sun Quan's eyes and ears.But what can he do if he knows?In this expedition, too many generals were killed and injured, which almost hurt Jiang Dong's vitality. Would he dare to kill a few more himself to make an example?

Sun Quan was in an extremely bad mood, and while scolding Pan Zhang in his heart for being a jerk and incompetent, he scolded his advisors Kan Ze and Zhang Zhao.

Of course Kan Ze and Zhang Zhao felt wronged in their hearts, but they both could understand Sun Quan, the lord is now very angry.But as a counselor, he didn't anticipate the enemy's opportunity, at least he didn't suggest that the lord should strengthen the monitoring of the area north of Jiangling City, resulting in the killing of the general and the annihilation of the army. He deserved the scolding.

The two immediately glanced at each other, shook their heads and did not dare to make a sound.

But then, following the battle report that Zhou Ping's water village in the north of Jiangling City and on the south bank of Changhu Lake fell into Guan Xing's hands overnight, Sun Quan finally lost control of his tense mental state.

Guan Xing really touched the bottom line of Sun Quan's tolerance.The fall of Jingling City, because it was far enough away from Jiangling City, and there was a huge long lake in the middle, so it was not yet possible to encircle Sun Quan's army distributed in Jiangling City.Therefore, even if Sun Quan didn't want to endure, he still had to endure.

But the fall of the Changhu Water Village meant that Guan Xing's army really got under his nose.If Guan Xing had established a stronghold here, then the situation in Nanjun would have changed all of a sudden.

The Jingzhou Army has Liao Hua and Shi Guangyuan attacking the Zhijiang camp in the south, and Jiangling City's impenetrable defenses in the west. Now if there is Guanxing's Changhu stronghold in the north, the only thing left is the direction of the Yangtze River in the east. There are no more enemies.This means that his army was suddenly surrounded on three sides by the Jingzhou Army!

How could Sun Quan not be annoyed by this?

After driving away all the guards, he took out his saber Zidian and slashed wildly in his tent until he chopped all the tables and cases inside into a pile of pieces, and almost smashed the pole supporting the tent. The largest log uprights were chopped off.Fortunately, Sun Quan has not gone crazy, otherwise he would really be crushed to death.

After venting, Sun Quan raised his sword and walked out of his big tent. The madness on his face just now had returned to his usual calmness.The fierce light in his glaucoma eyes has also subsided now.

But when the guards saw the lord raising his sword, most of them immediately hid away.

Ling Tong was also feeling apprehensive.But he knew that if he didn't risk his life in the past and deliberately avoided like others, the Lord's trust in him would definitely disappear in the future.

Ling Tong decided to take a gamble, not to mention he didn't believe that the lord would kill him on the spot.Ling Tong rushed over immediately, and saluted, "My lord!"

Sun Quan looked at those who were hesitant to come, or who had already hid far away, and then looked down at Ling Tong who was kneeling in front of him. The feeling in his heart naturally formed a great contrast.

Sun Quan said softly: "Get up." The shadow cast on the ground by his nine-foot tall body completely enveloped Ling Tong's body.

Ling Tong was overjoyed, hearing his master's tone, his anger was finally over.Ling Tong immediately got up according to the order, and said: "The general will send someone to clean up the big tent immediately."

Sun Quan waved his hand, the situation inside was already chaotic, and it would take too much time to clean it up.

Therefore, Sun Quan said: "There is no need to clean up. You replace Gu with a new big tent, and I will use it right away. Also, you immediately send someone to bring Zhang Zibu and Kan Derun to me to discuss military affairs. In addition , and then passed my order to the Zhijiang camp, and directly recruited Suinan General Quan Cong to come back to the camp alone."

Sun Quan's first two orders are of course no problem.But now Quan Cong is in the Zhijiang camp following Zhuge Jin and fighting Liao Hua's army, so it seems inappropriate to call him back suddenly!
Moreover, Ling Tong could probably guess that Sun Quan must have an important task to entrust to recruit Quan Cong at this time.With a thought in his heart, he might have to take action against the Changhu water village.

Ling Tong couldn't help but feel a little lost.Quan Cong is indeed a talented person. He is only 26 and seven years old now, and his reputation has already flourished in Jiangdong.Although I am very trusted by the lord, but in the eyes of the lord, my talent is not as good as Quan Cong.

Otherwise, I will be by the lord's side, and the lord can let me lead the army to attack. Why do I have to recruit Quan Cong who is fighting?

Ling Tong sighed inwardly, and could only ask: "Although the last general doesn't know why the lord wants to call up the generals, the generals are now fighting against the Jingzhou army. Who will lead his parts?"

Sun Quan thought for a while and said, "Let's hand over Quan Cong's parts to He Qi for the time being, and let He Qi hand them back to him after Quan Cong returns."

Ling Tong immediately took the order and left.

Sun Quan's big account is no longer the big account it was before.This is a much smaller tent, but it is still one of the most luxurious in the camp.

Soon, Zhang Zhao and Kan Ze took Ling Tong's guards and brought them to Sun Quan's new tent.On the way they came, they had already learned from the guards why Sun Quan changed the camp, and they couldn't help but feel a little bit upset.This protagonist has always been calm, but if he loses his temper, it will be terrible.

However, when they entered the big tent to meet Sun Quan nervously, they found that Sun Quan was sitting upright in the middle hall with a peaceful expression on his face.It seems that the lord's anger should have almost dissipated, and the two of them finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After the two of them were seated, Zhang Zhao asked Sun Quan about his willingness to summon the two of them so eagerly.

Sun Quan's complexion changed, and he said, "The two of you must have known about the destruction of the Changhu Water Village. I just want to ask you, is there any good way to deal with it now?"

Anyone with a bit of a brain knows that this matter must not be left alone, otherwise there are only two endings for the Jiangdong Army in Nanjun: the better result is to be forced to withdraw from the Nanjun territory; the worst result is, Besieged and wiped out under Jiangling City by the Jingzhou Army.

However, regardless of the above two results, Jiangdong people are not willing to see.Therefore, their only choice now, of course, is to immediately send troops to retake the Changhu water village when Chengguan Xingjun's foothold is not stable.

Therefore, Zhang Zhao immediately cupped his hands and said, "Our army has no choice but to send troops to recapture the water village."

Sun Quan nodded and looked at Kan Ze.

Of course Kan Ze immediately supported Zhang Zhao's opinion.

Seeing that the two had the same thoughts as his, Sun Quan told him that he had hurriedly summoned Quan Cong back to the camp.

Of course Zhang Zhao and Kan Ze knew about Quan Cong.Especially Zhang Zhao, Quan Cong came from a famous family, and he valued him even more, and it was even more impossible to embarrass Quan Cong like he looked down on Lu Meng.The two immediately agreed to let this Jiangdong rising star who was only thirty years old lead the army.

(End of this chapter)

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