The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 504 Both sides prepare for battle

Chapter 504 Both sides prepare for battle
Although Zhang Zhao's military ability is not enough to help Sun Quan to stabilize the country, but if he is planning a small-scale war, he is still competent.

Therefore, after Zhang Zhao and Kan Ze both agreed with Quan Cong's command of the army, he immediately saw through a flaw in Sun Quan's arrangement.

Zhang Zhaoyi cupped his hands and said, "My lord, I have another suggestion here."

Sun Quan nodded and asked, "If Zibu has any suggestions, feel free to tell me."

Zhang Zhao replied: "My lord, our army is short of troops right now. And Guan Xing's troops are fine and well-fed, at least more than 1 people. Our army wants to call up more soldiers from the camp at this time." It is simply impossible for General Quan Cong to give Wan's troops to General Quan Cong."

In fact, most of Guan Xing's troops were brought over by Xue Kang. There were only about 7000 troops in total, and they still needed to be recruited from Jingling City, not as many as Zhang Zhao expected.

And Zhang Zhao did have some clever tricks, and he hit Sun Quan's painful foot with one sentence.He is now devoting most of his troops to the battle at Zhijiang Camp, and the troops on Jiangling City can only achieve a balance between offense and defense.

Sun Quan was out of breath before, so he ignored this point. Now that Zhang Zhao said this, he couldn't help feeling anxious.

Sun Quan hurriedly said to Zhang Zhao, "It's true, why did Zibu teach me?"

Zhang Zhao looked at Kan Ze with some complacency, and said, "I have already thought about it for my lord. Now there are only about 6000 enemy troops left in Jiangling City. Then our army can take advantage of the night to take back part of the army today, leaving only About 8000 people are deployed to garrison, and about 6000 troops can be drawn from them to attack Quan Cong, and that's enough."

Let Quan Cong lead an army of 6000 people to fight against the tens of thousands of Guan Xing troops with cavalry?Although Jiangdong has many battles with fewer victories, Quan Cong is not Zhou Gongjin back then!
Sun Quan quickly asked, "Zi Bu, is it too risky to do this?"

Zhang Zhao had already made up his mind, and said with a smile, "My lord, don't be impatient. It is true that the lord has a little less troops for General Quan Cong, but don't forget that there is a water village on the other side of the Changhu Lake. You can go from the Yangtze River." Part of the navy was mobilized to go straight to the Changhu Lake and attack the Changhu Water Village from both sides. The ships of Guan Xing's navy were temporarily snatched from our army. Can it still be called a navy? It must be defeated in one blow .At that time, Guan Xing's army will be unable to resist under the double attack of our army on land and water, and can only give up the Changhu Water Village!"

Sun Quan couldn't help being overjoyed after hearing Zhang Zhao's narration of the strategy, and immediately clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Zibu's plan is very clever!"

Then, Sun Quan thought about it.Gan Ning was deprived of the military power by himself because of his disadvantage in supporting Zhou Tai's army and killing Zhou Cheng without authorization.Therefore, all the Jiangdong naval forces on the Yangtze River are now handed over to Han Dang, who was originally the commander of the public security.

Now the Yangtze River is not peaceful.Fights between the Jiangdong Navy and the Jiangzhou Navy often broke out, and the main locations were near Huya Mountain.The strength of the Jiangdong water army is superior, but the Jiangzhou army water army is now vigorous, and it cannot be defeated at once.

Han Dang seems to have no free hand now.After Sun Quan thought about it, only Gan Ning could do it.

Sun Quan then said to Zhang Zhao and Kan Ze: "I am going to let Gan Xingba restore his military power to perform crimes and meritorious deeds. Let him lead five thousand sailors and Zhou Ping's fleet to the Changhu Lake at the fastest speed. Let's see how this arrangement works." Woolen cloth?"

Zhou Ping lost half of his men and horses during the attack on Changhu Water Village, but he rescued two-thirds of the warships.Coupled with the fact that he had recently lost his two elder brothers, Sun Quan sympathized with him, so he didn't blame him too much, but still let him command the fleet.

Now Zhou Ping's army plus Gan Ning's 500-man navy must have more than [-] men, which is a little bit more than Quan Cong's men in the land battle.

That is to say, in order to deal with Guan Xing's Changhu Water Village, Sun Quan sent at least 2000 troops this time. The number of troops should be equal to that of Guan Xing's army.

Guan Xing has the superior combat power of the cavalry, and Sun Quan has the absolute advantage of the navy.The combat power of Guan Xing's army has increased and decreased, and Jiangdong's army must have the upper hand.After all, Guan Xing occupied a water village!
Zhang Zhao and Kan Ze glanced at each other.Zhang Zhao suddenly felt a little unhappy, he never imagined that the plan he had planned for Sun Quan was to let the murderer Gan Ning take advantage of him.

But Zhang Zhao couldn't think of any general who could take the place of Gan Ning.He didn't reply to Sun Quan immediately, but turned his head to discuss with Kan Ze in a low voice.Kan Ze himself couldn't think of a better candidate.

Zhang Zhao had no choice but to second Sun Quan.

Sun Quan was overjoyed, and immediately sent people to the navy camp to recruit Gan Ning to send troops.

Guan Xing's side is also very busy at this time.

After Guan Xing took possession of the water village, he was afraid that Zhou Ping's navy would suddenly come to kill him, so he sent a large number of people to repair the damaged parts of the water village as quickly as possible.

Then, he began to recruit most of the troops in Jiangling City, leaving only 1000 people to defend the city.These people had to detour to the mountainous area north of Jiangling City, and then detour to the west bank of Changhu Lake to get there. It would take about two days.He didn't dare to send a warship to pick up people. If the Jiangdong navy suddenly came out halfway, it would definitely be a tragedy.

In the end, Guan Xing would send people to drive all the surrounding residents to the west of Jiangling City, or to the side of Jingling City.

They really don't have time to do the work of persuasion now, and they really can only use force to force them to leave.Otherwise, once the flood comes, no one can save them.This job is actually the most difficult thing. In some places, there are even incidents of being unable to resist, but they are absolutely unable to defeat the army, and they are immediately suppressed by the army.

In fact, if you look at it on the surface, the plan of flooding is indeed a beautiful and fast way.But in fact, after this plan, the surrounding areas of Jiangling City will be in ruins, and the loss of residents will definitely be very great.Even if they move back in the future, they will end up displaced.

The plan of flooding is actually the most tragic and poisonous plan.

Liu Chan also doesn't have enough practical experience. If he knows that the actual consequences are so serious, I'm afraid he won't be able to carry it out.

Guan Xing is different.He is now a general who is marching and fighting, and he is more concerned about the outcome of the battle. As for civil affairs, he doesn't think much about it now.At most, he only considered where to release the water. In the future, the flood could be vented from other places as quickly as possible to reduce the loss of Jiangling City.

Then, Guan Xing and Meng Xi immediately took people out to survey the hydrological conditions and terrain on the south bank of Changhu Lake.

At this time, on the shore of Changhu Lake, all kinds of grass are lush and full of vitality.The breeze accompanied the white waves in the lake, making noises together, and small white foams appeared one by one.

Looking at the blue waves in front of me, the amount of water is absolutely sufficient.In fact, it would be even better if there were a few more heavy rains this year.It's a pity that Guan Xing can't afford to wait now, nor does he want to wait any longer.

Guan Xing and Meng Xi took the map of Changhu Lake and walked along the south bank of Changhu Lake.They kept confirming where they were, and at the same time they discussed where to break the embankment so that the water of the Long Lake could escape as quickly as possible.

After a day and a night of sleepless investigation, the two finally walked all over the south bank of Changhu Lake.It was finally decided to open an embankment to release water in a lowland called Shayang two miles away from Changhu Water Village.

Therefore, Guan Xing immediately returned to the camp to recruit 1000 people, and moved countless sacks to Shayang.

These sacks are of course useful, mainly for dikes.

Guan Xing's 1000-strong force will create a gap hundreds of meters long at the embankment of Shayang.But before making a gap, the interior of the dam must first separate the lake water, otherwise how to operate it?Those sandbags are for that.

According to Guan Xing's estimate, this project will take at least four or five days to complete.In fact, the most time-consuming and most troublesome thing is actually to drive away the surrounding residents. I'm afraid it may not be completed in four or five days.

Then, a day later, the scout team sent Guan Xing a piece of information.

Quan Cong has already led an army towards Changhu Lake, the number of which is at least 6000, and it is expected to arrive at Changhu Water Village at nightfall.

Guan Xing immediately summoned Meng Xi to discuss countermeasures.

(End of this chapter)

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