Chapter 505
At nightfall, Quan Cong's [-] troops set up camp thirteen miles south of Changhu Water Village.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Guan Xing received a notification that Quan Cong's army had been dispatched and was heading towards the Shuizhai.

Guan Xing was already prepared for Quan Cong's move. He had already anticipated it during the discussion with Meng Xi last night, so he was not surprised by it.What's more, he had already ordered the whole army to prepare for battle last night.

So, after Guan Xing's order to attack was passed on, the 4000 troops that had already been assembled at this time immediately set out toward the outside of the stronghold.

Guan Xing chose to take the initiative to fight.Although the water village here has a certain geographical advantage, it is actually not that big of an advantage, so like the Jiangdong Army's Zhijiang Camp, it can only take the initiative to defend against the enemy's invasion.

Another reason is that he is now sending some people to relocate the surrounding residents.Therefore, this area must be protected so that Quan Cong's army cannot enter, and the stealth of the operation can be temporarily maximized, let alone the operation being hindered by the enemy.

After Guan Xing's army moved out for about four miles, the scout leader galloped forward to report that Quan Cong's army had arrived four miles ahead.

Guan Xing immediately sent down an order that the whole army stop marching, occupy the surrounding favorable terrain and line up, waiting for the arrival of Quan Cong's army.

Guan Xing divided the 4000-man army into three wings, left, center, and right, according to general practice. He himself presided over the Chinese army phalanx, equipped with 800 soldiers.It actually included a full cavalry team of 600 people, which were distributed on both sides of the infantry phalanx, with 300 cavalry teams on each side.

Because Guan Xing actually only has 1000 cavalry on hand, that is, the cavalry that Meng Xi handed over to stop the Soochow navy on the north bank of Changhu Lake.

At that time, after a big battle between the two sides, some soldiers were lost, but after Guan Xing immediately replenished them, the establishment of 1000 people was finally restored.Then, Guan Xing sent it to the northwest of Jingling City and handed it over to Xue Kang, who became the decisive force for Guan Xing's army to win when they attacked Changhu Water Village at night.

Since there are so many cavalry units distributed in the central army formation, it is inevitable that the area it occupies will be the largest.Moreover, since the cavalry must have enough room to maneuver if it is to be able to exert its combat effectiveness, the distance between the central army formation and the troops on the two wings must be much higher than that used in general combat.

The left wing of Guan Xingjun's army was handed over to Xue Kang's command, equipped with 1000 infantry and 1000 cavalry.Of course, the army formation on the right wing was to be led by Meng Xi.He has the least troops, only 700, but among them there are 300 infantry, and the cavalry is more than Xue Kang's troops, reaching [-] people.

The reason why Guan Xing wanted to have more troops on the left wing than the right wing was because the left wing was relatively fragile and needed to strengthen the defense to ensure that the left wing would not be broken by the enemy.And in this case, the battle on the two wings is almost equal, and it is not easy for the enemy to see the weaknesses of their own defenses.

Half an hour later, a burst of dust rose up to the south of Guan Xingjun, as if a burst of yellow mist suddenly rose there.

Guan Xing knew that Quan Congjun had finally arrived late.

A quarter of an hour later, Quan Cong's front figure finally appeared.From a distance, they should have also formed three army formations, almost all infantry.On the way here, they had already completed their battle preparations, no wonder it took such a long time for such a small distance.

Guan Xing couldn't help but secretly nodded when he saw the correct formation of the enemy army and their strict military appearance.Just looking at the scene in front of him, he can know that this Quan Cong is really not comparable to ordinary generals.He is afraid that he will meet a strong enemy today.

But Guan Xing knew better, what about a strong enemy?This battle is imperative today.He suddenly turned his head to look at the left wing of the army formation. Xue Kang was dressed in snow-white armor, holding a big knife in his hand, and stared at the enemy formation in the south.

This time, the prince tried his best to help him carry out his strategy.The prince handed over all the troops of the battalion to Xue Kang to bring them over for support, while he returned to Dangyang City with the abandoned battalion.

Moreover, the prince also sent an order to Zhijiang County, requiring Liao Hua and Shi Guangyuan's strategies to cooperate with their own actions.In other words, Shizi changed a main battlefield where the main force was invested into a secondary battlefield.

Guan Xing was very grateful to the prince for the importance he placed on him.Therefore, for this plan of flooding, he will succeed no matter what.

Soon, Quan Cong's army came to a halt a mile away, and the smoke and dust rising from behind gradually dissipated.

Immediately, a group of troops from Quan Cong's army stepped out and stopped in front of the Chinese army's formation.At first, there was a person wearing blue armor, his figure was not very tall and straight, but his appearance was very handsome. He should be under 30 years old, and there was a trace of elegance in his whole body.Especially his pair of eyes, when looking towards Guan Xingjun, they looked bright and energetic.

Guan Xing guessed that this person should be the enemy general Quan Cong.

While Guan Xing was looking at Quan Cong, Quan Cong was not idle, discussing something with the guard captain beside him, raising his whip from time to time, and pointing at Guan Xing's army formation.

Guan Xing looked at the sun, the time had come to noon, and the direction of the sun at this time was slightly favorable to him.He wanted to immediately order Mengxi's right-wing troops to attack first.

But at this time, a green horse suddenly rushed out of Quan Cong's army, and ran towards Guan Xing's army.It seemed that the other party had sent a special envoy, so Guan Xing temporarily stopped issuing orders.

The special envoy should be a soldier like a scout. He ran to the edge of the design range of the archery team in front of the Guan Xing army, stopped his horse and dared not go any further.

The special envoy raised his voice and asked, "Which one is General Guan Xing?"

Guan Xing raised his voice and replied: "This general is Guan Xing, what advice do you have?"

Seeing Guan Xing's burly figure, the special envoy's eyes were so majestic that he couldn't look directly at him, and he secretly praised the Guan Xing's son as really extraordinary.

He hurriedly bowed his hands on the horse and said: "The villain came to see General Guan on the order of my generals. My general said that General Guan raided Jingling City and Changhu Water Village in just a few days. He has already heard about it. In my heart, I admire General Guan's military strategy, so I asked the villain to express my admiration on his behalf."

When Guan Xing heard this, his opinion of Quan Cong was raised again.A general who can express respect to his enemies is absolutely impossible to be a mediocre or narrow-minded person.Guan Xing felt that only such a confident enemy could truly be worthy of his attention.

Guan Xing actually bowed his hands to the special envoy and said: "Your army formation and military appearance are also very strict, please also express my admiration to General Quan Cong on my behalf. However, please also tell General Quan Cong that today I will In order to win, Guan Xing must fight with all his strength, so please do his best."

The special envoy felt a little flattered by Guan Xing's return, and hurriedly said: "General Guan's words, the villain will remember it, and must pass it on to the whole general. Farewell!"

The envoy then turned his horse's head and rushed back towards the formation, telling Quan Cong exactly what Guan Xing had said.After Quan Cong finished listening, a smile appeared on his face, and he cupped his hands towards Guan Xing from afar.

Then, Guan Xing and Quan Cong gave the order to beat the drums at the same time, and the battle finally started.

Guan Xing immediately followed the battle plan drawn up last night, and first ordered Mengxi's right-wing troops to attack first.

After Meng Xi got the order, he immediately drew out his saber and swung it downward. The 300-man cavalry team on the right side of his phalanx rushed out first.Then, the infantry team also rushed out, and the two groups rushed past Meng Xi with a roar.

Meng Xi was under the protection of the guards, and finally rushed out.Sure enough, no one could obey Liu Chan's command better than Meng Xi.

Quan Cong saw Guan Xingjun's right wing attacking.His expression was indifferent, his army was larger than Guan Xing's, so of course he didn't have to worry too much.

Quan Cong immediately dispatched 500 people from his left wing to intercept.Quan Cong's purpose in doing this is obvious, that is to use the superior force of the left wing to block the impact of Guan Xingjun's right wing troops.The men and horses of the two sides immediately collided with each other at a distance.

After watching the battle for a while, Guan Xing knew Quan Cong's intentions, so he was going to send out his right wing next.

Sure enough, after a while, Quan Cong saw that the impact force of Meng Xi's troops had been exhausted, and immediately ordered the 2000 troops on the right to attack.

Guan Xing sneered.The war drums in his army were beating loudly again.

Guan Xing raised his big sword high and then lowered it. The central army and Xue Kang's left wing were all thrown into the battlefield.They roared, like two torrents rushing towards the enemy army on the opposite side.

Quan Cong obviously didn't expect Guan Xing to be so desperate, and he threw all his troops into the battlefield without even testing each other.

Quan Cong couldn't help secretly praising him, this Guan Xing really likes to make surprise attacks, even on such a battlefield, he doesn't forget to catch his opponent by surprise.But Quan Cong didn't want Guan Xing to succeed.He is Quan Cong Quanzi Huang, not a reckless man like Pan Zhang!

Quan Cong immediately said loudly to the herald: "Send me all 1000 sword players, and let them hit the front of the central army array, so as to withstand the enemy's impact. Then send an order to the archer team to let them all concentrate Behind the sword players, the rest of the central army will support the archers! Finally, the right wing of our army was ordered to attack immediately, and they were asked to defeat the enemy's left wing at any cost!"

It can be seen that Quan Cong's eyes are indeed sharp.He has already seen that Guan Xing's combat arrangement this time is to use the strongest strength of the Chinese army to break through the enemy's central array and implement the central breakthrough tactic.

After the contact between the two armies, Guan Xing personally broke out with superhuman combat power.But this is a war, not a personal contest.Today is destined not to be an easy day for Guan Xing and his army.

The two sides fought fiercely until the evening of the day, and the situation was still evenly matched.

The two sides immediately chose a truce in a tacit understanding.But this is actually beneficial to Guan Xing, because what he needs now is to buy time.

After Guan Xing went back, he counted the troops and lost a total of six to seven hundred people.Quan Cong lost more than a thousand people because the whole army was infantry.

(End of this chapter)

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