Chapter 506
After Guan Xing returned to the water village, he returned to his camp alone.He began to review today's battle.

In fact, when the two armies pile up frontally, they will first conduct small-scale trials at the beginning, and only after knowing the strength of the other side will they continue to invest in the battlefield.

For example, on the side of Zhijiang Daying, the two sides played more cautiously at the beginning.Shi Guangyuan and Liao Hua commanded the army to test each other for at least six or seven days before they dared to launch a fierce attack.

The scale of the war on Guan Xing's side is only one-sixth of that in Zhijiang County, so of course there is no need to test each other for so long.Even if Guan Xing wanted to try this way, Quan Cong would not be able to cooperate.

Therefore, it was not ineffective for Guan Xing to immediately launch a war today, at least it gave a great shock to the menacing Quan Cong army, so that Quan Cong did not dare to act rashly.

But in today's battle, both sides suffered heavy losses.Then, between the two parties, it is impossible to continue such a war without revealing the fatal weakness of the other party.In other words, the next step for the two sides is to launch a small-scale contact war to test each other.

The order of this battle seemed to be reversed by them.From Guan Xing's point of view, this situation seems to be beneficial to him.

After Quan Cong went back, he was also thinking about today's battle. His mind was indeed similar to that of Guan Xing, and he decided to test the enemy army first to expose their weaknesses.

But of course Quan Cong also considered the advantages of doing so.That is, he can wait for Gan Ning's reinforcements to arrive while learning about Guan Xing's army.At that time, even if Guan Xingjun does not expose his weaknesses on his own side, he can still defeat him with two attacks.

Everyone has their own calculations, and they all make trade-offs between the gains and losses of their own interests.This is the "wonderful application, all in one mind" in the art of war.

And that night, Sun Quan's camp suddenly received a statement of defense from Zhou Cheng, expressing that he was determined not to join his troops under the command of Gan Ning, a brother-killing enemy.

Sun Quan was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned livid.

At that time, when Sun Quan was planning to attack Changhu Water Village with Zhang Zhao and Kan Ze, there were two reasons why Sun Quan thought of letting Zhou Cheng join Gan Ning's command:
[-]. Zhou Cheng's fleet has been hovering near the exit of Changhu Lake, looking for an opportunity to retake their water village, but it is the Wu army's combat unit closest to Changhu Water Village.

[-]. When Zhou Cheng came to sue Sun Quan at that time, he unexpectedly behaved very reasonable.So Sun Quan thought that Zhou Cheng could put the country first this time, and like Ling Tong, he could let go of his hatred for Gan Ning and help Gan Ning win this battle.

Moreover, after Zhang Zhao and Kan Ze went out, Sun Quan personally wrote a comforting letter to Zhou Cheng just to be on the safe side.

Sun Quan's consideration can be regarded as relatively comprehensive.Moreover, with his honor as the lord, it is really not easy to write a letter to a school lieutenant in person.

But with the delivery of Zhou Cheng's letter, Sun Quan knew that his painstaking efforts had failed, and anger was inevitable.

Sun Quan looked at Ling Tong standing under the hall, and he sighed in his heart for his understanding. Only such a good general can become the pillar of the country!

Sun Quan ordered Ling Tong to come forward and show him Zhou Cheng's statement of defense.After Ling Tong saw it, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Sun Quan asked Ling Tong, "Gongji, what do you think of Zhou Cheng at this time?"

Ling Tong couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, of course he supported Zhou Cheng's actions out of selfishness.But if this is the case, it can never be used to reply to the lord.

Ling Tong said with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Lieutenant Zhou Cheng is sympathetic, but this is a matter of national importance, so I'm afraid he will have to bear with it."

Sun Quan was very satisfied with Ling Tong's reply, and said, "It's still fair and reasonable! But, the question is, since Zhou Cheng has filed a letter to defend himself, how should Gu deal with it?"

Ling Tong never expected that Sun Quan would ask him for advice.As soon as his heart moved, he knew that the lord was dissatisfied with Zhang Zhao and Kan Ze.The two knew that Zhou Cheng and Gan Ning had enmity, but they still agreed with their arrangement indifferently.

The reason Ling Tong was able to think of this was not because he knew Sun Quan too well.It was because he heard a conversation between Zhang Zhao and Kan Ze after they left Sun Quan's tent.Zhang Zhao and Kan Ze had fully thought of Zhou Chenghui's opposition to Sun Quan's arrangement, but they just seconded the proposal on purpose, obviously to trip Gan Ning on purpose.

Ling Tong thought for a while, then cupped his hands and said, "Master, I'm afraid there is only one solution that can be solved now."

Only then did Sun Quan show a gleam of joy, and asked, "What can I do?"

"It has been a while since General Zhou Tai died, and his title has not yet been conferred again. My lord can now let Captain Zhou Cheng accept the title of General Zhou Tai and recall him to the Jiangling City camp. In this way, Zhou Cheng's If the fleet loses its captain, General Gan Ning will not encounter strong opposition when he integrates."

Sun Quan couldn't help being overjoyed, but frowned, and asked, "If Zhou Tai's title is given to Zhou Cheng, what about Zhou Tai's son Zhou Shao?"

Ling Tong thought for a while, and said, "Zhou Shao is still a little younger now, and it's almost enough to be the captain of the cavalry under the former Guang Luxun. After all, this used to be a man with a rank of two thousand stones and in charge of the Habayashi cavalry. A formal official position is enough to express gratitude. As for the matter of ennobling Zhou Shao, we can wait until he grows up."

Sun Quan nodded and said: "It's appropriate for Gongji to say so, just do as you say." And if he moves quickly, he does have enough time now to reach Changhu Lake with Gan Ning's fleet Before the mouth, Zhou Chengzheng was transferred back.

Therefore, Sun Quan immediately followed Ling Tong's strategy and issued an order to Changhu to recruit Zhou Cheng to confer the title.Then, he issued a letter of appointment to Jiangdong for Zhou Tai's eldest son, Zhou Shao, to be the riding captain.

On the second day, between Quan Cong's army and Guan Xing's army on Changhu's side, as expected, only small-scale battles broke out.In fact, Quan Cong and Guan Xing, the two main generals, did not even lead the army out that day.Quan Cong only arranged for a partial general to lead the troops, while Guan Xing sent Meng Xi to fight.

In the middle of the night that day, Zhou Cheng received Sun Quan's call-up order.After he saw it, his face turned pale with anger.He, Zhou Cheng, is just a fool, and of course he can see why Sun Quan rewarded him with Zhou Tai's title at this time.This purpose is too obvious, of course he wants to take away his military power!
After Zhou Cheng was so angry that he yelled in the cabin, he immediately called his guard captain Zhou Gong to discuss the matter.

Zhou Gong was also a child of the Zhou clan, and his face turned blue from anger.Although, everyone always thought that the Zhou family lost two generals in the battle of Nanjun.But in fact, there should be three, and Zhou Shan was almost ignored.And this Zhou Shan is actually Zhou Gong's cousin.

Zhou Gong also yelled: "My lord, how can you treat my Zhou family like this! How did General Zhou Tai risk his life to protect him before? Has he forgotten it? Why is he only favoring him now? Gan Ning !"

Zhou Gong's embellished words aroused Zhou Cheng's anger even more, his face became even uglier immediately, and he asked: "Then what do you think I should do now? I also submitted the statement of defense, but it turned out to be a mess. What will happen if the military power is taken away!"

Zhou Gong thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said: "The general has an idea here, I wonder if you dare to do it, captain!"

Zhou Chengqi said, "Let's hear what's your idea."

Zhou Gong said: "Our Zhou family is not a softie like Ling Tong. Now that we have completely forgotten his revenge for killing his father, we can still become close friends with Gan Ning."

Zhou Cheng nodded in agreement.

Zhou Gong continued: "But if we continue to stay in the Jiangdong Army, I'm afraid we will never be able to avenge General Zhou Tai and General Zhou Cheng! So..."

I'm afraid he hurriedly said: "So how?"

Zhou Gong whispered in his ear: "So only by taking refuge in the Jingzhou army can revenge be possible!"

Zhou Cheng let out a cry, looked at Zhou Gong in disbelief, and his face also turned red.But he didn't actually yell at Zhou Gong's infidelity, he just lingered where he was, and seemed to be considering it.

(End of this chapter)

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