Chapter 507 Brave and Rude

After a long time, Zhou Cheng asked in a low voice: "But what will our relatives who stayed in Xiacai do in the future?"

Zhou Gong said confidently: "The general can pretend to plead guilty to the lord, expressing that he is willing to serve under Gan Ning's command. For the convenience of the lord, the lord will definitely take back the transfer order to you."

Zhou Cheng's face softened slightly, and he hesitated: "You let me join Gan Ning, do you mean that you want me to make a temporary incident before the battle, and catch Gan Ning by surprise?" If so, Zhou Gong's strategy is just It's very vicious.

Zhou Gong nodded, and said: "That's right! In this way, Gan Ning might be killed. We will send people home quickly to pick up the family members. As for our tribe, there are many people My lord, I dare not lay hands on them. The general will set off to Changhu Water Village now to meet General Guan Xing, and I believe he will welcome us very much now."

Zhou Cheng nodded and said: "Then you will have to work hard. This matter has become like this, since the lord is so ruthless, don't blame me, Zhou, for being ungrateful!"

Zhou Gong nodded approvingly to Zhou Cheng, knowing that Zhou Cheng had agreed to his plan.

Ling Tong never imagined that the arrangement he made for Sun Quan would have such an effect.However, in fact, he was very happy to see such a result.Because as long as it can put Gan Ning to death, he is really happy to see it.

At dawn that night, Zhou Gong arrived at the gate of Changhu Shuizhai in the boat on which he was riding.After he opened the gate of the village and informed him of his intention, the captain guarding the gate saw that the matter was of great importance, so he didn't dare to let Zhou Gong pass right away, but immediately went back to ask Guan Xing for instructions.

Guan Xing didn't expect that someone in the Wu army would come to ask for surrender so suddenly, so he immediately got up from the bed and put on his clothes.He thought for a while, no matter whether the other party's intention is true or not, let's judge after seeing him.

Then, Guan Xing summoned Zhou Gong.

As soon as Zhou Gong saw Guan Xing, he re-explained his reason for coming and why they wanted to do this.Finally, Zhou Gong took out a letter written by Zhou Cheng to Guan Xing from his pocket.

After Guan Xing saw it, he couldn't help feeling a little suspicious, and asked: "Although Zhou Ping died at the hands of Gan Ning, no matter what your general Zhou Tai said, he was finally killed at the hands of my Jingzhou army. We are the most direct enemies. Why did your Colonel Zhou choose to join us?"

Zhou Gong cupped his hands and said: "No, General Guan. General Zhou Tai died at the hands of the Jingzhou army. The two countries fought each other for their own masters. You can't blame you for this matter. And Gan Xingba not only deliberately delayed To support General Zhou Tai and kill General Zhou Ping, this is the real blood feud!"

Guan Xing nodded, this time the Zhou family distinguishes hatred very clearly.Then, he chatted with Zhou Gong again, only then did he know that Gan Ning was leading his army northward and would soon reach the mouth of Changhu Lake.

Guan Xing couldn't help feeling a little terrified.He originally thought that the only enemy he had to face now was Quan Congjun, but he didn't expect that Sun Quan would secretly attack him like this!At that time, the enemy army will attack twice, and my water village will be attacked from the front and back, and the end will naturally be a big defeat.Don't say anything about opening dikes to release water.

Although it is not yet certain whether the news provided by Zhou Gong is true or not, it is absolutely necessary to confirm it immediately.

Therefore, Guan Xing promised Zhou Gong that he would give him an answer as quickly as possible, and then sent him out of the water village.At this time, the sky was already bright.

After Guan Xing went back, he immediately wrote a letter to report the matter to the crown prince.Although the son is too far apart, it is impossible to personally ask about this matter, but he still has to report to him.

Then, Guan Xing immediately summoned Meng Xi and Xue Kang to discuss the matter.

During the discussion, Xue Kang raised a dilemma.That is Huang Gai and Kan Ze from Jiangdong. They used the trick of false surrender to deceive Cao Mengde, so will they be repeating the old trick this time?
But after discussing this problem, everyone found that it is not so difficult to solve.

Because if the Jiangdong water army implements the strategy of attacking from both sides, even if the action is discovered by their side, their water villages will hardly be able to resist.So, in view of the existence of such an advantage, why did they bother to force Zhou Cheng to surrender?

Then, the three of Guan Xing can basically be sure now that Zhou Cheng is very likely to come to surrender sincerely.

Then, the next step was Zhou Cheng's plan to surprise Gan Ning.After everyone's discussion, since Zhou Cheng's sincerity was confirmed earlier, there is no big problem with this strategy.

It is only necessary to add that when Zhou Cheng launched a surprise attack on the Gan Ning army, Guan Xing's fleet should immediately go out to meet his fleet.Because if the two sides launch an internal and external attack like this, Gan Ning's navy may be in chaos, and it will be time for everyone to make contributions.

Therefore, Guan Xing also sent a school lieutenant as a special envoy to Changhu Hukou, expressing his willingness to accept Zhou Cheng's surrender and agreeing to Zhou Cheng's battle plan.

On the other hand, Quan Cong began to conduct a detailed analysis based on the news that the scouts sent out had returned.Then, he really got some clues of what large-scale actions Guan Xing might be taking.Of course, it is impossible for him to know for a while that what Guan Xing is going to implement is to flood Jiangling City.

Therefore, in order to obtain more information, Quan Cong sent out most of the scouts.As a result, when the two sides were fighting and stopping before the battle, they seemed a little tepid.But between the scout teams of both sides, the fight was in full swing, and the battle was extremely fierce.

Sun Quan also received another letter from Fenwu Colonel Zhou Cheng.The content of this form was definitely beyond Sun Quan's expectations, and the beginning was to plead guilty to Sun Quan.

Said that Zhou Cheng should not use his own personal hatred to ignore the country's major affairs, and asked the lord to take back the previous call-up order, and he is willing to join General Gan Ning's command.

Then, Zhou Cheng said that he didn't have any merits yet, so Zhou Tai's title will be kept first, and it won't be too late to confer the title to him after he defeats Guan Xingjun.

Seeing this, Sun Quan couldn't help feeling very happy for Zhou Cheng's sudden change.Moreover, Sun Quan was a little complacent because of himself, after all, he hadn't lost sight of it, and this Zhou Cheng really understood the importance of the country and the heart of loyalty.

But it was precisely because he was so happy that Sun Quan forgot to think about why Zhou Cheng suddenly changed so quickly.

Therefore, Sun Quan did not discuss with anyone, and agreed to Zhou Cheng's request, canceling his recruitment order, and let him continue to serve under Gan Ning's command.As a result, the consequences caused later are really serious!
And what about Liu Chan?What has he been doing lately?
After the original Liao Huajun abandoned by Liu Chan agreed, he returned to Dangyang City with the white-eared guards.

After obtaining Guan Xing's successful attack on the Changhu Water Village, he estimated that Guan Xing's current strength would be enough to withstand the long-term attack of the army sent by Sun Quan.What's more, the time Guan Xing needs now probably won't take more than a week.

Therefore, Liu Chan can be said to have the confidence to win the war on the Nanjun side.

Then, most of Liu Chan's attention was put on the battle situation in the area south of the Yangtze River.And this has a lot to do with Guan Xing's flood plan.

Originally, Liu Chan's strategic arrangement was to use Wuxi Man's troops to outflank Xu Sheng's army from the rear and help Zhang Fei's army break through Jingmen Mountain.

In this case, the entire battle situation in Jingzhou will undergo a qualitative change, and Sun Quan will not be able to stay in Nanjun, so he will be forced to retreat.

But now Guan Xing has brought him a surprise, he can annihilate Sun Quan's army directly in Nanjun with the fastest speed.But there is also a problem, Wuximan's movement speed is extremely slow, and there is still no movement until now.This really made Liu Chan feel anxious and angry.

When the time comes, Sun Quan's main army will be wiped out, and if Wuxi Man's army still cannot cut off the retreat of Lu Meng's army, Lu Meng's army will no longer besiege Gong'an City, but will choose to retreat to Jiangdong to defend the safety of the mainland.Then, the Jingzhou army also lost the opportunity to encircle and wipe out Lu Meng's army.

So, time, everything still depends on time.

Liu Chan asked Zhuge Qiao to send urging letters to Zong Yu, asking him to urge Sha Moke to send troops.

However, the distance between the two sides is so far, and Wuximan is located in a mountainous area. Even if Han Long has set up a pigeon station in the mountainous area, it is not so easy to communicate successfully.

Liu Chan couldn't do anything about this, he could only pray to the sky, hoping that the Wuxi Man army would appear soon.

After Zhou Cheng received Sun Quan's reply, he secretly rejoiced that Sun Quan really agreed to his request.Then the next thing I have to do is to quickly prepare the army and wait for the arrival of the Gan Ning navy.

At noon the next day, Gan Ning's fleet sailed along the mouth of Long Lake from the east.

Zhou Cheng immediately went to visit Gan Ning very enthusiastically.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Gan Ning to know that Zhou Cheng once wrote a letter of defense to Sun Quan because he refused to join his command.Sun Quan is not a fool, how could he tell Gan Ning about this matter?

In fact, Gan Ning was also very puzzled, why did the lord let Zhou Cheng join him.After all, although he did not admit that Zhou Tai was deliberately killed, Zhou Ping was indeed killed by him with a single sword, and there were witnesses around at that time.

Therefore, before Gan Ning came to Changhu, he was already ready to accept Zhou Cheng's challenge to his command, and he was even ready to kill Zhou Cheng again.

But now that Zhou Cheng greeted him with such enthusiasm, Gan Ning really felt too abrupt and uncomfortable.But since Zhou Cheng knew the current affairs like this, Gan Ning was happy to accept it.

As a result, the two naval armies stayed at the mouth of the lake for half a day and one night. The fleets of the two sides were slightly integrated and repaired, and then the whole army headed for the Changhu Water Village.

Gan Ning was rather proud of himself, but his lieutenant Liang Sheng was a little worried.Zhou Cheng's attitude is really strange, even Ling Tong at the beginning was almost on the verge of fighting with Gan Ning, and was finally persuaded by the lord to make peace.But this Zhou Cheng not only did nothing, but also flattered Gan Ning?
Liang Sheng told Gan Ning his worries.Gan Ning just laughed twice, and said, "Didn't you see Zhou Cheng's groveling look? He's just a soft bone, so what's there to worry about?!"

Gan Ning's expression was full of contempt for Zhou Cheng, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

(End of this chapter)

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