Chapter 508
At the same time, Quan Cong frowned, and looked down carefully at the various reports from the scouting team on the table.He quickly selected all the information in the northeast direction of Jiangling City, and put them in a pile by himself.

Quan Cong really felt a little unbelievable about the fierce battle between the two scout teams over there.Although he is young, he has fought a lot of battles. He has never seen such a high-intensity confrontation with the scout team.

His intuition told Quan Cong that there must be a problem in the area north of Jiangling City!Maybe this is a kind of keen intuition of people with famous general potential.

Therefore, Quan Cong ordered the captain of the scouts to gather most of the scouts to the area north of Jiangling City to continue the high-intensity reconnaissance.In fact, he had issued the same order the day before, but his scout team was blocked by Guan Xing, and he never entered that area to obtain the corresponding information.

But the more Guan Xing was like this, the more Quan Cong suspected that there was something wrong with that area.

Quan Cong waited until after noon, when the captain of the scout rushed into the big tent with an anxious look on his face.

Quan Cong felt that there might be some news, so he asked, "How is the situation?"

The scout captain replied: "Just now a brother finally broke through the enemy's blockade and entered that area to investigate the situation. It is very strange that there have been some small wars in the northeast of Jiangling City recently, but the villagers in many villages there actually I don't even know where I'm going!"

Quan Cong wondered, "What's the situation? There are so many people, why did they disappear all of a sudden?"

The scout captain replied: "After the brothers investigated, they found that most of the villagers had left recently. There were many things in their houses that they hadn't taken away, as if they had run away in a hurry after encountering some catastrophe. !"

When the scout captain said this, Quan Cong couldn't understand it even more.He then asked: "Then can the exit route of the villagers be found out?"

The captain of the scouts nodded. His scouts didn't know how to investigate such a thing, and replied: "Go north, definitely go north!"

Quan Cong let out a cry, and headed north, that is, he had entered the area under the absolute control of Guan Xing's army, and he didn't know why Guan Xing needed so many people to go north.If Guan Xing arranged this on purpose, why did he need so many people?Even if it is necessary to forcibly recruit soldiers or corvee, it is impossible to take away the whole village, even the old and weak, women and children!
The thick eyebrows of the whole village immediately frowned again, lost in thought.

Then, the scout captain suddenly provided a new piece of information, saying: "General, my brothers also said that they seem to have seen quite a few Jingzhou troops active on the edge of the Changhu Lake."

Quan Cong nodded, and said casually: "Of course, aren't they stationed in the water village in Changhu now? What's so strange about that?"

"But it should be two or three miles away from the Changhu Water Village. Moreover, the enemy soldiers there may be thousands of soldiers, and the defenses are the most stringent. It is impossible to pass. I don't know what they are doing, but they are in the village. The outside world is so tightly guarded!"

Quan Cong muttered: "Two or three miles, two or three miles, why did they send so many people to guard against such a long distance? However, General Guan Xing's army just captured a large number of Jingling City. There are twice as many reinforcements as I have now. Could it be that he wants to turn around from the side and attack our army? It is not impossible that he has a lot of soldiers and horses. It seems that I also want to Immediately make a response to this, otherwise our army will be defeated if it is attacked by surprise."

Therefore, Quan Cong immediately asked the scout captain to send more people to strengthen the reconnaissance of the Long Lake embankment.Then, he informed the whole army that they were all ready for battle.

He has even made up his mind that there is no news about Gan Ning's navy, so in order to get rid of the current predicament, he does not rule out sending troops to defeat Guan Xing's army in the northwest first—although the flanking troops are actually Quan Cong made the likeness himself.

However, in this way, Quan Cong can be regarded as a little bit wrong.Because it is an absolutely important place for Guan Xingjun, and even for the entire South County!

Another hour passed.

The scout captain brought back a shocking news to Quan Cong: Guan Xing's army stationed outside the water village seemed to be digging a dam on the long lake.

Quan Cong was a little unresponsive at first.Because his thinking is still at the stage where Guan Xing has prepared an army to flank him.

After Quan Cong was stunned for a while, he suddenly swept away all the documents on the table and laid out a topographic map of Nanjun.

His finger pointed to the location of Guan Xing's army, only then did he realize that it was a very low-lying place called Shayang.

Quan Cong stared at the map for a while, staring at the map, thinking of Guan Xing's large-scale expulsion of nearby residents.His heart couldn't help but tremble, and his body suddenly trembled.He thought of a very terrible thing: Guan Xing's army was opening a dike to release water!
Quan Cong's complexion suddenly became very ugly, and he couldn't help muttering: "Guan Xing is absolutely crazy to do this, he is absolutely crazy! When the Lord besieged Jingling City, he didn't dare to do this, but Guan Xing dared to do it!" In your own territory, open embankments to release water for your own people! And the lives of tens of thousands of my soldiers in Jiangdong!"

Quan Cong was really angry at Guan Xing's actions, it was simply irresponsible!With a slap, he immediately stood up from his seat, going to stop Guan Xing's crazy move.

But he suddenly thought that no matter what, he should inform the lord first about this matter, so that he can make preparations first.

Therefore, Quan Cong immediately wrote a letter to Sun Quan, and then ordered the whole army to attack the northwest.

It was at this time that Quan Cong received news from Gan Ning.It is said that his water army has entered the Changhu lake area, and can be launched against Guan Xing's water village in the early morning of tomorrow, and he asks Quan Cong for his cooperation at that time.

After seeing it, Quan Cong threw it on his desk, cursing Gan Ning, why does this bastard always act so slowly.If he had come earlier, what would Guan Xing's army have done to open the embankment?He killed General Zhou Tai last time, isn't he going to kill not only himself, but also the lord and tens of thousands of Jiangdong soldiers?

With a snap, Quan Cong threw the information on his desk in frustration, and said to the messenger: "We'll talk about this matter tomorrow. The most important thing now is to occupy the embankment of the Long Lake!"

(End of this chapter)

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