Chapter 509 Sun Quan leaves
Quan Cong's army suddenly marched towards the area north of Jiangling City, and the news that it had already traveled more than ten miles was sent to Guan Xing's hands as quickly as possible.

After discussing with Meng Xi and Xue Kang, Guan Xing knew that Quan Cong should have detected it, and he wanted to use some clues of the flooding plan.That's why Quan Cong suddenly moved northward like this.

Guan Xing immediately announced that he would leave Xue Kang to guard the water village, while he and Meng Xi led 8000 troops to fight against Quan Cong's army.

After Guan Xing's army was dispatched, the scouts kept going back and forth to report the current movements of Quan Cong's army to Guan Xing.What Guan Xing was worried about seemed to be confirmed more and more clearly: Quan Cong's army really moved directly towards Sha Yang.

Guan Xing can only sigh in his heart now, he has done his best to keep the secrecy work, but this project is indeed too big, and the implementation is too hasty, so that the enemy eventually found out.

Therefore, Guan Xing immediately ordered Meng Xi to lead the cavalry team of 1000 men to attack Quan Cong's army at the fastest speed, and must hold them back.

Meng Xi immediately took orders.

Then, the thousand cavalry broke away from the main army, a cloud of smoke rose up behind them, and galloped towards Quan Cong's army.

At this time, Guan Xing led his army straight to the direction of Shayang. After all, it was only three miles away from Dazhai, and he could reach it soon.Then, after Meng Xi delayed Quan Cong's army, he would have enough time to form an army formation.

Half an hour later, Meng Xi sent someone to send news to Guan Xing.It is said that his cavalry raided the front of Quan Cong's army, but they were unable to defeat that part of the army.

After the two sides fought fiercely for a while, they were almost outflanked by Quan Cong's central soldiers, but he had tried his best to delay the enemy.Since the turning road had been cut off by Quan Cong's army, he was leading the cavalry to retreat back to the water village.

Meng Xi has done a very good job. With 1000 troops holding back [-] enemies for such a long time, even though they were not able to come back and continue to fight, there are also situations where they cannot do so.

Guan Xing muttered in a low voice: "It's fine if you don't come back. I still have an army of 7000 people on hand. It is impossible to defeat Quan Cong! Besides, the work of digging the embankment was completed in just two days. Even dragging can drag you to death!"

Guan Xing then sent messengers to Shayang's 1000-strong embankment-digging force, urging them to speed up the progress of the project.

Guan Xing gave an order, and the army marched forward in the current formation to face Quan Cong's army.

The armies of both sides met four miles south of Shayang.

Seeing Guan Xingjun in front of him in a well-organized formation, Quan Cong really felt bad.Because Guan Xing's army came to intercept him with such a large formation, it has further confirmed his guess: Guan Xing is really going to burst the embankment to release the water.

Moreover, Quan Cong's mind was spinning very fast.Combined with the time when the soldiers and civilians in the north of Jingling City were driven away, he immediately judged that Guan Xingjun's embankment breaking project might be completed in just two days.

Therefore, Quan Cong is very anxious now, and it is impossible to send a special envoy to pay tribute to Guan Xing like when he faced Guan Xing for the first time.

Quan Cong immediately sent an order to go down and start fighting.He first sent a large army of right-wing troops to attack, and Guan Xing unceremoniously sent his own left-wing troops to meet the enemy.

After the two sides fought for a while, Quan Cong also sent out the left-wing troops, and finally it was his turn to attack the central soldiers.

In the end, both sides sent all their troops out, except for the main general himself and the 300-meter guards, who did not participate in the battle.

The two sides really fought hard this time.Quan Cong has already sent an order to go on, this battle is absolutely death-defying, if anyone dares to retreat without authorization, what awaits him is the icy blade of Quan Cong's guards!
But Quan Cong's troops were smaller than Guan Xing's, and Guan Xing's army was more organized than his.In such a battle without resourcefulness, Quan Cong's army could not gain any advantage at all.

Seeing that his army could not break through Guan Xingjun, Quan Cong, who had always been calm, couldn't help but began to curse.The pressure he is facing now is too great. This is a battle of fate for tens of thousands of Jiangdong soldiers who entered Nanjun to participate in the war!

Sun Quan received Quan Cong's upper form at around [-]:[-] on the same day.

After Sun Quan saw it, he was shocked and immediately thought of retreating from Jiangling City.But now there are more than [-] troops fighting in various places in Nanjun. If you want to retreat all at once, it will be easier said than done!
Since the matter was of great importance, Sun Quan immediately summoned Zhang Zhao and Kan Ze to discuss the matter.

After Zhang Zhao and Kan Ze found out about the situation, their hearts also trembled.But the two of them remained calm.

After Zhang Zhao thought for a while, he said to Sun Quan: "My lord, this news about General Quan Cong must be sealed and must not be leaked out, otherwise the morale of our army will surely collapse, so how can we fight?"

Sun Quan nodded and said: "Zi Bu's words are reasonable. After Gu got the information, he immediately summoned the two of you to discuss it. No outsider will know. You can rest assured."

Kan Ze then said to Sun Quan: "My lord, in fact, this news is just General Quan Cong's own conjecture. Even he hasn't verified it. Maybe it's an illusion deliberately released by Guan Xingjun."

Sun Quan's heart moved, it seemed that he was still anxious and confused, and didn't think clearly about many things for a while.

Kan Ze added: "However, for the sake of my lord's safety, my lord should set off immediately tonight. It's safer to go to the navy ship."

Then, Kan Ze looked at Zhang Zhao and told Zhang Zhao that, as an important minister in Jiangdong, Zhang Zhao should leave with the lord.

Sun Quan hesitated for a moment, and asked: "But if Gu leaves here, who should take charge of this camp and so many troops here?" It seems that Sun Quan himself has made up his mind to go.

Kan Ze took the initiative to ask for orders: "I am willing to guard the camp for my lord!"

Sun Quan couldn't help being moved when he heard this.But he didn't want Kan Ze, a caring person, to take risks, and persuaded him: "No, no, Derun, you must leave first with Gu."

Seeing this, Zhang Zhao's expression changed, and he said, "Then, please ask the lord to let the ministers come down to guard the camp?"

Even Kan Ze couldn't stay, so how could Sun Quan let Zhang Zhao stay?Of course he immediately refused.

At this time, Ling Tong who was standing beside him suddenly stepped forward and knelt down on the ground, and said, "My lord, let the future guard the camp? The last general is a military commander. If he is not loyal to the lord at this time, when will he be loyal to the lord?" ?”

Sun Quan couldn't help being moved, this Ling Tong is always so loyal to protect the lord!He immediately stood up from his seat, quickly walked down the middle hall, helped Ling Tong up himself, and said, "Gongji, if the situation changes, you must not go all out. You can't leave here for a moment." Yours!" Ling Tong's request was accepted.

Ling Tong nodded movedly, and said: "No matter what, the general will definitely go back to see the lord!"

An hour later, Sun Quan quietly left the camp in Jiangling City with Zhang Zhao, Kan Ze, and a group of people, and set off secretly towards the Yangtze River.

(End of this chapter)

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