Chapter 510
The result of the battle was somewhat beyond Quan Cong's expectation, but in fact, most of it was within his expectation.

In short, for Quan Cong, his mentality is more complicated.

Ever since he learned of the arrival of Guan Xing's large reinforcements, he began to feel uneasy.Then, when he foresaw Guan Xing's plan of flooding, he immediately decided to fight Guan Xing's army alone.

But deep down in his heart, he actually had no confidence, because now Guan Xing had more troops than him, and his tactics were no worse than him.What can support him to muster up the courage to fight to the death is his sincere heart to Sun Quan.

The fierce fighting between the two sides continued into the night of the day, and then into the morning of the day.Seeing the sky gradually turning white and turning into the color of bright silver armor, Quan Cong realized that it was dawn.

At this time, Quan Cong's guard team had already been dispatched to the battlefield by him, and there were only a dozen or so guard members and his guard captain left beside him.

Not far from Quan Cong, there were less than 1000 soldiers who were replaced by him to rest.They all had a faint smell of blood on their bodies, and the wounds on some of them were temporarily wrapped with cloth belts.

But in fact, the most unpleasant smell is the sour and smelly smell produced by their sweat rotten in their clothes.Quan Cong's nostrils have been filled with this smell today, and he has become numb to it.

Today's battle was really too long, and the soldiers have played four times in rotation!

But Quan Cong knew that this battle would continue.Even if his side can't win, Gan Ning's side can always win, right?
Thinking of this, Quan Cong suddenly smiled wryly.Gan Ning asked himself to cooperate with his attack on Changhu Water Village early this morning, and he really did a "good job", attracting most of the main force of Guan Xingjun.

As for the time for Guan Xing to open the embankment and release the water, it can only be decided by the heavens.Therefore, Quan Cong suddenly had a faint hope in his heart that Gan Ning could quickly capture the water village, and then send people out to support him.

But the chances of that happening are slim to none.Although Changhu Water Village didn't even have a decent navy, it had been in Guan Xing's hands for some time, and the defense must have been strengthened a lot.

The captain of the guard suddenly said: "General, the soldiers have had enough rest, it's time for them to go up and replace others."

Quan Cong nodded, and said, "Okay, let the messenger pass the order down."

Soon, the formation of soldiers who were resting in place began to move.They picked up their weapons again and rushed to the battlefield ahead.

In the early morning, there was a mist on the surface of Changhu Lake.The mist drifted, like pieces of a veil that had been torn apart, covering the lake everywhere.

Gan Ning's fleet has arrived not far from the Changhu water village with great fanfare.He knew very well that Guan Xingjun's scouts had scouted the whereabouts of his fleet long ago last night.Therefore, there is no need for his fleet to hide anymore.

Gan Ning also did not plan to attack the Changhu water village at night, because that is a very dangerous strategy.If Guan Xing only had twenty warships at that time, he could have a try, but the problem is that he now has hundreds of different warships on hand.When traveling during the day, it is not a simple problem to maintain communication, let alone at night!
Furthermore, Gan Ning felt that what he was going to face this time was a group of rookies who didn't know how to fight in water.He believed that as long as his navy launched a few fierce attacks, the water village would be back in the hands of Jiangdong people.

In Gan Ning's heart, he even felt that Sun Quan's giving him so many troops was just making a fuss out of a molehill.That's why, when he came to the mouth of the Changhu Lake, Gan Ning even decided that if Zhou Cheng was disobedient, he would kill Zhou Ping with a single sword, abandon Zhou Cheng's fleet, and lead the army alone to win the battle. the reason.

When the fleet approached three miles away from Changhu Water Village, Chaoyang finally appeared.The sun was like a sharp sword, quickly smashing the mist on the lake.

The sky was clear and clear, and Gan Ning stood on the deck of the flagship, feeling the moist, moisture-filled morning air.

At this time, Zhou Cheng's flagship was driving tens of feet behind Gan Ning.Zhou Cheng was also standing at the bow of the boat, but his expression was not as arrogant and relaxed as Gan Ning's.He looked a little nervous, looking angrily at the huge ship ahead of Gan Ning.

Zhou Gong stood quietly behind Zhou Cheng, and he knew Zhou Cheng's psychology just by looking at Zhou Cheng's expression, but now could only be Zhou Cheng's last tense moment.Because if something happens later, the two parties will start a life-and-death fight, and Zhou Cheng will no longer have the opportunity and time to be nervous.

Zhou Cheng asked with difficulty: "Have you seen the signal agreed with General Guan Xing?"

Zhou Gong replied: "Not yet. The time has not come yet, and General Guan Xing's fleet has not been seen."

Zhou Cheng let out a cry, and ordered all the fleets he belonged to to disperse, and sailed quietly to the rear of Gan Ning's fleet.

Inside the Changhu water village, there is still silence.However, Gan Ning believed that it was because Guan Xingjun's navy was vulnerable and did not dare to come out for a decisive battle.

This is an offensive war without the enemy coming out to resist!
After Gan Ning laughed a few times, his fleet is about to launch an attack now!

Not long after, in Gan Ning's fleet, the sound of war drums suddenly rang earth-shatteringly, as if a mountain collapsed, and countless boulders rolled down from the top of the mountain all at once.

Gan Ning's fleet of hundreds of warships spread out on the lake and slowly approached the entire front of the water village.All personnel on board are ready for combat, and all water warfare weapons are in place.

Just when Gan Ning aimed his attack at Changhu Water Village, someone had already pointed a knife at his back.

Just when Gan Ning was about to give the order to the drummer to beat the drums for the whole army to attack, there was movement in the Changhu water village.

The water gate of the water village was opened, and [-] large warships poured out from it, followed by dozens of small ships such as 艨艟.Their war drums were beating.

Gan Ning chuckled, it seemed that these turtle grandsons couldn't help but want to come out at last.Then, he suddenly and vaguely heard an attacking drumbeat coming from behind, which should have come from Zhou Cheng's men.

Gan Ning chuckled, and wanted to say to Lieutenant Liang Sheng: "That boy Zhou Cheng can't hold his breath anymore!" But he found out that Liang Sheng had gone to another ship to ensure the command system of the fleet. went above.

Gan Ning had no choice but to shut up.

At this moment, there was a burst of crackling, crackling, and ping-pong-pong sounds on the surface of the lake.The water on the surface of the lake began to ripple continuously, as if objects were constantly falling into the lake.

Then, there was a rush of drumbeats from Zhou Cheng's fleet behind. It was an order for the warship to use the ram to strike.

Gan Ning's face turned cold, and he cursed: "What the hell is Zhou Cheng doing, how can he give orders indiscriminately!"

Suddenly, Gan Ning's guard captain rushed over and shouted: "The general is not good, General Zhou Cheng is crazy, and he ordered the fleet to attack us!"

Gan Ning was startled, and immediately turned around and ran to the stern, seeing a scene that made him dumbfounded.

All Zhou Cheng's warships are launching a fierce attack on his warships.In just the blink of an eye, three warships caught fire violently, and two warships were severely tilted by the collision. A huge hole was punched out of the outer hull by the ram, and the lake water began to pour into the cabin!

The crew of the rest of the ships were all in a panic, and there was a mess on the deck.They couldn't understand at all, why did Zhou Cheng's troops suddenly attack him?

There were also some boats parked obliquely on the lake, as if they wanted to turn around to meet the enemy, but in such a chaotic situation, how easy is it for them to turn around?
What's more, at this time, the warships of Guan Xingjun have already set out!
Gan Ning couldn't help but yelled loudly: "What's going on? Did that bastard Zhou Cheng go crazy!"

Gan Ning looked at all this in despair.Water battles are not as easy to adjust the army as land battles. Now that there are enemies in the front and internal strife behind him, he is doomed to fail in this battle!
Liang Sheng immediately dispatched a small boat to inform Gan Ning that Zhou Cheng had rebelled.He will lead the fleet to break the rear for Gan Ning, and let Gan Ning quickly lead a part of the fleet to retreat.

An hour later, Liang Sheng's flagship ignited raging fire, and the hull on one side was burnt to the side.

Liang Sheng stood on the bow of the ship in grief and anger, looked at Zhou Cheng's flagship not far away, and threw the last fireball at his ship.

Liang Sheng suddenly remembered a sentence he often thought of before: He will be killed by Gan Ning one day.

Today, Liang Sheng's prophecy came true.

The rest of the ships that Liang Sheng used to break the rear finally lost their will to resist and fled in all directions after Liang Sheng and the flagship were buried at the bottom of the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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