Chapter 511
The long lake was surrounded by fireworks, more than forty boats were engulfed by the fire, and there were quite a few boats, all of which were empty without a single person floating around on the lake alone.

Most of the large ships that were on fire belonged to Gan Ning.Even under the sunlight, the bright red, constantly jumping flames, and the black smoke rising into the sky are still so conspicuous.

In this battle, Gan Ning's navy did not even touch the enemy's gate, and lost one-third of the boats.Coupled with the loss of Zhou Cheng's fleet, the Jiangdong Army once again suffered heavy losses.

Meng Xi led his own cavalry team and formed a strict formation in the water village, ready to kill the enemy troops who landed at any time.He was extremely nervous at first, after all, the opponent was attacking by Gan Ning Gan Xingba's navy.Therefore, instead of supporting Guan Xing in fighting Quan Cong, he stayed to help Xue Kang fight.

When he saw Gan Ning's navy gradually retreating, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Meng Xi saw that Xue Kang's fleet started to turn around and mixed with Zhou Cheng's fleet, and did not pursue Gan Ning's fleet again.Their achievements in this battle are great enough, not to mention the soldiers are already feeling very tired.

The fleet sailed slowly towards the gate of the water village together.Many small boats scattered behind are still cruising on the lake.They may have been looking for trophies and drownings, and some were even pouring water on top of burning warships in an attempt to put out the fire.

Those fires on the lake burned for a whole day and a night.

The fierce battle on Quan Cong's side continued.His position was far away from the place where the Changhu water battle was held, but he could still see the sky above the water village, and there seemed to be some black mist floating around.

Quan Cong judged that the water battle over there should have started.

As night fell, the fire above Long Lake was still shining.Looking from a distance, it seems that there is still a small piece of fire cloud hanging in the night sky, which is still unwilling to fade away.

Quan Cong estimated in his heart that in terms of the strength of the two sides participating in the war, the fight should be over now.Gan Ning's water army should have occupied the Changhu Water Village by now.

In this way, after Guan Xing got the news, he should choose to retreat, he might go back directly to Xiangyang City, or return to Jingling City.

But Jingling City should be impossible.

Quan Cong had already made up his mind for Guan Xing. If Guan Xing's army really returned to Jingling City, the Changhu Lake had already been controlled by Gan Ning's water army. Guan Xing's army fell into the encirclement of Jiangdong Army.At that time, Guan Xing's army will be unable to fly.

Therefore, Quan Cong judged that Guan Xing would definitely withdraw to Xiangyang City.

However, while Quan Cong was optimistic, he also had doubts in his heart.

At the time of the Changhu water battle, Guan Xing hadn't mobilized his troops back to Fangchanghu Water Village at all.Didn't he get the news that the Changhu water battle has broken out?But this is absolutely impossible.

Could it be that Guan Xing decided to give it a go, completely abandoning the Changhu Water Village, and must also defeat his own army?But why?
Quan Cong constantly sets up problems for himself, and constantly unravels problems and situations. This person's intelligence is really very high.

Suddenly, Quan Cong couldn't help but let out an ah, startling the captain of the guard who had been nervously observing the situation on the battlefield ahead.He quickly asked, "Why is the general so surprised?"

Quan Cong said it was all right, his expression was a little panicked, but hesitant.Because he once again connected the problem with Guan Xing's breaking the embankment and releasing water.

In Quan Cong's mind, there was only one reason why Guan Xing ignored the Changhu Water Village and continued to stay in the army to fight against him: he had enough time.

In other words, as long as he can hold back or defeat his own army, Guan Xing will be able to complete the project of breaking the embankment and releasing water before Gan Ning's army comes to support him!

Quan Cong has always believed that the Gan Ning army will win, and based on this as a prerequisite, he continues to deduce the current situation.Although doing so made him think in the wrong direction, but miraculously, the conclusion he drew was actually correct.

In fact, just now, Guan Xing's embankment breaking troops have sent news to Guan Xing, saying that they can complete the project at midnight tonight.

Guan Xing was suddenly very happy.This news was even more exciting than the news he received an hour ago that the army of Changhu Water Village had completely defeated Gan Ning's water army!
Therefore, Guan Xing no longer had to forcefully fight Quan Cong's army.His men and horses were all exhausted after such a long battle, not to mention that now they only needed to guard the area around the breach of the embankment.Otherwise, when the time comes, once the flood rushes over, your own army will also suffer.

Therefore, Guan Xing passed on the order to let his army gradually withdraw from the battlefield.

Quan Cong's guard captain watched Guan Xing suddenly start to retreat in a daze.In fact, both sides have been fighting very bravely, and my side may have lost a little bit.

The captain of the guard hurriedly asked Quan Cong: "General, what should our army do next? It must be that the other side knew that the water village was captured by General Gan Ning, and they were afraid of being flanked by us, so they retreated in a hurry under the cover of darkness. Should we pursue immediately? Kill it?"

Quan Cong sighed, glanced at the captain of the guard, and killed him now?At that time, when the flood came, his escape route would be cut off, and he would be the only one who died, right?
He said: "Do you want all my troops to become prisoners of the Jingzhou Army?"

The captain of the guard said in surprise: "General, what is this saying?"

Quan Cong waved his hand, guessing that even if Gan Ning leads the army over now, the two sides will attack from both sides, it will be of no avail.Seeing that Guan Xing withdrew his troops so calmly at this time, one knew that he would open the embankment to release the water soon.

Soon, the scout leader hurried over to report that his scout team had reached the rear of Guan Xingjun by night.They found that Guan Xingjun had indeed sent a large number of troops to dig the berm, and now a large opening nearly half a mile wide had been made.I am afraid that their project is really nearing completion.

After receiving this news, Quan Cong's face suddenly became calm, and his heart, which had been always anxious, suddenly became calm.Now that the worst has indeed happened, the next step is to figure out the best way to minimize the loss.

Quan Cong is Quan Cong, who can afford it and put it down.

Quan Cong immediately ordered the whole army not to pursue, and all troops retreated in the direction of Changhu Water Village.

Then, he immediately sent another message to Jiangling City, told Ling Tong the news he had received, and asked him to lead his army to retreat from Jiangling City.

When Quan Cong's army was halfway to the Changhu Lake, a messenger suddenly reported that it was, and that various flags of Jingzhou Army Guan Xing were still planted in the water fortress.In other words, Gan Ning's army did not capture the Changhu Water Village at all.

If one mistake is made, the whole game is lost.Quan Cong couldn't help but exclaimed, and almost fell off his horse.

Suddenly, there was a sound like thunder in the distance.

The embankment of Changhu Lake began to release water.

The rolling torrent was completely hidden in this dark night.Although the water is hard to see, its power is enough to swallow all the creatures along the way!
Quan Cong's retreat was actually blocked by his own misjudgment.

Quan Cong then shouted loudly: "The whole army turned around and marched as fast as the mountains to the east. The flood is coming!"

Quan Cong can also go there to hide for a while now, hoping that the navy from Jiangdong can come to rescue him by then.

At this time, in Ling Tong's camp, there was a lot of chaos.The flood is coming, do you want to stay and feed the fish?The morale of the army is already in chaos, and the army of six to seven thousand people has become a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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