Chapter 512
It was very late at night, but none of the residents of the large Jiangling City could sleep.They all opened their ears nervously to listen to something, and felt that the floor seemed to vibrate faintly.

The top of Jiangling City is even more busy now, with the light and shadow of torches everywhere, the swaying figures of soldiers and the strong men in the city, as well as the noise of human voices and the crackling sound of the torch flames.

Countless building materials and materials for repairing the city wall were all transported to the top of the city.

Each of them knew in their hearts that tonight should be the last night of the battle in Jiangling City.However, in the next few days, they still couldn't get out of the city.Jiangling City will still be besieged.

Because I don't know why, the long lake suddenly burst its embankment.The raging flood rushed towards the city of Jiangling without warning.Next, what they have to face is the siege of the flood.

Now, the Jiangdong Army who had besieged them for several months should have disappeared without a trace.

Some people in the city will feel very happy in their hearts, especially those soldiers who have been in contact with the city for several months.His physical strength and mental strength have been exhausted.Even the residents of the city, living in fear of the city being destroyed all day long, are in constant panic, and their mental state has become very poor.Now that the enemy is fleeing in a hurry, they must be happy in their hearts.

Mi Fang, Yu Jin and Pan Jun were all dressed in military uniforms and stood on the top of the city together.The fiery light of the torches above the top of the city reflected the situation below the city clearly: the flood roared past, forming a huge vortex below the city, sweeping away everything, and definitely destroying the Jiangdong Army in the distance in the dark night ocean.

As the highest military and political officer in Jiangling City, Mi Fang had a strange look on her face, she wanted to laugh, but she couldn't seem to.He originally wanted to join Sun Quan, but Sun Quan wrote back and scolded him.So, he had no choice but to continue to resist in the city.

Then, he originally thought that there was no hope on his side in this war, that the city would be destroyed sooner or later, and that he had to move his head.But suddenly such a flood came, and the encirclement of Jiangling City was lifted.

Mi Fang's mentality is really complicated, she doesn't know whether to be lucky or curse Sun Quan.

But in the end, Mi Fang felt that she should be more excited in front of Yu Jin and Pan Jun, so that they would not see any flaws.In fact, Yu Jin and Pan Jun already knew what he did, and Sun Quan's letter scolding him was written by Pan Jun!

Then, Mi Fang suddenly pointed at the flood below the city, laughed loudly for a while, and said: "The flood came well, God bless me Jingzhou! We finally succeeded in defending Jiangling City!" It was a guilty conscience.

Yu Jin and Pan Jun watched Mi Fang's extremely contrived performance as if they were idiots.

Pan Jun's expression was also somewhat complicated, including joy and anger.Jingzhou has been preserved now, and it is indeed worthy of joy.But he was not a fool, he quickly guessed that the flood must have been caused by his own people, and he didn't know how many innocent people would suffer because of it!

Pan Jun suddenly looked at Yu Jin.

Yu Jin's eyes flickered, and he quickly looked at the flood below the city, pretending he didn't know anything.In fact, he is also acting artificially.Among the three giants in Jiangling City, he is the only one who knows what happened to the sudden flood below the city.

In fact, the eldest son Liu Chan had already sent the information to Yu Jin, but Yu Jin didn't dare to tell Pan Jun.Yu Jin knew Pan Jun's stubborn temper. He was the kind of person who would rather be besieged in the city for another three months than make fun of the lives of soldiers and civilians outside the city.

Pan Jun seemed a little strange when he saw Yu Jin, and asked, "General Yu, what happened to the flood outside the city?"

Yu Jin spread his hands and said, "I don't know about this either?"

Early the next morning, Ling Tong led a team of nearly 2000 people and fled hastily to the camp of Zhuge Jin's army in Zhijiang County.The six or seven troops that Sun Quan handed over to him were either lost because Hei Ye was on the way to escape, or they did not follow the team at all.

These people are now facing the result, almost only one, being swept away by the flood.But they are all from Jiangdong, and most of them can swim. I hope they can all escape death!
Even though Ling Tong and the others knew the news of the flood in advance, in the chaos, no one really cared about anyone else.Ling Tong himself felt that he was still able to save one-third of the troops, which was already in the mercy of the heavens.

Zhuge Jin actually heard the news that the lord Sun Quan suddenly left Jiangling City and went to the navy of the Yangtze River.But because Sun Quan kept the news tight enough, Zhuge Jin didn't get the wind that Guan Xingjun was going to attack with water.

Now, seeing Ling Tong fleeing to his place in such a hasty way, Zhuge Jin couldn't help being very surprised, thinking that he was defeated by Guan Xingjun and Jiangling City defenders.

Zhuge Jin immediately summoned Ling Tong, and after asking about the situation, he swiped and stood up from his seat.His face, which was already longer than ordinary people, suddenly stretched longer.

It is impossible for the flood to reach Zhijiang County.There are some hills to the north of here, and more importantly, there are two rivers, Jushui and Zhangshui, and the flood should flow into the Yangtze River along the river.

But even so, the retreat of his own army was cut off by the flood.So, what can the military heart do?The supply of food and grass, what should we do next?After the flood receded, the enemy army surrounded Jiangling City again. What should they do?
Also, there are countless more...

Zhuge Jin's complexion changed several times.His quick response ability was not very strong, but now he just stood there blankly.

Seeing this, Ling Tong hurried forward to help Zhuge Jin: "Mr. Zhuge, what's wrong with you?"

Zhuge Jin has always been a good gentleman, and he is even more gentle. At this moment, he suddenly threw away Ling Tong's hand and shouted at Ling Tong: "Get out, I don't want to see you bastards now!"

Ling Tong looked at Zhuge Jin in astonishment, then shook his head, and walked out of Zhuge Jin's camp lonely.

He turned and looked in the direction of the Yangtze River to the east, and sighed: "My lord, my lord, you are gone, what should we do next, what should Jiangdong do next?"

Liao Hua and Shi Guangyuan's people soon found out about the flood in Jiangling City.They couldn't help feeling a burst of joy in their hearts, knowing that the war in Nanjun was almost over.

Liao Hua immediately wanted to lead his army to launch a fierce attack on Zhuge Jin's army.

But Shi Guangyuan stopped Liao Hua and explained: "Not all of Zhuge Jin's army knows that the flood has cut off their retreat. So, General Liao, if you lead the army out now, it will be the same as before. It cannot defeat the enemy. In my opinion, we can wait two days before dispatching troops, and the enemy's morale must have been broken by then."

Liao Hua nodded, feeling that Shi Guangyuan's analysis was indeed reasonable, so he refrained from sending troops.Then, he sent the news of the flood to Dangyang where the son was.

(End of this chapter)

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