Chapter 514 Cruel Retreat
The time was the second day after the torrent passed Jiangling City, that is, one day later, Meng Xi and Zhou Cheng risked their lives and sailed down the river in an attempt to attack Zhijiang County with a force of 2000.

Therefore, the time here needs to go back one day.

In the afternoon of this day, the atmosphere in the Zhijiang camp suddenly became strange. The originally calm atmosphere suddenly became agitated.Many soldiers of the Jiangdong Army gathered in small groups to whisper together in private, as if they were talking about something.

However, whenever they saw a patrol team passing by, they immediately dispersed, as if nothing had happened.

But anyone could tell at a glance that not only did the number of people patrolling the camp suddenly double at least, but they would also immediately disperse them if they found a few people talking together.

In the Zhijiang camp of the Jiangdong Army, martial law was strengthened, because the news that the flood had cut off their retreat had begun to spread gently among the soldiers.As long as you are not a fool, you will know the result of allowing such news to spread everywhere. If Liao Hua's army does not come to attack, there will be a mutiny within yourself, and you will be ruined!
Zhuge Jin was helpless, he had to order to increase the manpower of the battalion, and the soldiers talked about things in private.But he knew that as long as he couldn't clarify the facts, the lethality of rumors was absolutely fatal, but he couldn't clarify them at all, because rumors would soon become facts.Covering up and concealing is just a temporary buffer time for oneself.

Zhuge Jin decided that it was time to summon the main generals in the army to discuss the current situation face to face.

Therefore, Zhuge Jin sent out his own guards to put martial law in the area of ​​[-] battles around his battle, and no one was allowed to approach unless it was the person he wanted to summon.

Then, He Qi came first in a hurry.

He Qi is eight feet tall, wearing a red armor, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but his mouth is a bit big and flat.This man, no matter how you look at it, is not a handsome man.He looked quite depressed, and his mood seemed a little low.

Ever since Quan Cong took the mission to attack Guan Xing, He Qi became the main general who helped Zhuge Jin lead the army to charge into battle.This should have been a kind of honor, a good thing to be high-spirited, but now such a big event suddenly happened, and a good battle was over like this, He Qi's heart was almost cold, and he was in a mess.

Then, Ling Tong quickly walked into the big tent.His expression is relatively calm, and his eyes are also deep.He is not an ordinary person. Although he is young, he is used to life and death. It's just that Lord Yan was on the verge of life and death several times, and he was unwilling to accept him.

He Qi and Ling Tong had already seen the martial law outside, but they both knew that it was imperative. Once there was a riot, Zhuge Jin could be protected from harm.

Zhuge Jin looked at the two generals below, and saw that the expressions of the two were different, and he admired Ling Tong's calm in his heart.

After walking over to let the two take their seats, he said straight to the point: "Two generals, our army's rear has been cut off. Today we should discuss countermeasures based on the current severe situation. Also, the news of the flood has begun to spread. If it is spread among the army, I am afraid that it will not be concealed for a long time, should we directly disclose the news first, maybe we can restore a little bit of morale in the army?"

He Qi looked up at Zhuge Jin who was taller than himself.He was originally a personable scholar who talked about the court, but now he looks so haggard.

He Qi couldn't bear it in his heart, he cupped his hands and said: "Mr. Zhuge, the situation has developed to such a point, if you have any countermeasures, please ask for instructions, and you will always follow them."

Ling Tong couldn't help but looked up at He Qi who was opposite him.It seems that this He Qi is now at the end of his rope.Ling Tong's eyes flickered, as if he was deep in thought.

Zhuge Jin secretly sighed, countermeasure?What is the countermeasure that can solve the predicament now?In addition to disarming, surrender to the Jingzhou army on the opposite side!But as a Jiangdong doctor, he has always won the trust of the lord, and was even given military power, so how can he surrender lightly?
Ling Tong deserved to be the general who commanded Sun Quan's bodyguard, and he was very good at observing words and demeanor.When his heart moved, he could probably guess what Zhuge Jin was thinking.

Ling Tong immediately cupped his hands and said loudly: "Mr. Zhuge, no matter what our army is, we will swear to the death to resist and stand by for help. We still have an army of more than 1 people in our hands. As long as we can unite as one, we will be able to Persevere until the flood recedes and the lord sends people to come for reinforcements!"

Zhuge Jin smiled wryly, and said: "What General Ling Tong said is true." However, Zhuge Jin actually cursed Ling Tong in his heart. What this person said now is not constructive at all, it is just a joke at all. It's just a cliché.In this case, if he didn't feel disgusted, he could talk for three days and three nights with his eloquence.

Therefore, in the end, this discussion could only be reported to focus on maintaining the morale of the army.But the method they came up with was nothing more than a contradictory one: continue martial law!

After Ling Tong came out of Zhuge Jin's big tent and returned to his own big tent, suddenly a guard whispered to him in a low voice.

Ling Tong's face changed, and the lord sent a special envoy to come against the flood!
After Ling Tong entered the account, the special envoy handed Sun Quan's letter to him.After reading it, Ling Tong's body suddenly felt cold, and his whole body seemed to feel cold: the lord has sent more than a hundred boats to come against the current.But they can only hold the generals and their guards in the army.

Sun Quan specifically told Ling Tong that this matter must be kept secret, and the fleet would arrive in an hour.

Ling Tong turned back immediately, and returned to Zhuge Jin's big tent as quickly as possible.After hearing the news, Zhuge Jin burst into tears, the Lord must abandon this army that fought bloody battles for him!

Zhuge Jin couldn't agree, and immediately refused to carry out the order. He wanted to live and die with the soldiers.

Ling Tong knew that Zhuge Jin would not be moved by any persuasion now.He immediately turned around and returned to his big tent, and sent people out to notify the officers above the school lieutenant, and asked them to bring their own guards to gather ten miles to the east.

Then, Ling Tong led most of his guards to Zhuge Jin's big tent, robbed Zhuge Jin by surprise, and even gagged his mouth with gauze.

A group of people waited to take advantage of the night and quickly arrived at the assembly point, and soon saw more than a hundred light spots appearing in the flood ahead, which were obviously the lights of Jiangdong ships.

Only then did Ling Tong send someone to untie Zhuge Jin.Zhuge Jin's expression was very dazed, and he was no longer willing to express any opinions on this.

He Qi drooped his head and didn't say a word.He knew that the day when he abandoned the army was the most humiliating day in his life!
After those boats docked, Ling Tongyi waved his hand, and everyone started boarding the boat one after another.

At this moment, countless shouts and running footsteps suddenly came from behind.I saw countless soldiers who got the news that the generals were about to board the ship and escape, rushing towards here one after another.

Seeing that the situation was in a hurry, Ling Tong immediately jumped onto a big boat and yelled loudly for the guards to board the boat quickly.These ships are just enough for them. If those soldiers come over, the consequences will be disastrous.

But before all the guards had time to board the ship, all the soldiers rushed over.Seeing that the generals were about to abandon them and run away, the soldiers went mad, shouted and rushed into the flood, grabbed the ship's side and wanted to climb aboard.

Then, the bloodiest scene appeared.

Without waiting for Ling Tong's order, the guards on board raised their butcher knives at their comrades in order to save their own lives.They drew their swords, and mercilessly cut off any arm or finger that dared to grasp the sides of their ships.

The sound of wailing and crying suddenly resounded by the water.

But even so, countless people continued to rush into the water, dragged many guards into the water, and overturned several ships.The slashing of the guards has also become crazy.

When the boats finally got out, half the sides of the boats were scarred by swords.What's even more frightening is that there is a thick layer of human severed arms and fingers chopped off by them on the inside of the ship!The depth of blood on the boat has already overflowed the soles of their boots!

On the shore, the desperate wails and cries of the soldiers could be heard several miles away.Many people even jumped into the water without giving up, hoping to catch up with the receding fleet, and swam until they were exhausted and were carried to the bottom by the rolling flood.

Many guards finally couldn't hold back their emotions anymore at this time, and cried loudly, heart-piercingly.Someone suddenly went crazy, wailed and jumped into the torrent by himself.

Zhuge Jin watched all this happen in despair.

Suddenly, with a howl, he wanted to rush to the side of the boat and jump into the water.Fortunately, Ling Tong's sharp eyesight and quick hands grabbed him and saved his life just now.

(End of this chapter)

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