The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 515 Lu Xun's Letter

Chapter 515 Lu Xun's Letter

Zhuge Jin and He Qi came to the Jiangdong Navy on the Yangtze River.

Along the way, both of them had a big fight with Ling Tong, loudly questioning Ling Tong why he did this.But they just quarreled and couldn't do anything about Ling Tong.They can only use this to vent their inner dissatisfaction, cover up their incompetence and weakness, and their guilt towards the abandoned soldiers.

After all, Ling Tong was only faithfully carrying out his lord's orders.What's more, Ling Tong rescued them, and rescued all of them safely.

When they came to the top of the Yangtze River, the two of them were in an extremely bad mood, and it seemed that they were relieved by breathing the fresh, slightly cool but watery air on the river.In fact, this kind of air is very similar to the air in Jiangdong.They suddenly felt homesick, missing their wives and children.

They finally meet Sun Quan on a huge building boat.

On the way, Zhuge Jin and He Qi had already put on new clothes, but their mental state was still poor.When a person sees his comrades viciously raising the butcher's knife and mercilessly chopping off their arms and fingers against his comrades who once shared life and death, it is considered good that he did not go crazy on the spot.

Zhuge Jin and He Qi also discovered that Sun Quan's mental state was also extremely poor.His tall body seemed to be a little slumped, and the original cold and stern blue light in his eyes was no longer so strong.

Zhang Zhao and Kan Ze, who were sitting on the left and right, looked very sad.It can be seen how unfavorable the current situation is to Jiangdong people.

Zhuge Jin and He Qi took their seats, and the cabin was deadly silent.

In the end, it was Sun Quan who broke the silence and said: "Mr. Zhuge, General He, you and the generals at all levels have finally returned safely." Sun Quan smiled wryly and raised the wine glass in his hand.

Zhuge Jin looked at Sun Quan, but he didn't blame Sun Quan in his heart.He knew that Sun Quan was affectionate and righteous to him, and he had done everything within his power to keep all the generals.But defeat has become an established fact.

Zhuge Jin took a deep breath and tried his best to make himself look stronger.With trembling hands, he unsteadily picked up the wine glass on the table.The smell of wine rushed up, but he suddenly felt in his nostrils that it was not the smell of wine, but a smell of thick blood.He thought of the severed arms and countless fingers.

Zhuge Jin wanted to vomit a little, but he still suppressed the pain and said, "Thank you, my lord." Then, he and He Qi drank the wine together.

After meeting with Sun Quan, Zhuge Jin and He Qi got out of the cabin, but they couldn't bear it anymore, rushed to the ship's side together, and vomited profusely.It turned out that a general like He Qi felt exactly the same as Zhuge Jin when he drank just now.

Then, Zhuge Jin fell ill and was bedridden for more than half a year after returning to Jiangdong.Later, when Liu Chan learned the news, he specially sent a doctor to treat him, and his body finally recovered.He Qi, on the other hand, asked for orders to go to Wujun to farm the fields, and finally stayed away from this damn Jingzhou battlefield.

These are all later stories.

Sun Quan watched Zhuge Jin and He Qi leave, then looked at Ling Tong who was also depressed, and suddenly burst into wailing.The army he brought out to attack Nanjun is almost doomed. This is one-third of his country's army, and he uses it to fight for hegemony!

When Kan Ze saw this, he quickly comforted him, "Master, don't be so sad. Our land army suffered heavy losses, but our Jiangdong naval army suffered almost no losses. Even if we withdraw to Jiangdong now, the Jingzhou army will still lose There is nothing we can do to win Jiangdong."

Sun Quan was in a better mood, and asked, "Is there an order to arrest that damned Zhou Cheng's family? No, I want them to exterminate Cai Zhou's family!"

It is impossible for Zhang Zhao to let Sun Quan do this. The Zhou clan has at least several thousand people.If Sun Quan did this, it would be tantamount to making a bad start, but he still had to establish new enemies in Jiangdong.

He immediately persuaded: "My lord, you can't. The Zhou family has always been loyal to the lord, and this betrayal was only done by Zhou Cheng alone. You must not bring disaster to the whole family!"

What Sun Quan said was just angry words.There are many powerful clans in Jiangdong, if a general in the clan suddenly betrays, the whole clan will be killed, so who will dare to come out to support him next?
Kan Ze then replied: "My lord, the arrest order has been issued a few days ago, I believe there will be news back soon."

Then, Sun Quan asked again, "Has Commander Lu Meng replied to Gu?"

Kan Ze replied: "It should be tomorrow at the latest. I think, with the great talent of the governor, he should be able to help the Lord figure out the best way to deal with the Jingzhou Army. Lord, please rest assured and wait."

Sun Quan looked at the bright lights in the cabin, but his mood couldn't brighten at all.

In the middle of the night that day, Sun Quan did receive a seal.But this document was not Lu Meng's, but it was sent by Lu Xun, who had been staying in the water village of Lukou Port and served as the governor of Lukou.

Lu Xun strongly suggested to Sun Quan that once the war in Nanjun encountered an irreversible situation, he must use part of the army as much as possible to contain the enemy troops in Jiangbei for a period of time.

At least Shuanghuan's army in Huya Mountain has a geographical advantage, and it can use water troops to support it, so it is impossible to defeat it so easily.It is best to let them hold their ground for a while.

The reason why Sun Quan needs to do this is that the Wuxi Man should soon start dispatching a large number of troops to help the Jingzhou army attack the southern part of Jingzhou.The purpose of Wuximan's doing this is definitely to cut off the retreat of Lu Meng and Xu Sheng, and together with Zhang Fei's army, encircle and wipe them out in the southern area of ​​Jingzhou!

Therefore, Lu Xun begged Sun Quan to immediately order Han Dang and Gan Ning's naval forces to launch a strong attack on Jiangzhou Army's naval forces at any cost, because the naval forces could afford to sacrifice now.Even if they couldn't defeat the Jiangzhou army and water army, they would at least seize control of the waterways around Huiyiling City.

In this case, Liu Adou's army on the north bank of the Yangtze River will not be able to find a place to cross the river quickly.However, Zhang Fei's army will be in a difficult situation due to the lack of support from food, grass and equipment transported by water.

Then, even if Zhang Feijun captures Zhu Ranjun's Jingmen Mountain, I believe he will have to think about whether he has enough strength to lead the army to fight in the southern part of Jingzhou.

Finally, Lu Xun asked Sun Quan to lead 4000 troops from Lukou Port to Yuanling and Yuannan counties in Wuling County.I believe that Wuxi Man will definitely attack these two places first.As long as these two places are kept, then the retreat route of Lu Meng's army is kept.At that time, it will not be a problem whether Lu Meng chooses to continue to attack the police or retreat with his troops.

Sun Quan couldn't help but feel very amazed when he saw the complete analysis and prediction of the current situation. He didn't seem to know that Lu Boyan had such a strategy before.However, if the situation is indeed as predicted in this table, it will definitely be very serious.

Sun Quan immediately summoned Kan Ze and Zhang Zhao overnight again.

After Zhang Zhao and Kan Ze listened to the situation, they supported all the suggestions in Lu Xun's insightful form without even thinking about it.

Kan Ze and Lu Xun have always been friends and know that Lu Xun has a great talent and strategy.At that time, his heart moved, knowing that although the era belonging to Lu Boyan had not yet come, it was time for him to show his style.

(End of this chapter)

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