Chapter 517
After Han Dang and Gan Ning received Sun Quan's order to attack, they thought together and felt that the two sides had already gained a better understanding of each other's strength after testing each other and fighting many times in the early stage.Therefore, they all felt that they could still defeat the enemy.

However, due to the defeat of the Nanjun army, this news cannot be concealed, and the morale of the army will definitely be hit.As a result, the Jiangzhou army's navy will become more morale.The ups and downs of the morale of the two sides will definitely not have a small impact on the combat effectiveness.

Gan Ning would not be so frivolous this time, so he and Han Dang reported all these situations to Sun Quan.Of course, they still stated in the form that they must obey the order and complete this task.They even boasted that as long as they defeated the enemy navy, they could even pursue them all the way to the city of Zigui!

Sun Quan was quite satisfied with Han Dang and Gan Ning's reply.

Then, another gratifying news reached Sun Quan.

That is, Quan Cong's army, which had been missing for several days, was finally found by the navy, and the loss of personnel was not particularly large.They have sent troops to pick them up, and they believe that they will all be picked up soon.

Sun Quan was worried, and he breathed a sigh of relief.Quan Cong is the husband of his daughter Sun Luban, and the two married Sun Shangxiang and the others at the same time.Sun Luban had already been a widow once, if something happened to Quan Cong this time, then she would really become a widow again, and she was destined to be said to have been killed by Kefu.

Therefore, Sun Quan actually regretted the decision to let Quan Cong lead the army to attack the Changhu Water Village.

Although Sun Quan was so worried about her daughter's life-long affairs, Sun Luban was a flirtatious person, and at a young age, even if she didn't have a husband, she could still find another one. Jiangdong's young and handsome talents were in crowds.Even, she has more than one concubine, maybe without her husband, she will live a more carefree life.

On the other hand, Liu Chan also got the good news of breaking the Jiangdong Army's Zhijiang camp.

But what surprised him was that the Zhijiang camp was not broken by Shi Guangyuan and Liao Hua's army, but by Meng Xi and Zhou Cheng with a mere 600 people.

However, judging from the victory report and the figures on the surrender, they captured more than 3000 people, and most of the rest fled in all directions, and their whereabouts are still unknown for the time being.

Therefore, Meng Xi and Zhou Cheng captured 600 enemies with 3000 people.Liu Chan couldn't believe it. He and Zhuge Qiao checked the numbers several times before confirming that they had read the numbers correctly.

Then, after learning about Meng Xi and Zhou Cheng's battles along the way, they immediately admired how daring these two men were.Liu Bei once described Zhao Yun as "full of guts", and Meng Xi's guts are probably no worse than Zhao Yun's.

Liu Chan was already in a good mood, but now he was cheering and shouted: "The war in Nanjun can finally be over." His excited look made Zhuge Qiao and Xia Houyun both smile.

But Liu Chan didn't know that Lu Meng and Lu Xun had already made a countermeasure for Sun Quan.Although the war in Nanjun should be said to be almost over, the Wu army did not want to admit defeat easily in the areas above the Yangtze River, Huya Mountain, and the area south of Jingzhou.

After the excitement passed, Liu Chan immediately asked Zhuge Qiao to write a pen to help him report the great victory to Chengdu.After stating the course of the great victory in the form, the person who made the first contribution was somewhat beyond the expectations of Zhuge Qiao and Xia Houyun:

The first contributors were Liao Hua, Shi Guangyuan, and Liao Sheng, the military commander of the Zhenjun Army, followed by Meng Xi and Zhou Cheng, and Guan Xing and the three giants of Jingzhou: Mi Fang, Pan Jun, and Yu Jin.For the rest, the generals and officers at all levels under each of them have listed their contributions.

This place of Mi Fang seemed a bit special.Liu Chanming knew that he had collaborated with Sun Quan and almost sold Jiangling City.But Liu Chan doesn't want to hold him accountable now, and wants to give him credit.Because the current Jiangling City was defended with great difficulty, if it was suddenly reported that their prefect had colluded with the enemy, there would be chaos in the city.

Because to punish an insignificant person for his crimes, it is really not worth the loss to make the good situation that has been achieved so hard to fall into chaos again.Liu Chan felt that, at most, he would find other excuses in the future and just dismiss Mi Fang.

Liu Chan's ability to think this way and do so shows that his political ability has indeed become stronger and his person has become more sophisticated.

Then, in Xiangyang City, an incident happened suddenly that almost broke the tacit agreement between the two sides to stop the war and confrontation across the Xiangshui River.

According to the form sent by Guan Suo, Neizhong said that three days ago, suddenly a Cao Wei army with thousands of people crossed the southern foot of Funiu Mountain and suddenly appeared at the foot of Nanxiang City.The defenders of Nanxiang failed to defend and were defeated. Nanxiang City was destroyed and Fu Fang, the city guard, was killed.

Fu Fang was the Wei general who volunteered to offer the city during Guan Yu's Northern Expedition. He was once recruited to Fancheng to help Guan Suo train the cavalry.Later, after the training of the cavalry team was completed, he returned to Nanxiang to continue his post.This person has quite a friendship with Guan Suo.

It is conceivable that Guan Suo felt annoyed when he saw himself defending the Xiangyang area instead of Guan Xing, and such a thing happened.He quickly sent people to investigate and learned that the main generals of the Wei army this time were actually Liu Chan's deadly rivals, Sima Shi and Sima Zhao.

Guan Suo immediately ordered [-] troops to march westward to Nanxiang.But when they arrived near Nanxiang, they found thick smoke billowing out of Nanxiang County.

Guan Suo immediately knew that something was wrong, maybe the enemy had set fire to the city.The Jiangzhou Army did the same thing when they retreated from Fancheng for the last time.

When Guan Suo's army arrived at the city of Nanxiang, they saw that the city was already on fire.There are many old and weak women and children around the city crying and crying, and there is nothing they can do.

After questioning, Guan Suo found out that all the Ding Zhuang in the city had been taken away by the Wei army, leaving behind a lot of old and weak women and children.

Guan Suo was furious immediately, and he was about to lead his army to pursue the army of the Sima brothers.But he couldn't catch up.

After the Sima brothers broke through the city, in addition to looting, they arrested people and set fire to them, and then retreated immediately, a day and a half ago.They are estimated to have returned to Cao Wei's territory now, and they are even passing through the water, so how can they pursue them?

Guan Suo, who couldn't get over his anger, asked Liu Chan for instructions to lead his army across Xiangshui and retaliate against Cao Wei accordingly.

After Liu Chan got the information, he was furious immediately.These two Sima brothers really never stop!

In fact, the cessation of war between Xiangyang and Nanyang County is just a state of acquiescence, which can be broken at any time.Therefore, Liu Chan will not be naive or deceive himself so much that he will issue a "serious protest" to Cao Wei at every turn. This is useless at all, it is completely self-deception.

What's more, he, Liu Chan, is definitely not soft-boned. After being bullied, he would secretly benefit others and ask others to restrain themselves.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately sent an order to Guan Xing to lead his army back to Xiangyang City, and together with Guan Suo to instigate revenge against Cao Wei.Liu Chan even said bluntly that he must retaliate tenfold to the enemy!

(End of this chapter)

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