Chapter 518
At this time, the season is already in mid-April, and it can be regarded as the beginning of summer.Because the spring rainy season has passed, the weather has become hot and dry.

At this time, Liu Chan felt that there was only Huya Mountain left in the resistance force of the Jiangdong Army in Nanjun.However, now that the enemy army in the Zhijiang camp has been defeated so easily, the news should spread to Huya Mountain soon.

Huyashan Shuanghuan's army, because of the loss of the Zhijiang camp to hold back the main force of Liu Chan's army, must feel that they are alone and alone, and they will definitely withdraw their troops voluntarily.

Therefore, Liu Chan decided to go to Zhijiang County to see the situation.Then, he organized troops on the spot, and he was going to lead the army across the river to fight, and drive the Jiangdong army out of Jingzhou's territory completely.

So Liu Chan immediately called Zhuge Qiao and Zhao Feng to get them ready to travel.

Xia Houyun found out from Zhuge Qiao that the son did not want to take him with him on this trip, so he immediately came to Liu Chan to intercede.Liu Chan felt that Zhang Bao had said before that this guy was suffering from being unable to march, so of course he wanted to keep him in Dangyang City.Therefore, of course Liu Chan could not agree to Xia Houyun's request.

But Xia Houyun didn't know if he had perseverance, or because he was good at stalking and thick-skinned, and now that he and Shizi had gotten along relatively harmoniously, Liu Chan had no choice but to allow him to join him. Going together.

Only then did Xia Houyun happily go back to prepare things for the trip.

Because of this, Liu Chan couldn't help complaining to Zhuge Qiao, saying: "This Xia Houyun is very smart, and he learns things quickly. Shi Hui often praises him for his fast learning, but he is just too clingy."

Zhuge Qiao smiled slightly, who told you to promise Zhang Bao to keep him?What's more, it's not the first time the son said Xia Houyun like this.

On the way Liu Chan set out for Zhijiang County, they] got a piece of news from Zong Yu.It is said that the Wuxi Man has sent troops for ten days. Liu Chan calculated the time it took for the news to be sent here, and estimated that the Wuxi Man has sent troops for at least half a month.

Liu Chan was still worried that the Wuxi Man would break his promise, but suddenly decided not to send troops.Then his plan to encircle and wipe out the army commanded by Lu Meng and Xu Sheng in the south of Jingzhou will be very difficult to realize.

And according to intelligence, the Wuxi barbarians are already attacking Yuanling County.Once they captured Yuanling, they could go northward along the Yuanshui River and capture Yuannan City.At that time, Wuxi Man's defense line will almost isolate Lu Meng and Xu Sheng's army in the area west of Yuanshui and north of Wuxi Man area.

Then, as long as his side crosses the river successfully, and Zhang Fei breaks Zhu Ran's army on the river, when the two armies join forces, Lu Meng's army will definitely be destroyed.

Even, if the Wuxi Man is active enough, they can also send troops to raid the rear of Lu Meng's army, and first help the Public Security City to break the siege.In this case, the rear of Zhu Ran's army in Jingmen Mountain will be completely exposed to Deng Ai's army, and it will be self-defeating.As for Lu Meng's army, the Wuxi Man's army can further compress the space for activities.

At that time, the armies of Zhang Fei, Liu Chan, Deng Ai, and Sha Moke will be able to join forces at the city of Gong'an.At that time, it will be a huge army with an actual strength of more than 6 people!There are more than enough troops to encircle and wipe out Lu Meng.

Of course, Liu Chan's plan has a bright future.But he didn't know that Lu Xun had already led the troops to attack Yuanling City at this time.

Compared with the 4000 army of Samoco, Lu Xun's army is only [-] people, but this is already a relatively large army, and it has a unified organizational system, unlike Samoko's army, which is improvised of.So as long as it is used properly, Lu Xun may really be able to reverse the situation.

When Liu Chan came to Zhijiang Daying, it was already dusk that day.

Some places in the surrounding areas used to be battlefields, and now there are still some broken pieces of clothes or fragments of flags, which are rolled around by the wind on the ground.The rays of the setting sun were still relatively strong, the bright red radiance reflected the huge gate in front of it as if it had been plated with a layer of red copper.

Shi Guangyuan, Liao Hua, Liao Sheng, Meng Xi, Zhou Cheng and others had already received the news, so they had been waiting at the door for the arrival of the prince for a long time.

Liu Chan was really excited to see these reunited people after a long absence, and a deep smile suddenly appeared on his face.The brilliance of the setting sun shone on his face, making his face glow with a thick rosy color.

With a wave of Liu Chan's right hand, everyone dismounted.

Immediately, Shi Guangyuan and the others rushed forward quickly.

Although Shi Guangyuan is a military advisor, his title is actually the highest. In addition, he is Liu Chan's benefactor, so he came to Liu Chan first, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "My lord, you are slow in coming. I have already waited at the door. Hurry up!" It's been an hour."

Liu Chan chuckled, cupped his hands in return and said, "Sir, you have too many things to do recently, so it's a good time to take a break at this time!"

This pair of master and apprentice have been apart for a long time, but they always joke when they meet.Everyone behind Shi Guangyuan laughed.

Then, Liao Hua and Liao Sheng went up to salute Liu Chan.These two men were the main and deputy generals who attacked the enemy's Zhijiang camp this time, and they had worked hard, and Liu Chan couldn't help but praise them.

Then, it was Meng Xi who came next.

Meng Xi has never seen Shizi since he left Xiangyang City.Now that the two meet each other, Meng Xi is very excited.He stepped forward quickly, and the armor pages on his body made a rattling sound.Meng Xi was not like Liao Hua and Liao Sheng, he just bowed to the prince, he knelt down on one knee to see Liu Chan.

Liu Chan has always valued Meng Xi the most, and he is very happy to see that he has become lively again.He stepped forward and personally helped Meng Xi up from the ground, then asked him about the past few days.

After Liu Chan chatted with Meng Xi, he saw a person standing behind Meng Xi.This person is not very tall, his skin is not very fair, and his eyes are not very big, but he looks like a determined person.It was the first time Liu Chan had seen this person.

Liu Chan's heart moved, this person should be the newly surrendered Zhou Cheng.

Liu Chan smiled at the man and said, "This must be Colonel Zhou Cheng, right?"

Zhou Cheng immediately stepped forward, knelt down on one knee to salute, and said, "The last general is Zhou Cheng, who has met His Royal Highness."

Liu Chan let out another burst of joyful laughter, stepped forward to help Zhou Cheng, and said: "Sure enough, it is better to be famous than to meet each other. Seeing Captain Zhou today, I really have a special style! You came to our Jingzhou Army, it is really good that you came, if it weren't for you If our army cannot defeat Gan Ning, then the plan of flooding may be very difficult to succeed."

Zhou Cheng also smiled, cupped his hands and said, "It's all because of the great blessings of the son."

Liu Chan snorted, so Zhou Cheng didn't have to be so restrained.Then, the two chatted for a while to get to know each other better.

Finally, Liu Chan said to Zhou Cheng: "Lieutenant Zhou, I have ordered that the head and body of General Zhou Tai be buried in Dangyang. After the battle in Jingzhou is over, you can go to worship. At that time Whether you want to move the grave or not is up to you to decide."

Zhou Cheng's eyes turned red when he heard this, and he thanked Liu Chan.

Liu Chan patted Zhou Cheng's arm and said, "Lieutenant Zhou, don't be too sad. It is an honor for the generals of the two armies to die in battle."

Zhou Cheng nodded.

Then everyone surrounded Liu Chan and entered the Zhijiang camp, where the banquet had already been set up.

(End of this chapter)

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