The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 519 The Battle of the Yangtze River

Chapter 519 The Battle of the Yangtze River ([-])

Above the Yangtze River, the faint morning mist floating on the surface of the tens of miles wide river quickly dissipated under the river wind and the sunshine.The river swayed and flapped restlessly, reflecting the sunlight, which was really dazzling.

On the shore, the Jiangzhou Army Water Village seemed relatively busy. Under the fluttering flags of various colors, there were soldiers walking around with weapons everywhere.Recently, the Jiangdong army no longer tried to avoid confrontation with the Jiangzhou navy as before.In fact, they even started to take the initiative to attack recently, so the Jiangzhou navy had to be more on guard now.

The sudden sound of war drums shattered the tranquility of the morning and spread to the water village of the Jiangzhou Army.

"Why are the war drums so fierce? Are the bastards from Jiangdong coming again?" General Fan Jiang heard the sound of war drums from the water village, and immediately strode out and asked loudly.

Fan Jiang's guard saluted and said, "General, it's the war drum sounding from the water village of the Jiangdong Army on the opposite bank."

Fan Jiang was a little puzzled. Recently, the Jiangdong Navy has been quite different. Although the number of attacks has increased, the war drums will often be beat suddenly when nothing is going on.

While Fan Jiang was thinking, a small school suddenly rushed over to report that the warships of the Jiangdong Army had been dispatched.

Fan Jiang's bearded face had black stubble marks on his face, and his complexion changed. He called the herald and notified the navy of the whole army to attack.

Not a moment later, the densely packed warships on the Yangtze River gradually appeared.The flag on the ship fluttered in the wind, and the huge sail cast a shadow on the river.Every boat swayed slightly with the swaying of the river.

Under the sun, all the weapons and war equipment were shining, and they were full of murderous intent.

The Jiangdong Army dispatched more than forty building boats to drive towards this time, and there are hundreds of warships distributed among the building boats.

Judging from this posture, Han is about to attack aggressively.Fan Jiang immediately issued an order loudly: "Gather all the soldiers in the water village, and prepare to meet the enemy, and prepare defensive equipment along the shore of the water village and around the walls of the water village."

The eyes of the herald flickered violently, and his lips trembled slightly, which showed that he was really nervous.But after he made a promise, he turned around and ran out immediately, and conveyed the order to the army to assemble and attack to his messengers.

The generals and soldiers from all battalions and villages in the water village gathered as quickly as possible.The light of the sun that has risen to the middle of the sky compressed everyone's shadows to less than two feet long.

Fan Jiang couldn't help but looked up at the sky. With the arrival of summer, the temperature also rose rapidly.Today is supposed to be a hot day.

Following Fan Jiang's order, all the horses and horses ran towards the docked warship.

In less than half an hour, after Fan Jiang gave an order, all the boats of the Jiangzhou Navy sailed out of the water village one by one.

Han Dang stood on his flagship, and the river wind blew enough on his silver armor, lifted the cloak behind him, and made a hunting sound like a flag fluttering.

Almost all the warships of the Jiangzhou Army he looked at were dispatched, but they were actually quite majestic.It can be seen that the battle in Nanjun has indeed increased their morale.

Han Dang turned around and said to Gan Ning beside him, "General Gan, today I want to meet the general of the Jiangzhou army, do you think it is possible?"

Gan Ning smiled proudly, with a hint of disdain for the Jiangzhou Army in his eyes.But he still nodded and said, "That's not a bad idea. I'll send someone to inform that Fan Jiang right away."

Soon, under Gan Ning's order, a boat broke away from the Jiangdong Army's fleet and slowly drove to the front of the Jiangzhou Army's fleet, with a white flag raised high on the bow.

Fan Jiang knew that this courier was here to pass on the message, so he also sent another courier to make contact.

Soon, Fan Jiang got the news that General Han Dang of the Jiangdong Army Navy wanted to talk to him.Fan Jiang couldn't help but feel a little strange. Your army has already come out, so you are here to negotiate?What's more, it is actually very inconvenient for the two parties to negotiate on water.

Fan Jiang wanted to refuse straight away, but all the warships of the Jiangdong Army stopped in place, and the ships in front even lowered their sails halfway to show their sincerity.He felt that if he did not agree, he would be ridiculed by the enemy.

Fan Jiang passed on an order to keep his fleet in place, ready to fight at any time, in case the Jiangdong Army would suddenly use any tricks.

After the Jiangdong army's warship was confirmed and returned, the flagships of the two main generals came down to the center of the two armies, surrounded by two escorting ships.

The distance between the two sides was less than five feet, and they could see the movements on the other side's boat clearly.But because of this, all the personnel on both sides of the ship are all heavily guarded, and they dare not be sloppy at all, for fear that something unexpected will happen to their master.

When Fan Jiang and Han Dang fought on the Yangtze River for a long time, of course they watched each other from afar.The appearance of these two people is somewhat similar, they both have whiskers.However, Fan Jiang shaved his beard more cleanly, and his age was also a round younger, not more than 40 years old.Fan Jiang's figure is also slightly shorter than Han Dang's, and his momentum is also weaker than that of Han Dang.

Fan Jiang looked at Han Dang with a tinge of admiration, an old general who had worked hard with Sun Jian and served three masters.He bowed his hands to Han Dang first, and said in greeting: "Old General Han, how are you doing recently?"

Han Dang smiled slightly, his eyes sparkled, and he bowed his hands and said: "I have always been very good, thank you General Fan for your concern."

Only then did Fan Jiang ask: "I don't know what advice does Old General Han have when he sees me at this time?"

Han Dangdao: "General Fan, I know that you are a general who is capable of fighting. Now that our Jiangdong navy has sent out all the best, please come here to ask General Fan not to resist, otherwise it will be no different from hitting a stone with an egg."

This Han Dang actually came to persuade him to surrender?It's really funny.Fan Jiang laughed loudly and said: "Old General Han, what you said is too unreasonable. Although your Jiangdong navy is known as the best in the world, my Jiangzhou navy has also trained for many years. This time you and I fight, we will win. Negative truth is in the uncertain day!"

Han Dang nodded, Fan Jiang's attitude was very tough, there was no room for change, but it also fully showed the other party's strong self-confidence.It seems that if his navy wants to defeat this Jiangzhou army, it really takes a lot of trouble.

Han Dang's assessment of the Jiangzhou Army was completed in his heart, and his goal was almost achieved.He cupped his hands to Fan Jiang and said, "General Fan, since you don't listen to my good words to persuade you, then the only way between you and me is to start a war. Please!"

Fan Jiang nodded slightly, and bid farewell to Han Dang.The ships of both sides turned their bows and sailed quickly towards their own fleet.

(End of this chapter)

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