The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 520 The Battle of the Yangtze River

Chapter 520 The Battle of the Yangtze River ([-])
More than two quarters of an hour later, the war drums in the fleets of both sides almost sounded at the same time, and it was heard from an extremely long distance.

Han Dang looked at Fan Jiang commanding more than 30 building ships, and rushed towards the Jiangdong Army warship first, smiling slightly.When Gan Ning went out to negotiate with Fan Jiang in Han Dang just now, he had already changed to another boat, and it stopped less than six feet away from Han Dang's flagship.

Han Dang said confidently to Gan Ning: "Xingba, today we are going to show the Jiangzhou army the true strength of our Jiangdong navy!"

Gan Ning was an arrogant person, and said with a smile, "Our soldiers are well-trained, our buildings and boats are much larger than Jiangzhou Army's, and our combat equipment is even more sophisticated. There is no reason why we can't defeat them!"

Han Dang nodded, and ordered the drummer to beat the drums for the whole army to attack.

The warships of the two sides entered into a state of engagement. After the warships of the two sides gradually approached, the soldiers began to shoot at each other with heavy crossbows such as crossbows.

But because the arrows shot are too few, this is not particularly useful, it can only create a deterrent to the opponent.Moreover, the various warships on both sides already had corresponding protection designs for this, and the female wall on the outside of the ship's side blocked most of the power of the crossbow arrows.

Han Dang saw that the crossbow arrows hit the Jiangzhou Army's buildings, almost unable to harm the opponent's soldiers, and muttered: "Fan Jiang didn't actually lie. Looking at the actions of their soldiers, they are completely undisturbed. It is true. It's the result of training."

Han Dang handed over to Gan Ning the command of the battle ahead of the Jiangdong Navy.

Gan Ning was on the front line, so of course he could see the situation more clearly than Han Dang. He frowned, and said grimly, "Damn it, the parapet walls on those Jiangdong Army's bullshit boats are so fucking thick. The machine still can't shoot through it!" But isn't the female wall on their side the same and thick enough?

Gan Ning sneered a few times, but in fact he didn't care about it.With a relaxed expression on his face, he passed on the order: "All buildings and boats give up using crossbows, and use shooting poles to shoot flying stones and fireballs instead!"

The main warships of the Jiangdong Army have always been two types: building ships and warships.The warship is huge in size, and the amount of soldiers and various attacking equipment it carries is amazing.

The prow of the large ship is a large ram more than three feet long, which can be used to punch a huge hole in the side of the opponent's ship when the warships of the two sides meet each other, causing serious damage and even sinking into the water.On the inner side of the ship, there are many large crossbows, and in the middle of the deck are also equipped with shooting poles, which are used to launch flying stones and ignited fireballs.

All the forty buildings of the Jiangdong Army stopped firing their crossbows, and the forty shooting poles started to follow suit.

The whistling sound continued, and stones flew out of the Jiangdong Army's building boat, flying towards the Jiangzhou Army's building boat.

The Jiangzhou Army's reaction was obviously not as fast as the enemy's, and they did not expect the enemy's attack method to change so quickly.

A large number of flying stones hit the Jiangzhou Army Building ship, some fell on the deck, discounted the flag on the side of the ship or made small potholes on the board, and some hit There is absolutely no possibility of survival on the soldiers.

However, there were also some stones that hit the outside of the ship's side, rebounded directly and fell into the turbulent river, making a burst of thumping noises.

Seeing that the enemy had seized the opportunity, Fan Jiang immediately sent an order to fight back with a pole.And order the surrounding warships not to rush forward impulsively for the time being. After all, their advantage is speed, and they are the main ships used to assault the enemy.

After the two sides attacked each other with flying stones for a while, the Jiangzhou army obviously didn't take advantage of it. The accuracy of shooting with the pole was indeed far behind that of the Jiangdong army.

But to Fan Jiang's relief, after several rounds of fierce attacks, the number of flying stones on both sides gradually decreased a lot.This can only explain one problem: the flying stones prepared by both sides have almost been used up.

In fact, this message can also be corroborated by the fact that the outer waterlines of the warships of both sides have moved down.

Therefore, Fan Jiang felt that it would be much safer to rush over at this time.He ordered: all warships start to attack quickly; the crossbows on the tower boats are restarted, and rockets are used for long-distance attacks; Get ready for a boarding battle!

Four orders in a row, it can be seen that Fan Jiang is quite familiar with the way of water warfare.

The hundred boats of the Jiangzhou Army, after hearing the drumbeat of the rapid attack, all the oars immediately paddled with all their strength, and they were all upstream, so they all rushed out roaring.Due to the large size of the building boat, the speed is slower.

Seeing the situation, Gan Ning sneered again, and Jiangdong Army's gangsters also rushed out to intercept the enemy.

The warships from both sides gathered in one place and started fighting each other.

The soldiers of both sides first shot at each other through the arrow holes in the female wall on the ship, and when the two sides approached each other, they began to use long weapons to fight.At this time, bows and arrows are still flying all over the sky, and the danger is greatly increased.Many soldiers on both sides were hit by arrows or fell into the water.

In the river water, a large area of ​​red began to appear, which was obviously stained red by human blood.The red range is constantly spreading towards the surroundings with the swaying of the river.

After the two sides fought for a while, the respective buildings on both sides also joined the battle, and the boarding battle in some places has already started.The soldiers on both sides jumped onto the bow of the enemy's ship, some stabbed with spears, and some slashed with short knives!

But the most powerful and insidious ones are still the archers.It is very easy for the two sides to snipe and kill within such a short distance.

The number of those who fell into the water and the soldiers killed by arrows is still increasing rapidly.

After more than an hour of fighting, the two sides each lost nearly [-] warships.

In terms of buildings and ships, three ships of the Jiangzhou Army caught fire, and one of them was seriously on fire.On the Jiangdong Army side, three building ships also caught fire, but the fire was not too big.Many soldiers on both sides no longer fought, but began to draw water to put out the fire.

Fan Jiang is quite satisfied with today's battle, at least up to now, the two sides are still evenly matched.Just when he thought that today's battle should be over, the Jiangdong Army suddenly beat the drums that shook the sky again.

Fan Jiang couldn't help showing surprise.

Now the bows and arrows of both sides are almost used, and the river is full of flames, blood, and floating long arrows.The war has reached such a level, will the Jiangdong Army continue to fight?Then it will really be like a land war, or a face-to-face collision between buildings and ships.

In such a situation, unless it is absolutely necessary, who would want to do it?
Han Dang and Gan Ning both looked relaxed at this time, with confident smiles on their faces.

Suddenly, two battle drums sounded on both sides of the river at the same time, and two small fleets rushed out from each.Each fleet has eight buildings and forty warships, galloping towards the battlefield ahead.

These are the navy ships that Sun Quan secretly reinforced Han Dang recently.At this critical moment, they have become a key force in determining the outcome of today's great battle.

Fan Jiang was a little dumbfounded, only then did he realize that Han Dang had made a move for him.Facing these new enemies with sufficient weapons and strong soldiers, he was powerless to resist.

Fan Jiang sent an order to go down immediately, and the whole army retreated back to Shuizhai to stand firm.

But it was impossible for Han Dang to let them go easily now. He ordered the whole army to entangle with the Jiangzhou Army ships and drag the enemy troops where they were.Just wait for those new reinforcements to come to clean up the enemy.

When the sun was setting, Fan Jiang fled back to the water village with his army in some embarrassment.Due to the various weapon defenses in the water fortress, the enemy's ships could not break into it by force.They are finally safe.

But Fan Jiang's navy suffered heavy losses this time. The three burning ships were all burned down, two more were sunk, and two were captured.

In this battle alone, Fan Jiang lost nearly one-third of the buildings and ships that Fan Jiang took out to fight, and the loss was not insignificant.Fan Jiang immediately wrote to Zhang Fei and his son Liu Chan, announcing the news of his defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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