The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 521 Shi Tao Contributes

Chapter 521 Shi Tao Contributes
Fan Jiang was defeated on the Yangtze River, and the navy suffered serious losses, so he stopped fighting for a while.As a result, except for their water village, almost all the waterways fell into the hands of Jiangdong Army.

On the other hand, to Liu Chan's surprise, in order to make Shuanghuan's army retreat as quickly as possible and give way to Huya Mountain, he also specially ordered Wang Fu and Xiong Ping to spread Zhijiang to the mountain. The news that the camp was broken.

But unexpectedly, the effect is really not obvious.Not only did Shuanghuan's army show no sign of retreating, but they actually strengthened their fortifications, which seemed to be sticking to their defenses.

Liu Chan really feels a headache about these two situations.These two bastards, Shuanghuan, don't know what medicine they took. Now there is only a lonely stronghold like Huya Mountain left, and they still want to resist like this!
Originally, Huya Mountain maintained the current situation, and it is also possible to directly encircle it. If the two sides continue to consume like this, Shuanghuan will eventually lose.

But Liu Chan doesn't want to waste the army on unnecessary sieges now, so what he has been thinking in his heart is to force Shuanghuan to retreat from Huya Mountain by himself.But I don't know why, Shuanghuan is like a piece of dog skin plaster, sticking to Huya Mountain and won't come down.

How did Liu Chan know that Shuanghuan had received Sun Quan's death order, and he must cooperate with the Yangtze River Navy's operations and stick to Huya Mountain.In fact, after learning of the fall of the Zhijiang camp, Shuanghuan wanted to withdraw his troops a long time ago, but he couldn't explain why he couldn't refuse to execute the death order.

So Liu Chan immediately went to see Shi Guangyuan.

When Shi Guangyuan came to Liu Chan's big tent, he saw Shizi's frown deeply, knowing that he was worrying about military affairs.He coughed lightly, and Liu Chan looked up, and it turned out that it was Shi Guangyuan who had come.Only then did Liu Chan look slightly relaxed, and stood up from his seat.

After paying respects to Liu Chan, Shi Guangyuan took a seat under Liu Chan and asked, "Is your son hurting your soul for the water war in the Yangtze River?"

Liu Chan nodded and said, "That's right! Fan Jiang is not very familiar with water warfare. As a result, once the Jiangdong Navy became serious, he would no longer be his opponent. This would put my third uncle's army in a dangerous situation. .And the battle at Huya Mountain is also quite worrying to me. I really can't figure out why Shuanghuan's troops are still defending Huya Mountain."

Shi Guangyuan smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty, don't be in a hurry, this matter has to be done one by one."

Looking at Shi Guangyuan's slightly rich and ruddy smiling face, Liu Chan seemed to be moved by his ease, and suddenly became more relaxed.He asked, "Why did you teach me, sir?"

Shi Guangyuan seemed to have considered these things for Liu Chan before.After all, he is the number one military adviser of the Jingzhou Army. These things are all his own work, and the salary is not white-collar.

Shi Guangyuan said indifferently: "Although our army has almost completely lost control of the Yangtze River waterway. Fortunately, Fan Jiang's navy is still strong, and they can still do something."

Liu Chan smiled wryly, and said, "After that battle, I had no confidence in Fan Jiang. In fact, not only did I lose confidence in Fan Jiang, but my third uncle also lost confidence in him. When I heard that I got the battle report, I immediately wrote The letter scolded him and almost fired him."

Shi Guangyuan waved his hand, telling Liu Chan not to be so frustrated, and said, "The reason why I said there is still something to do is not to say that Fan Jiang can still do something."

Liu Chan wondered, "How do you say that?"

Shi Guangyuan said: "Didn't you just take in a Zhou Cheng? Let him try his skills. You will only know if it is a mule or a horse after taking it out for a walk."

Liu Chan couldn't help but let out a cry.When he came to Zhijiang Daying earlier, he had a long talk with Zhou Cheng that night.He felt that this Zhou Cheng still had some talent, and the experience of the navy was much more than any of his generals.

But saying it is one thing, doing it is another.Back then, Zhao Kuo was able to speak eloquently with a single mouth, which led to Changping's defeat.This Zhou Cheng is a newcomer, and he doesn't know much about his actual abilities. Liu Chan is still not sure whether he can take on the important task of forming a navy in Dongting Lake in the future.He told Shi Guangyuan what was in his heart.

When Shi Guangyuan made this suggestion today, he obviously meant something.Liu Chan knew that Shi Guangyuan's intentions were good. First, he could let Zhou Cheng, who is better at fighting in water, try it; second, he could test his strength.

Shi Guangyuan's suggestion is indeed the best of both worlds.But there is one disadvantage. The navy of the Jiangzhou Army is not a place he can get his hands on now.He is now commanding the Jingzhou Army, but in fact, his name is not right.

His original identity was a Jingzhou special envoy who came to reward Guan Yu's sergeant, and then he gained a little military power during the war, and took over the entire army after Guan Yu's death.But so far Chengdu has not given him a formal appointment to command all the troops in Jingzhou.Therefore, what Liu Chan is relying on now is actually his name as the prince of Hanzhong.

And the Jiangzhou Army is the army led by Zhang Fei, just like when Guan Yu was there, he had to report to Guan Yu if he had something to do. He couldn't easily shake such a person's position in the army.It can be seen that the power of Liu Bei's army is also very complicated.

Now, Shi Guangyuan asked Liu Chan to send Zhou Cheng to take over Fan Jiang's navy.Whether Fan Jiangtong agrees or not is a problem. The key is Zhang Fei's side. You can't forcefully appoint generals of his army.

Liu Chan sighed and said, "If that's the case, then I have no choice but to write a letter to my third uncle, asking him to come forward and let Zhou Cheng replace Fan Jiang. I hope that Fan Jiang will not embarrass Zhou Cheng by then."

Shi Guangyuan smiled slightly and said: "If Zhou Cheng can't even deal with Fan Jiang, how can he be able to command a navy that is entrusted to calm Jiangdong in the future?"

What Shi Guangyuan said was relaxed, Liu Chan nodded, and said: "Then make a decision like this first, and hope that Zhou Cheng will not disappoint my expectations."

Seeing that Liu Chan agreed, Shi Guangyuan was also quite happy in his heart, and said, "As for Huya Mountain, in my opinion, it's not that they don't want to retreat, but that they can't retreat for the time being."

Liu Chan wondered: "Why do you say that, sir? According to the report sent back by Xiong Ping and others, the construction of fortifications on Huya Mountain has been stepping up."

Shi Guangyuan chuckled and said, "We are stepping up, but we don't necessarily want to build it voluntarily. I think that Huya Mountain, as the only stronghold of the Jiangdong Army in Jiangbei, must be to divert our army's attention and cooperate with Jiangdong. The need for naval warfare. Once the Jiangdong navy stabilizes the situation in the Yangtze River, it is time for them to retreat."

Liu Chan suddenly realized, it seemed that he was really digging into a dead end, and said with a smile, "So that's how it is!"

Shi Guangyuan knows that Liu Chan's pressure is getting bigger and bigger. After all, the achievements he has made this year are so great that the invisible pressure he puts on himself is also getting bigger and bigger, but he can't understand it. point.If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will be a dangerous thing.Therefore, he, a teacher who has always been lazy, is now working a little harder to share Liu Chan's worries.

Seeing Liu Chan, Shi Guangyuan finally became cheerful, and continued: "So, we only need to verify it now. The son can send an order to Xiong Ping's generals to retreat all the troops to the vicinity of Yiling City. If Shuanghuan's army is in the rescue After that, if they don’t go down the mountain at all, they can be sure that they are just waiting for the time to withdraw their troops.”

Liu Chan smiled slightly, bowed his hands to Shi Guangyuan and said, "Thanks to Mr., otherwise I don't know what to do now."

Shi Guangyuan laughed and said: "It's natural. However, as a teacher, I don't have the leisure of a teacher, but I have to work hard for the students all day long."

At the same time, the master and apprentice laughed loudly from the big tent.

Standing outside the tent, Zhao Feng looked out of the door curtain curiously, with a smile on his face, the prince had never laughed so much since he came to Zhijiang Camp.

(End of this chapter)

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