Chapter 522
After Wang Fu, Xiong Ping, Zhang Bao, Gai Meng and others led the army to retreat, there was no movement on Huya Mountain.Liu Chan knew that Shi Guangyuan's guess was indeed correct.He simply recruited Wang Fu, Zhang Bao and Gai Meng to come back, leaving only Xiong Ping to continue to lead the army, and it was enough to keep abreast of the movements of Huyashan Shuanghuan's army at any time.

Then, after receiving Zhang Fei's approval, Liu Chan sent Zhou Cheng to the Jiangdong Army Navy as Fan Jiang's deputy general.But in fact, in Zhang Fei's letter to Fan Jiang, he strictly demanded that Fan Jiang, although he is the chief general, temporarily hand over the right to send troops to fight to Zhou Cheng.

After Fan Jiang got this letter from Zhang Fei, he was of course very dissatisfied. He felt that Zhang Fei was too mean and ungrateful, and he was too weak in dealing with his son.Why should his hard-trained Jiangzhou navy be handed over to Zhou Cheng who just surrendered?
But Zhang Fei's majesty was something everyone feared. Fan Jiang had no choice but to put his dissatisfaction in his heart for the time being, but almost tore up Zhang Fei's letter.

All these performances of Fan Jiang were secretly noticed by the ranger sent by Liu Chan, and the news was quickly sent to Zhijiang County.

Therefore, after Zhou Cheng rushed to Jiangzhou Junshui Village, he did not encounter any difficulties from Fan Jiang.Two days later, after learning about the situation of the Jiangzhou Army, Zhou Cheng led his army to attack.

In fact, when Zhou Cheng was leaving, Shi Guangyuan once gave advice to Zhou Cheng in private.Let him adopt a steady and steady tactic, and don't rush to fight the Jiangdong navy as soon as he goes up.Because the request in the heart of the son is very simple, as long as the waterways near Yiling City are recaptured, so that Zhang Feijun's supply line can continue to be unimpeded.

However, Shi Guangyuan didn't make it clear what he had in mind, that is, he still lacked some confidence in Zhou Cheng's ability.He felt that this person was familiar with water warfare, but his ability was not enough to be the commander of an army.That's why he instructed Zhou Cheng to adopt a steady and steady tactic to get the results from the Jiangdong Army bit by bit.

Jiangdong's army is actually very anxious now, especially Sun Quan's expectations for the navy are very high now, almost completely betting the fate of the entire army on the navy.

Of course, Han Dang and Gan Ning knew what the lord expected. If they were not in a hurry, they would not have dispatched all their troops at once last time, and they would have lost a lot of troops to defeat Fan Jiang's navy.

Zhou Cheng was very grateful to Shi Guangyuan in his heart, so he conscientiously carried out Shi Guangyuan's proposal.

After six days of continuous fighting between the two sides, Zhou Cheng saw Han Dang and Gan Ning's flaws. As a result, they fell into an ambush set by Zhou Cheng and lost ten buildings.In desperation, Han Dang had no choice but to retreat temporarily, giving way to the waterway of Yiling City.

But Zhou Cheng still abided by Shi Guangyuan's explanation, that is, he just guarded the waterway and no longer took the initiative to attack.

However, after this battle, Zhang Fei's worries about the future were finally relieved, and the haze of Fan Jiang's defeat was swept away immediately, and he began to intensify his attack on Zhu Ran's army in Jingmen Mountain.

When Sun Quan learned that Han Dang and Gan Ning's navy had encountered tenacious resistance from the navy led by Zhou Cheng, after losing a battle, he had to retreat for a while, and he gritted his teeth in hatred for Zhou Cheng, that bastard. up.But at this time, the news that Zhou Cheng's family had fled also reached Sun Quan, and his heart was even more anxious and angry.

On Huya Mountain opposite Jingmen Mountain, after the Jingzhou army retreated, it became the quietest place after the tense atmosphere in the past was swept away.

Now that the Jingzhou army retreated on its own initiative, Shuanghuan felt that there was no need for him to provoke the enemy.After all, the Jiangdong army in Nanjun had suffered a complete defeat. If the Lord provoked the enemy, he would only incur severe retaliation, which would not be worth the candle.

Sun Huan has his own opinions.With a serious expression on his face, he walked out of his tent, blowing the wind from the Yangtze River, full of fresh water vapor, and the sound of rustling leaves in his ears.Sun Huan looked up at the starry sky, the sky was full of stars, but it looked rather bleak to his eyes.

Sun Huan sighed, the battle in Nanjun was such a mess!He Suili made up his mind: Now that the encirclement at the foot of the mountain has been lifted, it's time for Mr. Gu Yong to leave first.He is the pillar and pillar of Jiangdong, and he must never take risks on this small Huya Mountain. Even if it is not an adventure, it is a waste of time.

So, Sun Quan walked to the place where Gu Yong lived, went to see Gu Yong, and asked him to leave Huya Mountain by boat at night from Huya Beach.

Gu Yong is not a fool, he has already understood the current situation.He knew that the Jiangdong Army was already struggling to do anything in Nanjun, and the two armies in Huya Mountain were just lingering, and they would retreat sooner or later.The lord's order to let him retreat, I believe it will come soon.

Gu Yong was very grateful for Sun Huan's concern, and the two began to discuss.

On the night of the second day, Gu Yong took the boat sent by Han Dang to go down the river. Sure enough, he received an order from Sun Quan to evacuate Huya Mountain first.

Liu Chan also received Zhou Cheng's good news, and was very happy, so he could finally calm down and start planning with Shi Guangyuan to fight across the river.

On the other hand, Lu Xun has also reached the border of Yuannan.

Just when he continued to lead the army to advance to Yuanling County, news suddenly came from the front that the army of Wuxi barbarians had captured Yuanling County.They are now divided into two troops, one is going south, it seems to be heading towards Lingling County; the other is about 5000 people, and it is moving towards Yuannan City, and its momentum is extremely strong.

Lu Xun immediately forwarded the information to Lu Meng and Sun Quan.

Then, Lu Xun calmed down and thought for a while.Both Yuannan City and Yuanling City are located in the east of Yuanshui. Along the way, there are many mountains and river valleys, which can be used.

Therefore, Lu Xun didn't want to wait for Wuximan to come to Yuannan City, he wanted to take the initiative to attack.

When his lieutenant general Lu Yuan heard Lu Xun's thoughts, his face turned pale with fright: 4000 people were used to attack an army of 5000 people. Isn't this crazy? What is it?
But Lu Yuan persuaded Lu Xun not to move.Under Lu Xun's insistence on going his own way, this 4000-man army really set off.

Under Lu Xun's plan, they ambushed the vanguard of 3000 Wuxi Man in the first battle; burned 2000 Wuxi Man in the second battle of fire; Ren Wuximan broke away from the main force and went into the mountain to pursue him. As a result, more than a thousand people were wiped out in the mountain.

Lu Xun's use of troops was so clever that he, who was originally an unknown Confucian scholar, finally began to be re-acquainted by Sun Quan.

Losing three games in a row, the impact was so bad that Sha Moke had to temporarily order the entire army to stop the attack on Yuannan City.At the same time, Shamoke hated Lu Xun so much that he really wanted to tear that little boy into pieces.

So, Shamoke sent an order to transfer 5000 troops from the troops going south to go north to join his troops.

(End of this chapter)

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