Chapter 523
Lu Xun defeated the Wuxi Man in three battles and wiped out a large number of enemy troops. He has now occupied a river valley and sent them to Lu Meng and Sun Quan as quickly as possible according to the news that he is holding on.

Lu Meng must have got the good news before Sun Quan.He was overjoyed when he saw it, he knew Lu Xun's talent very well in his heart, and secretly praised Lu Xun as a genius in heaven.

Although Lu Xun was unknown in the past, people like him just confirmed the old saying "Is the golden scales a thing in the pool, it will turn into a dragon when it encounters a storm".Such a person, as long as he is given a little chance, when he takes off, no one can suppress him even if he wants to.

Because Lu Meng was overjoyed, he couldn't help coughing suddenly, and his originally sallow face turned red.

Not long after he left Sun Quan's place and came to Xu Sheng's army, he contracted a disease. He couldn't be cured all the time, and the cause couldn't be found out, so he could only delay it temporarily.This made his physical condition go from bad to worse, and his body was already much weaker.

In fact, as soon as we enter the world of spring, the Yangtze River region has always been a high-incidence area for various diseases and infectious diseases because of the climate and humidity, especially the diseases caused by parasite infection.In history, the armies of Sun Quan and Cao Pi had a record of hastily withdrawing their troops due to outbreaks of infectious diseases.

Therefore, the disease that Lu Meng is suffering from now cannot be ruled out that he was infected with parasites on the way from the Yangtze River.Such a disease is really very difficult in this era of backward medical treatment.

Hearing Lu Meng's cough, Lu Meng's guard captain Xiao Ding rushed in from outside the tent.He hurriedly brought water to Lu Meng to moisten his throat, and with a worried expression on his face, he asked, "Governor, you are sick now, don't work so hard anymore. I think it's better to inform the lord of your illness." , let you go back to Jiangdong to recuperate first?"

Lu Meng drank his saliva, waved his hands, and said with a wry smile: "The battle in Jingzhou has been fought so far. Although my lord did not blame me, the commander of the three armies, it is because of my ineffective command! At a time like this, don't bother me anymore." My lord. What's more, the situation has developed to this field, and it's almost time for us to go home."

Xiao Ding let out a sigh, and asked in a low voice: "The governor means that we may start to withdraw our troops back to Jiangdong?"

Lu Meng nodded, with a serious look on his face, but he was not serious, as if he had already expected such a thing.

Lu Mengdao: "Although that Liu Adou is young and has never met, but this time he did a great job, almost successfully cutting off our army's retreat. In fact, he is also too young, and he has no desire to make contributions. Too impatient, many things are too impatient. I, Jiangdong, have already lost a lot in Nanjun in this Jingzhou battle. If he wants to attack my army in Jiangnan, then I, Jiangdong, will definitely be injured. Bone. Then, in the future, we Jiangdong may find it difficult to confront Cao Wei. As a result, Cao Wei’s family will become dominant, which will be of no benefit to anyone.”

Xiao Ding didn't understand at all, why the governor suddenly withdrew to these places, this is not something he, the captain of the guard, can understand.But he still seems to understand one thing, the governor seems to intend to make peace with the Jingzhou army.

But is this feasible?The Jiangdong Army killed Guan Yu in Nanjun.Not only Liu Adou, but Zhang Fei also came here under the banner of avenging Guan Yu.Now that they have secured the victory, how can they give up with Jiang Dong?
Xiao Ding told Lu Meng his doubts.

Lu Meng smiled and said: "This is a matter of national importance. Jingzhou and Xishu will definitely consider it carefully. At least Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei will never push the matter to the extreme because of the death of Guan Yu. It caused Cao Wei to take advantage of it. At that time, if the other party insists on giving them an excuse, at most, I, the governor, will not be the governor."

Xiao Ding let out a cry, and said in shock: "Great Governor, how can this be done?"

Lu Meng still smiled, and said: "At that time, in order to strive for the stability of Jiangdong, do you think the Lord will not have such thoughts in his heart? This is what we, as ministers, should do for the Lord! In fact, At that time, if the two sides can form an alliance against Cao Cao again, it will be a mutually beneficial situation."

Lu Meng's calculations were really too precise. He killed his general, and now that he failed to attack Jingzhou, he wanted to continue forming an alliance.However, it was not unreasonable for him to plan this way. At least after successfully retreating from Jingzhou, Jiangdong's strength was indeed enough to require Liu Bei to sit down and negotiate with them.

Xiao Ding looked at this impartial and selfless governor in admiration, unable to say a word for a long time.

In fact, ever since Nanjun was defeated, Lu Meng already had a plan in his heart to ask the class teacher to return to Jiangdong.But he knew that the lord was in a fit of anger at the time, and it was absolutely impossible to accept the suggestion to retreat.

What's more, Zhang Fei's army was in a state of arrogance at that time, if it could not be subdued, it would really dare to attack Jiangdong's mainland at that time.

At that time, the flames of war between Liu Bei's army and Jiangdong did not know how long it would take before the two sides could sit down and talk again.

That's why Lu Meng asked for orders to take down Xu Sheng's army, hoping to stop Zhang Fei's army outside Jingmen Mountain and kill their morale.Of course, few people could understand Lu Meng's good intentions.

However, Zhang Fei's army has been blocked by Zhu Ran in Jingmen Mountain for such a long time with a small force. During this period, the Jiangzhou Army's navy suffered a big defeat, and their morale was not as good as before.Another point is that it is now summer, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and it is difficult for the Jiangzhou Army to launch large-scale wars.

Considering all the above factors, Lu Meng now decided that it was time to withdraw his troops.

Therefore, Lu Meng immediately wrote a letter to Sun Quan, analyzing the danger of Wuxi Man blocking the way back; and now that the weather is getting hotter, it will become very difficult for the army to besiege Gong'an City; and the war in Nanjun is no longer possible. Because, the Huyashan army will also be retreated.

The content of Lu Meng's letter was not the same as what he had in mind.After all, he is a smart person, everything he sees with his eyes and everything he thinks in his heart may not be able to tell Sun Quan truthfully.Otherwise, things might backfire and arouse Sun Quan's anger, and it would be bad if he didn't withdraw his troops when the time came.

After reading Lu Xun's victory report and Lu Meng's statement, Sun Quan really did not have any resistance to retreating.He summoned Zhang Zhao, Gu Yong and Kan Ze to discuss.Everyone felt that it would be a matter of time to retreat from Jingzhou, but where the army would retreat was a question.

In the end, everyone agreed that two to three counties south of Jingzhou, namely Wuling, Lingling and Guiyang, should be kept.

Then, Sun Quan sent an order to Shuanghuan of Huya Mountain to lead his army to retreat immediately.The Jiangdong navy on the Yangtze River continued to confront the Jiangzhou army.According to Sun Quan's plan, the Jiangdong navy must be able to retreat at the end.

(End of this chapter)

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