Chapter 524
When Shuanghuan's army retreated, they still encountered some troubles, because some conflicts arose between Shuanghuan.And this contradiction is actually very simple: whose army should retreat first.

In Shuanghuan's view, although their army retreated secretly, the troops of those who retreated behind were of course cut off in name.However, such tasks are usually performed by people with lower positions.

Therefore, in this way, what was originally a simple matter suddenly became the state before Gu Yong came: who is the leader of Huya Mountain.Moreover, this is a matter of face between Shuanghuan and Zhu Yi.

As a result, a quarrel between the three began.

In the end, both sides were angry, and they actually started to act independently. They led their own troops to Huyatan and prepared to board the boat and retreat.

Shuanghuan was supposed to retreat secretly, but now that there is such a big commotion, how could Xiong Ping not know about it?He immediately personally led all the cavalry as the front team, and the infantry team caught up behind.

When Xiong Ping's cavalry arrived, Shuanghuan's army was only halfway up.

Now it was too late for Shuanghuan to regret it, and the two sides started a fight on Huya Beach.

Later, the sailors who came to meet them saw that Shuanghuan's army could not get rid of Xiong Ping's army for a long time, so they had no choice but to step forward to support them, using various water warfare equipment to shoot at the shore.

After the two sides fought fiercely for more than two hours, Han Dang's main fleet finally got the news and came to support.

Xiong Ping saw that the enemy's momentum was too great, so he ordered all the troops to withdraw slowly from the battlefield, and then watched Shuanghuan's army leave slowly.

In this battle, Shuanghuan's army lost more than [-] people, which was an unnecessary loss.The annoyance in Shuanghuan's heart can be seen, but he put the blame on the other party, complaining that the other party did not cut off the queen for him, so that he was chased by Xiong Ping's army.

The two really became sworn to be at odds, and they quarreled again on the boat.Fortunately, there was Han Dang, who reprimanded both of them.

Many times, even the smartest people are blinded once they fall into resentment.

After Sun Quan learned what had happened, he immediately punished Shuanghuan, ordered the two to be relieved of their military power, and immediately rolled back to Jiangdong.

On Lu Meng's side, after receiving Sun Quan's order to withdraw troops, he immediately issued a call-up order to Zhu Ran's army in Jingmen Mountain, asking Zhu Ran to put down his military affairs and rush from the front line to Gong'an City to lead the retreat with him.

Zhu Ran's army was handed over to the command of a trusted lieutenant general, and stayed in Jingmen Mountain to continue to block Zhang Fei's army for a period of time.At that time, Han Dang's navy will send ships to pick them up just like they did at Huya Mountain.

Lu Meng's treatment of Zhu Ran in this way is definitely special consideration.Of course there is a reason for this.Everyone in Jiangdong knows that their lord Sun Quan loves three people most: Lu Meng, Zhu Ran and Ling Tong.

Among the three of them, Zhu Ran has the most special status. His adoptive father is the respected Zhu Zhi, and he himself is Sun Quan's classmate.Compared with Lu Meng and Ling Tong, he is closer to Sun Quan.

Once the army retreats from Jingmen Mountain, the situation in Jingmen Mountain will become extremely severe.Of course, it was impossible for Lu Meng to leave Zhu Ran there to take risks regardless of the lord's feelings.

After Zhu Ran received Lu Meng's order, he immediately fell silent and didn't say a word for a long time.His handsome face had a heavy look on it. He opened the command in his hand from time to time to look at it and then closed it, and then opened it again from time to time to have a look. It was obvious that he was struggling very much.

Zhu Ran thought about it for a whole night in the camp. In the morning, bloodshot eyes had appeared in his eyes.Even when he faced the strong attack of Zhang Fei's army, he never felt so heavy.

However, at this time, Zhu Ran had already made a decision in his heart that he thought was the most appropriate.He decided to disobey, and immediately wrote back to the Public Security City, expressing that he was unwilling to retreat at this time, and that he would stay in Jingmen Mountain with his soldiers and continue to stop Zhang Fei's army.

Zhu Ran's courage and responsibility moved Lu Meng very much.In fact, he has always had some prejudices against Zhu Ran in his heart, feeling that this person was able to climb to the current high position only by relying on the protection of the lord.But this time Zhu Ran's performance in the battle with Zhang Fei in Jingmen Mountain was indeed amazing, much better than the performance of those veterans.

In this battle of Jingzhou, the Jiangdong Army did lose a lot of veterans who were good at fighting, but it is gratifying that many new-generation generals also emerged from the Jiangdong Army.For example, Lu Xun, Quan Cong, Zhu Ran and Sun Huan.

Except for Quan Cong, these young people are not well-known at the moment, but given time, they will definitely be the pillars supporting Jiangdong in the future.Especially Lu Xun, who will definitely become the most brilliant general in the world in the future.

Therefore, also out of love for talents, Lu Meng issued two recruitment orders to Jingmen Mountain one after another, but Zhu Ran refused them both.Lu Meng had no choice but to report Zhu Ran's refusal to retreat from Jingmen Mountain to Sun Quan.

After Sun Quan heard this, he couldn't help being a little surprised.Of course, he loved Zhu Ran very much, and immediately issued a call-up order to Jingmen Mountain in his own name, asking Zhu Ran to leave the army immediately and return to Jiangdong after rounding up with Governor Lv Meng in Public Security City.

But Zhu Ran suddenly showed his stubborn side at this time, and personally wrote to Sun Quan that Jingmen Mountain is now so important to Jiangdong Army.As long as his army can stop Zhang Fei's army for one more day in Jingmen Mountain, it will be safer to ensure that Lu Meng's army will not return.

What's more, the Wuxi Barbarians have already occupied Yiling City, and it is still unknown how long Lu Boyan's men can last. The Jingmen Mountain army must not make any mistakes now.Only by letting him stay in person can he feel at ease.

After Sun Quan received Zhu Ran's letter, he sighed, Zhu Ran did not disappoint his usual kindness to him!Now that Zhu Ran's words have reached this point, he had no choice but to agree to Zhu Ran's request and no longer force him to leave Jingmen Mountain.

After Lu Meng received Sun Quan's reply, he ordered Xu Sheng to order the whole army to retreat from Gong'an City.

Deng Ai stayed on the city wall almost every day.In the past seven or eight days, Lu Meng's army had stopped attacking the city at all, which made his soldiers' exhausted bodies finally have time to recuperate.But the tense atmosphere of the war is still pervasive everywhere.

After Deng Ai observed the enemy army for so many days, he had a good intuition and combined with the analysis of the situation, he believed that Lu Meng's army might retreat from the Public Security City in the near future.Although he really wanted to build meritorious service and pursue the enemy, he knew that his soldiers were extremely exhausted and war-weary now, and it was impossible to attack again.

Deng Ai sighed and looked in the direction of Zhijiang County.

(End of this chapter)

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