Chapter 528
Zhang Fei's army, led by the herbalist Tang San, took a short cut and arrived at the bank of the Yangtze River in only an hour.

The night was dark, and there was the sound of the surging river beating in my ears, but there was no scene on the river. The whole river was completely integrated into the darkness and became a part of this dark night.

When Zhang Fei's men and horses were approaching the Yangtze River, the whole army had sent an order to extinguish the torches.At this time, Zhang Fei also received an order from Huang Quan's people, and the troops he brought over to support him would soon be able to catch up.

Zhang Fei didn't want to delay the pursuit by waiting for Huang Quan's men.He immediately called Tang San over and asked him which river is the deepest, because that is the way to allow the Jiangdong army's large ships to dock.If they used small boats to load people on the river first and then boarded the boat, the time wasted would be calculated several times.

After Tang San thought about it, he said that he might know the location.Zhang Fei was overjoyed, and immediately asked Tang San to lead the way.

Under Tang San's leadership, Zhang Fei's men proceeded cautiously in the dark.

After we walked for less than two miles, we came to the bank of the Yangtze River.

In their ears, besides the slapping of the river, the chirping of dense night insects from the reeds by the river, and even the cries of one or two night owls, the wind seemed to carry A din of human speech.

Zhang Fei's hearing was really good, and he immediately confirmed that it was the voice of Jiangdong people, so he ordered everyone to stop talking nonsense, and the whole army marched silently.

Soon, their front troops could see a lot of torches lit on a small tidal flat in front of them.The flames were blown violently by the wind from the river, emitting faint puffs of smoke.

Under the light of the fire, the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army were walking around.There are at least three to four thousand people, and all of them look very tired.Some people were still shouting something, as if they were expressing their dissatisfaction.

In the river in front of these gathered Jiangdong soldiers, there are a large number of ships moored, but almost all of them are large-scale ships, and only two ships are on the shore.It seems that because the terrain here is too narrow, or the surrounding water depth is not enough, so that there is only room for two large boats to dock here.

The huge sails on these high-rise ships have been raised, and the light of the flickering torches on the ships reflects the white canvas in a bright red color.There were quite a few sailors standing on the bow of the ship, all looking up at the shore below.

Many soldiers of the Jiangdong Army on the shore were walking slowly towards the ship.It seems that Zhang Fei's army pursued them in a timely manner, and Zhu Ran's army should have just started boarding the ship.

After Zhang Fei observed the situation for a while, relying on his extremely rich military experience, he judged that when Zhu Ranjun started boarding the ship like this, everyone was in the most relaxed state.

Therefore, even if you have fewer troops than the opponent and the opponent can still get the support of the navy, if your army suddenly kills them, you will definitely be able to achieve good results.

Besides, Huang Quan is already leading a support army over, so there is no reason why he will end up at a disadvantage in terms of fighting forces?
After these simple considerations, Zhang Fei immediately sent an order to divide his army into two parts and disperse them separately.Some of them are on standby on that side, and some of them go around to the north.In this case, the two groups of people formed a crescent-shaped encirclement on the beach where Zhu Ranjun was located.

As for Zhang Fei's escort team and that Shi Liang, they will continue to stay in place to monitor the progress of the battle from a distance, and they can also be used as a reserve team.Of course, Zhang Fei's doing this can also prevent Shi Liang from getting too close to Zhu Ranjun, and suddenly sending a signal to them, ruining his arrangement.

Then, when everything is in place, especially after the troops in the north are deployed successfully, they will use the signal of raising fire, and the troops in the south will rush out together.

It was impossible for Zhu Ranjun to imagine that Zhang Fei's army would catch up to him when he withdrew his troops in such a secret manner. I'm afraid that everyone would become panicked and unwilling to fight.

Shi Liang gave Zhang Fei a bitter look, feeling very anxious in his heart.But now this place is actually far away from Zhu Ranjun's side, and the soldiers over there are noisy everywhere. Even if I try to shout, they may not be able to hear it.

What's more, Shi Liang is actually very clear that he has been closely watched by Zhang Fei's guards.Once they have a slight change, they will never be soft on themselves.

Shi Liang sighed secretly, looking very disappointed.In fact, he wanted to tell Zhang Fei very much: "Since you know that I must report to the Jiangdong Army, why did you bring me here on purpose? Do you want to see me feel uncomfortable or make fun of me?"

But it was too frustrating to say these words, and his self-esteem would never allow him to be so weak in front of Zhang Fei.After all, Shi Liang did not tell Zhang Fei these words.

At this time, a torch light suddenly appeared in the darkness in the north, flying rapidly to the left and right like a big brilliant firefly, because the speed was so fast that it was almost connected into a red line .

Zhang Fei couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw that the signal from the north had finally come, which also meant that they had completed the arrangement now.

Then, countless torches were lit on both sides of the south and north at the same time, forming two arc-shaped fire dragons.

These two groups of people are about to attack.

With a loud shout from the generals in the southern office: "Kill!"

All the Jiangzhou soldiers followed suit and started shouting to kill.

Nearly 2000 people shouted at the same time, and the momentum was definitely big enough.Not only the sound of the waves crashing on the river, the sound of the wind blowing over the reeds by the river, but even the noise of Zhu Ranjun were completely drowned out.

Zhu Ranjun was immersed in the joy of finally being able to go home at this time, and he completely relaxed his vigilance.Now, enemy troops suddenly appeared in the surrounding area.And judging from the number of those torches and the shouts of the enemy, the number of the enemy seemed to be very large, and they were all surrounded.

Zhu Ranjun suddenly became confused.I don't know who yelled first: "Run, the Jiangzhou Army is chasing you, run!"

Now, Zhu Ranjun's boarding order, which was fairly good at first, suddenly became chaotic.Zhu Ran's soldiers no longer obeyed the order, and rushed towards the boarding place one after another.

But there is only one ladder to board the ship, and it is very narrow. How can so many people rush in together?
As a result, as the crowd increased, many people were pushed into the river by their companions when boarding the boat.Fortunately, they were all water-savvy people, and they were not drowned by the water, so they swam back to the shore one after another.

As a result, Zhu Ran's already chaotic situation became even more chaotic.Many people were yelling at their comrades who were still fighting bloody battles with them during the day.

Zhu Ran looked at the chaotic scene in disbelief, and really couldn't believe that these people were the soldiers who had been with him these days, blocking Zhang Fei's army with inferior forces!

Zhu Ran's face was pale, and the black beard on his upper lip trembled with excitement.His fists were clenched so tightly that he could even hear the crackling of his joints.

(End of this chapter)

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