Chapter 529

Zhu Ranjun was near the ladder made of long wooden boards in front of the two building ships. The situation became chaotic as Zhang Fei's army suddenly rushed out.

But as Zhang Fei's troops approached step by step, some of those who were in the rear and couldn't squeeze in the front suddenly woke up and shouted loudly: "Everyone, calm down, the enemy is coming. Hurry up and organize manpower resistance, and buy time for our comrades to board the ship!"

This yelling really played a big role. Many people began to turn around and stopped crowding towards the boat.They drew out their weapons one after another, and shouted to their companions who had fought bloody battles to wake up quickly and go forward with them to block the enemy.

As their shouts became louder and louder, more and more soldiers of the Jiangdong Army who participated in the chaos suddenly felt ashamed.More and more people began to turn around, drew their weapons, and formed formations with their comrades on the tidal flat, and the number gradually reached 800 people.

These 800 people did not assemble into an overly complicated formation, they just lined up, tightly protecting the river bank behind them.As long as his line of defense is not broken or defeated by the enemy, his comrades behind him will have enough time to board the ship.

Zhu Ran was once again amazed by the performance of his soldiers.Zhu Ran was originally disappointed and hopeless with these soldiers, but unexpectedly they finally woke up when they were in crisis, and this kind of spontaneous organization doesn't look much worse than having generals participating in the command.

Zhu Ran knew that his army was a hopeful army!
Zhu Ran knew even more that he would absolutely not be able to let the outstanding soldiers under him ignore them, otherwise he would be absolutely sorry for them and the bloody battles they have participated in following his side these days.

Therefore, Zhu Ran immediately issued an order loudly to gather all his guards.Then everyone docked from the south side of the ship's side, and they were going to meet those soldiers who had gathered to resist Zhang Fei's army!

Just as Zhu Ran was deploying, there was another loud cry of killing from the tidal flat ahead.Zhu Ran immediately rushed to the bow of the ship, and saw that Zhang Fei's Jiangzhou Army had come fifty steps away from his own line, and the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army rushed towards the Jiangzhou Army at the same time.

Zhu Ran became a little anxious, and immediately ordered his 300-man escort to act quickly.So, under the leadership of their captain, the guards rushed to the side of the ship, and there were already warships waiting for them below.

A bloody fight in the tidal flats started, and soldiers from both sides collided at a distance.Their firm footsteps left deep footprints on the very soft ground with weeds growing on the tidal flat.

In some places, there are even small puddles left by the high tide of the Yangtze River.When the foot stepped in hard, countless muddy water splashed immediately, and some Jiangdong soldiers even fell to the ground because of this.

For a moment, the two sides were fighting indiscriminately, and the screams were endless, and many soldiers rolled and fought in the mud like this.A lot of blood quickly accumulated on the mud.

Among the fleeing soldiers of the Jiangdong Army, some continued to turn around and rush into their companions from the crowd in front of them desperately squeezing onto the boat, participating in the interception of the Jiangzhou Army.

But the Jiangdong Army eventually suffered a disadvantage in terms of numbers. The Jiangzhou Army now has almost twice as many people participating in the attack.Therefore, as the fighting between the two sides entered a white-hot stage, the Jiangzhou Army began to show a state of exhaustion.Not only were they lined up in a line, they were forced to retreat under the great impact of the Jiangzhou army, and some places on the two wings had even been broken through by the enemy.

The Jiangzhou Army began to gradually nibble away at the center of the Zhu Ran Army's formation along the two wings.If the situation doesn't improve, I believe they won't be able to hold on for a quarter of an hour or two.

In such a precarious situation, Zhu Ran's 300-man escort finally arrived at the shore in a scorpion.They jumped from the boat into the shallow water one after another, divided into two groups, and rushed towards the precarious wings of Zhu Ran's army.

The combat effectiveness of Zhu Ran's escort team is indeed very strong. With their joining, although it is not enough to defeat Zhang Fei's army, it can already stabilize the two wings from being defeated by the enemy.

That was enough, and their reinforcements should catch up in time.Even if Gan Ning's navy did not provide support, if they continued to resist like this, it would be enough to buy enough time for their comrades to board the ship.

The situation in front of his own army was not optimistic, Zhu Ran turned anxiously and looked behind him.He has already sent three people to ask Gan Ning for help, why haven't he sent people to help?
Zhu Ran suddenly remembered something, Gan Ning's desperate treatment of Zhou Tai's army that day!He couldn't help feeling a little uneasy in his heart, and even made a secret decision. If those soldiers who were desperately resisting Zhang Fei's army were defeated too early, he could only order the building boat to set sail immediately...

As the battle started, Zhang Fei had already led his guards not far behind the battlefield.He could not help being glad to see that the situation was in his favor.

He smiled at Shi Liang and said, "Is this always the case for the Jiangdong army? The people on the shore are already in desperate situation, but the people on the boat don't see a single person coming to support them."

Shi Liang didn't answer Zhang Fei's words, his face turned red, because Zhang Fei's scolding was right now.He was already screaming loudly in his heart, the general who led the navy to pick him up was simply inhuman.Why haven't you come ashore for support for so long!
At this time, there was a loud drum sound on the surface of the river, which completely overwhelmed the fighting sound of soldiers from both sides on the shore.

Dozens of boats and more walking boats suddenly appeared on the meeting.Every boat is brightly lit, illuminating the surface of the river it passes into a bright red.Under the light of the fire, Zhang Fei could clearly see from a distance that there was a flag hanging on those ships, with a big "Gan" character written on it.

Zhang Fei immediately thought that there was still a general surnamed Gan in Jiangdong, but Gan Ning and Gan Xingba were the only ones.

Zhang Feisheng was afraid that his troops in front would be lost, so he immediately wanted to order his guards to come over to support them.He is indeed not afraid of Gan Ning's support now, because he also has Huang Quan's support, and he can eventually gain the upper hand in terms of numbers, even making Gan Ning unable to get back!

But Zhang Fei suddenly had an idea and looked at Shi Liang.

(End of this chapter)

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