The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 530 The Death of Gan Ning

Chapter 530 Gan Ning's Death ([-])

Zhang Fei turned his head and asked Shi Liang: "Seeing that the people in front are fighting so lively, do you want to go down and show your skills?"

Shi Liang looked at Zhang Fei, frowned, and said, "I said earlier that I will not help you attack Jiangdong."

Zhang Fei chuckled a little disapprovingly, and said, "Don't take death so seriously!"

Shi Liang snorted coldly, turned his face away, and said angrily: "General Zhang, you don't need to say anything more, there is absolutely no room for negotiation on this matter!"

Zhang Fei didn't feel angry because of being contradicted by Shi Liang like this. It seems that when he was in front of Shi Liang, his temper seemed to have improved a lot.If others dared to contradict him like this, they would have already been whipped.

Zhang Fei still smiled and said, "You don't have to be so angry. Since you don't want to make a move, I won't force you. Originally, I wanted to tell you a condition, but..."

When Zhang Fei said this, Huatou suddenly stopped. Judging from his expression, it seemed that he was deliberately teasing Shi Liang.

Shi Liangming knew that Zhang Fei was deliberately teasing him, but he still couldn't help but look back at Zhang Fei, with a trace of questioning and curiosity in his big eyes, obviously moved because of Zhang Fei's condition .

Zhang Fei then said: "Originally, this general wanted to make a deal with you. After the deal is completed, I can let you go back to Jiangdong. After all, you have always refused to agree to serve under my command. I cherish your martial arts, and I can't bear to kill you. So I think it's better to let you go back, anyway, you are just a little captain, and there is no harm at all."

Shi Liang's face couldn't help but change, and his heart was already touched by Zhang Fei's words.In fact, facing Zhang Fei's words, he was even a little moved in his heart.

Indeed, since Shi Liang involuntarily "surrendered" Zhang Fei, he almost never gave Zhang Fei a good face.But this general Zhang Fei, who is known for his hot temper, has never turned against him. This is a treatment that even Cao Cao could not enjoy!

However, compared to being moved, Shi Liang of course wanted to go back to Jiangdong more.

Therefore, Shi Liang had no choice but to lower his face and asked Zhang Fei, "Are you really willing to let me go back to Jiangdong?"

Zhang Fei nodded and said, "When do I count my words as wrong?"

Of course, Shi Liang believed in Zhang Fei's credit. The words of Liu Guanzhang and the three of them could definitely be regarded as golden signs.

Shi Liang couldn't help but secretly elated, and asked, "Then, General Zhang, please tell me the terms of your deal?"

Zhang Fei sighed and said, "You really want to go back to Jiangdong! Well, listen to me."

As Zhang Fei said, he stretched out his finger and pointed to the river. Gan Ning's boat was fast approaching the shore, and the people on board would be able to land soon.

Zhang Fei told Shi Liang to go down to the battlefield with his escort now.They must stop the Gan Ning army's reaction, at least until Huang Quan's reinforcements arrive.

Shi Liang looked at Zhang Fei very differently, and said in surprise, "Don't you want me to fight Jiangdong Army?"

Zhang Fei waved his hand and said cunningly: "This is different. You said you want to go back to Jiangdong, but you are right to say that you want to continue to serve Zhu Ran. But what I want you to stop is Gan Ning's army , instead of asking you to kill Zhu Ran's army. Do you think what I said makes sense?"

Shi Liang sighed, and did not speak immediately as usual.

Zhang Fei saw that the time was running out, so he urged: "You are really cowardly, you always talk like this, you can't get bored for a long time, you are still a man, aren't you?! Besides, if you are asked to fight Gan Ning's army, who among them will recognize you!"

When Shi Liang was scolded by Zhang Fei, his face turned red immediately, and he said loudly: "Okay, I agree to your deal, and you must not go back on your word when the time comes!"

Zhang Fei smiled and said, "How can I, Zhang Yide, go back on my word with you, an unknown junior?"

Shi Liang knew that Zhang Fei would not destroy his reputation, so he bowed his hands to Zhang Fei, and he accepted Zhang Fei's order.He immediately grabbed his machete, and was about to take Zhang Fei's escort to the battlefield.

No, Zhang Fei suddenly stopped Shi Liang again, and said with some earnestness: "Shi Liang, if you don't want to attack Jiangdong's soldiers, then just help me hold back Gan Xingba's hands and feet. I know the bravery of this man, if he goes to the field to fight in person, I am afraid that there will be no one in our army who is his opponent."

Zhang Fei's treatment of Shi Liang was indeed good enough, and in this case, the pressure on him was reduced a little.

Shi Liang was really grateful for Zhang Fei's arrival, he bowed his hands to Zhang Fei, and then loudly ordered Zhang Fei's guards to follow him to the end.

Almost at the same time, 1000 navy soldiers led by Gan Ning also disembarked one after another and rushed to the shore from the shallow water.

Immediately after Gan Ning tidied up the army on the shore, he took the lead and rushed towards the battlefield ahead.

Gan Ning really didn't know Shi Liang, but Shi Liang must have known a general like Gan Ning.Therefore, after Shi Liang brought Zhang Fei's men to the battlefield immediately, he could get rid of the battle ahead, bypass the flanks of the two armies, and directly lead his men to kill Gan Ning.

Gan Ning was obviously taken aback by the sudden appearance of this small group of troops.Then, he quickly understood that the reason why this army bypassed the previous battle should be to target his army specially.

He couldn't help secretly praising in his heart, Zhang Fei's army is really big and brave, with these two 300 people, they dare to come up to compete with so many of them.

Gan Ning sneered, the reason why he led the army to support was not to fight, but to rescue Zhu Ran's troops and retreat.

Therefore, Gan Ning's idea now is to use his superior force to defeat this sudden enemy army as quickly as possible.

Therefore, Gan Ning immediately led his troops to meet them.

However, because Shi Liang and Zhang Fei's guards came with a targeted approach, Gan Ning's troops were greatly impacted after the contact between the troops of the two sides, and they were actually retreated steadily by the enemy.

In fact, this also shows from another aspect the powerful combat effectiveness of Zhang Fei's escort team.

Seeing the situation, Gan Ning couldn't help becoming furious.Your own team is much more than the opponent's, but you can't stand it after being hit by the opponent for a while?

Gan Ning yelled loudly: "Everyone stand up for me! The soldiers in the rear spread out to the two wings and outflank the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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