The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 531 The Death of Gan Ning

Chapter 531 Gan Ning's Death ([-])

After Gan Ning passed the order, he drew his sword and went forward to fight.

Gan Ning's martial arts skills are really strong. After killing a guard with ease, he blocked the attacks of three enemies with his own strength.

At this time, Shi Liang saw that Gan Ning had come to the front of the battle to fight in person. In order to return to Jiangdong, he had to abide by his agreement with Zhang Fei.

Shi Liang suddenly turned to the three guards in front and shouted loudly: "All of you get out of the way, General Gan handed it over to me!"

Saying that, Shi Liang raised the machete in his hand, and rushed towards Gan Ning.Seeing this, the three guards besieging Gan Ning immediately dispersed to the side.

Gan Ning looked up and saw an enemy general who was as burly as himself, holding a machete and killing him.

Gan Ning was very confident in his martial arts, when he saw this man yelling to challenge him one-on-one, plus he was bloodthirsty by nature, he couldn't help but sneered, and immediately wanted to kill Shi Liang.

In fact, Gan Ning certainly misunderstood what Shi Liang meant.The original meaning of Shi Liang's words was that he was afraid that Gan Ning would be harmed if he besieged Gan Ning with so many people, so when he and Gan Ning were fighting, he didn't want others to help him.

Gan Ning shouted loudly, and immediately charged towards Shi Liang with his sword.

When the two rushed six or seven steps away from each other, they suddenly accelerated at the same time, and a silver-white light appeared on each of their bodies.Although there are torches shining everywhere around the battlefield at this time, the light is not particularly good.Therefore, the lights of these two swords are so dazzling, as if they want to tear the darkness here.

With a clang sound, Shi Liang's machete and Gan Ning's long sword collided with each other, making a loud noise, but the sparks flashing from above were even more brilliant!
The hands of both of them felt slight numbness at the same time, secretly lamenting the strength of the other party.The two then took two steps back each, ready to attack again.

Gan Ning's reputation in Jiangdong is too great, Shi Liang had already prepared himself mentally, and he never thought about defeating Gan Xingba.He only wanted to drag Gan Ning's hands and feet so that he could not personally lead the troops to fight, that was enough.

On the contrary, the shock in Gan Ning's heart seemed to be even greater.He really didn't expect that the strength of the person in front of him was so great, and he didn't seem to lose to him.

He couldn't help secretly praising in his heart, Zhang Fei really has a lot of strong generals under his command!What's more, judging from the age of this person, I am afraid that he is only about 30 years old. He is in the prime of his life, and he will definitely be able to do something in the future.

Gan Ning couldn't help but praised: "The enemy general is so strong!"

Shi Liang couldn't help being a little surprised, but he didn't dare to laugh, and said, "General Gan is absurd."

When Gan Ning heard this, he felt a little strange in his heart, this boy who seemed a bit rude was quite polite when talking to him.

Gan Ning then asked: "The enemy generals will report their names, Gan Xingba's subordinates will not kill unknown generals."

Of course Shi Liang was reluctant to tell Gan Ning his real name, so he said loudly: "Stop talking nonsense, let's see the truth!"

Gan Ning couldn't help being taken aback, and secretly scolded Shi Liang for being so ignorant that he refused to reveal his name.It was the first time he met such a person after traveling all over the world.

Thus, the two men fought each other.

Gan Ning was a little annoyed at Shi Liang's rudeness just now, so he became even more merciless towards him, and immediately attacked with all his strength.

Shi Liang was at a disadvantage, he didn't dare to use his full strength at the beginning.Even so, before the twenty strokes, Shi Liang played impressively.

But after thirty strokes, Shi Liang seemed a little powerless.If it goes on like this, Shi Liang will probably die at the hands of Gan Ning in the end.Therefore, he had no choice but to fight Gan Ning with all his strength.

After the two sides fought for another ten moves, countless torches suddenly appeared behind the battlefield. Shi Liang knew that Huang Quan's reinforcements should have arrived.

Shi Liang suddenly said loudly to Gan Ning: "General Gan quickly retreats, Huang Quan's reinforcements have arrived!"

Gan Ning was shocked when he heard the words, and was even more surprised why the enemy general in front of him leaked information to him.

However, Gan Ning is now here to withdraw the troops, if Zhu Ran hadn't sent people to ask him to send troops again and again, he would have known how much face Zhu Ran has in front of the lord, and he would have decided not to send people ashore to support him.

Now, almost all of Zhu Ran's troops have boarded the ship, only those on the battlefield are missing.Even if Gan Ning didn't have Shi Liang's reminder, he already wanted to quit.

At this time, Zhu Ran had sent someone to convey the order to retreat to the soldiers who were still fighting, and they were fighting and retreating.

Therefore, Gan Ning slashed at Shi Liang suddenly with a knife, forcing Shi Liang to take two steps back.He immediately turned around and wanted to retreat.

At this moment, Gan Ning suddenly heard someone shouting loudly: "Gan Xingba, can you still run?"

The sound was so loud that it shook the entire battlefield.

Gan Ning felt that this voice was really familiar, he immediately turned to look, but saw a bright knife light flying towards him at a very fast speed.

Gan Ning couldn't help but exclaimed, but it turned out that Shi Liang's machete flew over.He didn't expect that the enemy general who had tipped him off just now would kill him behind his back!

Gan Ning's figure immediately dodged to the side, but it was too late, Shi Liang's machete had already pierced his lower abdomen.

Gan Ning let out a miserable cry and collapsed to the ground.Seeing this, his guards rushed up in panic and rescued Gan Ning.

Shi Liang was already stunned by the scene just now, looking at his empty right hand at a loss as to what to do.He definitely didn't throw the machete, but Zhang Fei suddenly appeared just now, snatched it from his hand, and threw it at Gan Ning!
Shi Liang knew that with that machete as evidence, he would be convicted of being a Jiangdong traitor for the rest of his life, and he would never want to go back...

Zhang Fei, on the other hand, looked at Shi Liang with some complacency. It seemed that his scheme had succeeded. Shi Liang should have completely given up on Jiang Dong now.

He stretched out his hand and patted Shi Liang's shoulder, with a smug look, he seemed to be telling Shi Liang: "Boy, you're still too young to fight me!"

At this time, Huang Quan's men had arrived.They immediately surrounded Zhu Ranjun's men and horses who had left on the shore.These people have no chance of surviving.

Seeing that those people could not be rescued, Zhu Ran had no choice but to send all the ships to set sail immediately and leave the place as quickly as possible.

An hour later, Gan Ning finally died on his flagship.Shi Liang's machete was sent to Zhu Ran, and he recognized it as Shi Liang's at a glance.

Then, Zhu Ran confirmed Shi Liang's appearance from Gan Ning's guards, and finally knew that Shi Liang had surrendered to Zhang Fei.His heart was full of resentment towards Shi Liang's greed for life and fear of death.

Poor Gan Xingba fought all his life, but was finally used by Zhang Fei as a tool to subdue generals.

(End of this chapter)

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