Chapter 532
Liu Chan received a report from Deng Ai from Gong'an City, saying that Lu Meng's army had retreated.

Liu Chan was a little surprised. After all, the encirclement of Public Security City was lifted, which is definitely a good thing.This means that the Jiangdong people fully admit that their expedition to Jingzhou ended in failure.

But Liu Chan felt a little pity in his heart.He originally wanted to use Wuxi Man to cut off the retreat of Lu Meng's army, and then cooperate with Zhang Fei's Jiangzhou Army to encircle and wipe them out.

However, the result of the matter did not disappoint Liu Chan.

His original strategy was to first push back Sun Quan's main force in Nanjun, and then encircle and annihilate Lu Meng's troops in the Jiangnan area.As a result, Guan Xing helped him wipe out Sun Quan's main force.However, Lu Xun used his inferior force to intercept the Wuxi Man. As a result, Lu Meng is now calmly withdrawing his troops from the vicinity of Yuannan.

Well, even if Liu Chan issues an order to Wuxi Man now, asking Sha Moke to defeat Lu Xun's troops as soon as possible, it may be too late in time.

What's more, Sha Moke's opponent this time is Lu Xun Lu Boyan, not an ordinary Jiangdong general.

Therefore, in Liu Chan's heart now, he has actually decided that Lu Meng's army should be able to escape safely.

However, between the gain and the loss, Liu Chan weighed it.No matter how you calculate it, I have achieved much better results than the original strategic plan.

Therefore, Liu Chan issued an order to Zhou Cheng, allowing him to start organizing ships, and after a while, Xiong Ping's troops could be taken over the other side of the Yangtze River near Yiling City, and joined with Zhang Fei's Jiangzhou Army.I believe that not long after Lu Meng's retreat, Zhu Ran will also withdraw his troops soon.

But what Liu Chan didn't expect was that Han Dang and Gan Ning's navy launched the last large-scale operation not long after his order was issued.

They attacked suddenly at an extremely fast speed, separated most of the ships, blocked the ships of the Jiangzhou army in the water village, and temporarily gained control of the Yangtze River waterway near Yiling City.

The next thing is very clear, Gan Ning led the fleet westward, and easily went to meet Zhu Ran's army who had retreated from Jingmen Mountain.

Although Gan Ning died unexpectedly at the hands of Zhang Fei and Shi Liang during this operation, Zhu Ran led about 4000 troops and retreated safely to the landing port.

After Liu Chan heard the news, he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.He was really disappointed with Zhou Cheng's performance this time.

Although Fan Jiang is said to be the main general of the Jiangzhou Army's water army, in fact Zhang Fei has already deprived Fan Jiang of commanding authority over the army, and instead authorized Zhou Cheng to command.

However, the Jiangzhou army's navy launched such a large-scale operation against Han Dang's navy, but they didn't realize it in advance, which was too slack.

What's more, since Lu Meng's [-] troops escaped safely, the tail of Lu Meng's Zhu Ran army must be chopped off, right?However, in the end, the tail slipped away!
In Liu Chan's heart, there was indeed reason to feel annoyed.However, he is still very rational.Among the current naval forces, only Zhou Cheng is the most capable of fighting, so it's not good to hurt his confidence too much.

Therefore, Liu Chan just wrote a letter to tell Zhou Cheng a little bit, telling him to feel nervous in the future and not to make the same mistake like this time again.

Therefore, this incident passed in Liu Chan's understatement.

Then, the next task Liu Chan gave Zhou Cheng was to transport Xiong Ping's 8000 troops across the Yangtze River.

As for the other troops in Liu Chan's hands, he didn't intend to let them cross the river immediately.

Zhang Fei has a Jiangzhou army of 2 people, Xiong Ping has more than 7000 people, and after Deng Ai's men are repaired, there are at least 4000 people available.In the Jiangnan area, there were Liu Bei's 3-strong army, plus the Wuxi Man's 3-strong army, and the total could exceed 6 allied forces.

Such a number of troops has exceeded the number of troops Liu Chan had previously planned.Moreover, Liu Chan is also sympathetic to the soldiers of the Jingzhou Army.They first followed Guan Yu in the Northern Expedition, and then followed him to the south. They have been fighting for more than a year, and it is time for them to rest.

Let Zhang Fei handle the war in the south of the Yangtze River.

What's more, a few days ago, the flood around Jiangling City had receded.Now about ten days have passed, and the road must be passable.

Liu Chan felt that it was time to go to Jiangling City.

For one thing, he must meet with Pan Jun and try to prevent him from impeaching Guan Xing in Chengdu;

Second, his going to Jiangling City meant that he made a statement to the people of the world that he, Liu Chan, finally led the Jingzhou Army to defeat the Jiangdong people.He is indeed entitled to this honor;
Three, the medicinal materials that Liu Chan ordered Xiangyang City to prepare arrived within two days.By the way, he can transport the medicinal materials there.In the wars of more than a year, enough people in Jingzhou have died. It is not possible to let him die again because of the plague after the flood.

The medicinal materials prepared by Jiangzhou are said to have reached the Yangtze River waterway near Zigui County.But now Han Dang's navy has not yet retreated, and is still guarding the waterway north of Yiling City.The batch of medicinal materials in Jiangzhou might not be able to be transported to Nanjun for a while, unless it was transported by land from Yiling City, but it would also take time and effort.

As for the three eastern counties, the result was somewhat beyond Liu Chan's expectations.

There is no doubt that Meng Da will do his best to help Liu Chan.

But Liu Feng was also unexpectedly positive.His Shangyong City is said to have prepared a large amount of medicinal materials, which are now being sent to Nanjun.I don't know what kind of idea is in his heart.

However, since Liu Feng is willing to send things over, Liu Chan has no reason not to accept them!
Besides, it's summer now.As the weather gets hotter and hotter, the injuries of a large number of wounded in the war may worsen and require more medical treatment.

It seems that everything seems to be going smoothly.Then, another victory that Liu Chan will see next is that Han Dang led the Jiangdong navy and obediently gave up the Yangtze River waterway in Nanjun!

Of course Liu Chan believed that Han Dang would be obedient.

On the other hand, after Zhang Fei conquered Jingmen Mountain, he immediately led his army out of the mountain.

Zhang Fei separated an army of 2000 people and drove directly to the north to occupy Yidao City, an extremely important place.

But then, Zhang Fei did not go to Public Security City to join forces with Deng Ai.He had a problem with Deng Ai in his heart, at least when Deng Ai was withdrawing from Lv Meng, he should immediately lead his troops to attack, bite Lv Meng's army firmly, drag them in place, and wait for him to come and deal with them.

Of course, Zhang Fei thought this way because he wanted to avenge Guan Yu too much, which seemed a bit extreme.Deng Ai had done the best he could, and his army was powerless against the retreat of Lu Meng's army.

So, Zhang Fei led the army and rushed towards Wuling County, with a glimmer of hope that he could catch up with Lu Meng's army.

(End of this chapter)

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