The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 533 Disaster Victims Problem

Chapter 533 Disaster Victims Problem
After the medicinal materials and other materials from Xiangyang arrived, Liu Chan left all the troops in the Zhijiang camp to Shi Guangyuan and Liao Hua to lead them.Since the war in Nanjun is now over, these troops will be repaired next.

Liu Chan walked along the way. Although the roads are relatively dry, in fact, many places are still difficult to pass.In many cases, vehicles are stuck in the mud and often need to be pushed by hand to get back on the road.

However, fortunately, Liu Chan's team has enough people, and they have brought out all the famous soldiers. If there is a need, these people can immediately become the best cart pushers.

Moreover, Liu Chan didn't ride in a carriage either. He often rides a horse now, so he has already practiced his riding skills well.Along the way, I rode horses with Zhao Feng, Zhuge Qiao, Xia Houyun and others, and I could check the situation along the way after the flood at any time.

But along the way, Liu Chan was really a little dumbfounded.

In the land after the flood, in addition to the accumulation of water everywhere and the accumulation of various sundries left by the flood, many villages have completely disappeared from the ground.

Although most of the residents in these villages had fled before the arrival of Sun Quan's army, the flood even destroyed their homes, leaving them in ruins.

Liu Chan began to worry.A few days later, the escaped villagers, after learning that Sun Quan's army retreated, returned to their homes one after another, and found that everything had disappeared, what kind of reaction would they have?
To make matters worse, the time has now entered the summer, and the season of spring planting has passed.If we replant crops now, I don't know if it will be too late?
A group of people who have no houses and no harvests, what will happen to their lives next?
Thinking about this, Liu Chan suddenly felt his head grow big again.He shook his head and took a deep breath. The wild, humid and warm wind didn't seem to make his thoughts clearer.

Xia Houyun was still wearing armor.In fact, his figure is a bit thin, and he is not very suitable for a job like a guard.However, he just likes to dress like this, it seems that this is really more majestic.

Perhaps, it is precisely because he is not suitable to be a bodyguard that he is more eager to do it.So in private, Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao would sometimes make fun of Xia Houyun.

Seeing that Liu Chan was silent and his face was serious, Xia Houyun asked, "My son, do you have something on your mind?"

Zhuge Qiao immediately said seriously: "Don't make random guesses, these things are not your business."

Xia Houyun couldn't help but feel a little feverish after being taught by Zhuge Qiao in this way.He originally had good intentions, not to mention that he has always been a good subordinate who likes to care and serve others.He lowered his head and muttered in a low voice: "Hmph, can you just take care of it? Then why didn't you ask just now, and now you are talking about me!"

Xia Houyun spoke in a low voice, that is, he was complaining. He is now Zhuge Qiao's subordinate, and it is his job to be disciplined by Zhuge Qiao.However, his words were still somewhat heard by Zhuge Qiao and Liu Chan, and Zhuge Qiao couldn't help but glared at Xia Houyun.

When Liu Chan saw that these two people always seemed unable to get along well, he felt a little strange and a little funny.Zhuge Qiao has always been kind to others, but Xia Houyun seems to be an exception.

Liu Chan then smiled and said to the two of them: "Okay, okay, don't be like this, both of you. You have been together for so long, and you probably know each other well, so don't keep fighting! Actually It doesn't matter if I tell you what's on my mind."

Xia Houyun immediately raised his head to look at Liu Chan when he heard the words, his eyes were filled with curiosity, and he asked eagerly, "Really?"

Zhuge Qiao shook his head when he saw this, he was really at a loss for Xia Houyun's meddling.

Liu Chan nodded and said: "I'm worried. Now that the war is over, it's summer. When those who fled their homes because of the war came back, they found that their homes had been in ruins, and they became helpless. People, what should they do in the next days."

Zhuge Qiao sighed and said: "Xiangyang has already experienced the flames of war, and now it has been supporting our army to fight. I am afraid it is almost at its limit. Although Dongsan County and Hanzhong can support, after all, there cannot be too many victims. It’s a really big problem.”

Xia Houyun lowered his head, pondered for a while, and said, "Is your son thinking that Jiangzhou is the most likely place to help Jingzhou in the end?"

Liu Chan looked at Xia Houyun approvingly. Although this guy had a rather boyish face, he was indeed smarter in some things.

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Jiangzhou has the Yangtze River waterway leading directly to Jingzhou, not to mention that it is also a land rich in resources. In addition, Jiangzhou is governed by my third uncle, so he should be willing to help Jingzhou."

However, everything can not always rely on others relief.Liu Chan remembered the original three Jing merchants.Together with Han Long, they hoarded nearly 20 shi of grain near the port of Jiangzhou.Those grains are enough to help the victims.

It's just that this matter is not so easy to handle. The food belongs to private property and is a sacred and inviolable right. How to deal with it is a problem.It is impossible for him, Liu Chan, to adopt methods of coercion or oppression like the rulers of the past dynasties, so he is complacent about it, right?
Liu Chan feels that this matter still needs careful consideration.

Zhuge Qiao was obviously not as far-reaching as Liu Chan. In addition, Liu Chan deliberately did not mention the three major Jingzhou merchants, so he said: "But it is difficult for Jiangzhou to support Jingzhou now. After all, all the food and grass for General Zhang Fei's army They are all provided by Jiangzhou. A large part of our Jingzhou army’s food and grass is actually transported from Yiling City through waterways in Jiangzhou. I’m afraid they don’t have much ability to support the victims in Jingzhou. .”

Liu Chan nodded, did not refute Zhuge Qiao's words, and said: "It should be some days before the disaster victims return to their hometowns. We should really prepare a plan now. By the way, Aqiao, you can help me write to Xiangyang and ask Ask Mr. Ma Liang for his opinion." Mr. Ma Liang is an expert in civil affairs and has rich experience, so he is more thoughtful than himself.

Zhuge Qiao nodded and wrote it down.

Then, Liu Chan told Zhuge Qiao that he would also send a letter to Han Long who had returned to Chengdu now, but he could write the content himself.

Xia Houyun saw Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao discussing each other one by one, and seemed to have completely forgotten him, and still felt a little lost in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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