Chapter 535 Pan Jun's Temperament ([-])

Liu Chan saw everyone's expressions in his eyes, and he began to care about it in his heart.

He went on to say: "Also, after you go back, you must post a notice in the city, telling the residents to be frugal, so as not to cause food shortages in time; secondly, in order to prevent the residents from panic-buying food, grain merchants Take the opportunity to drive up grain prices. You must also explain in the list that there are sufficient grain reserves in the official warehouse, and if there is a food shortage in the city, you can immediately open the warehouse to release the news."

Liu Chan's thinking is indeed thorough enough.Residents of the Celestial Dynasty lack a sense of security in their lives, so if there is a slight disturbance somewhere, the market will immediately cause huge fluctuations, and it is completely expected that there will be a rush to buy goods.

The problem in itself lies in the inefficiency and inaction of the domestic judicial system, as well as the fact that the domestic market is not open enough and information is not made public.In the end, the residents are easily agitated by some gossip, which is not entirely caused by the ignorance of the people.

It is entirely human nature for businessmen to take advantage of the opportunity to raise prices under the temptation of profit.This is not the same as malicious hoarding, and then driving up prices to make money.

However, Liu Chan can actually predict in his heart now, I am afraid that the businessmen who already have a unique vision have already seen that this year will be an extremely difficult year for Jingzhou, and a shortage of supplies is inevitable.Well, they should have started to think about it now, and started to hoard civilian supplies.

I am afraid that this problem is much more difficult to deal with than merchants taking the opportunity to drive up prices now.However, it will take at least a few months for this matter to be induced, and he still has time to think about countermeasures.

Among the crowd, there was some disapproval of Liu Chan, but now that what he said was very reasonable, the expression on his face became serious.Everyone also knew that the Shizi asked them to do this, and it was indeed for the good of Nanjun, so they all accepted the order.

Then, everyone started to eat.

After everyone had finished their meal, they knew that Shizi would feel tired even though the journey was not too far, so they bid farewell to him at the same time.

When Yu Jin followed everyone to the gate of the mansion, Zhao Feng suddenly ran out and stopped him.

Yu Jin turned around and saw that it was Zhao Feng calling him, so he asked, "What did Captain Zhao call me?"

Zhao Feng stepped forward and bowed his hands and said: "General Yu, my son, please come to the study to see me."

Yu Jin nodded, it seemed that Shizi had something to say, but it was not easy to ask himself in the public place just now.

He then asked Zhao Feng, "Does Captain Zhao know why the prince is looking for me?"

Zhao Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know about that. But the son's expression doesn't seem very happy. General Yu, you will know when you go to see the son. I believe it won't do anything to you."

Yu Jin smiled and followed Zhao Feng away.

Zhao Feng knocked on the door of Liu Chan's study, and Yu Jin walked in quickly.Seeing that only Shizi was alone inside, he bowed to Liu Chan and said, "I have seen Shizi. I don't know why Shizi is looking for Moji now?"

Seeing how quickly Yu Jin had come, Liu Chan had a smile on his face.After he invited Yu Jin to take his seat, he asked: "General Yu, when I asked about Pan Zhizhong's situation at the city gate just now, you hesitated to speak. How is his situation now?"

Yu Jin smiled awkwardly, and finally told Liu Chan the truth.

It turned out that Pan Jun had always been very dissatisfied with Guan Xing's act of opening the embankment to release water, which caused great losses to the soldiers and civilians of Nanjun.But the strange thing is that every time he wants to impeach Guan Xing to Chengdu, Yu Jin always comes out to persuade him.

Of course, Pan Jun felt very strange. It was true that Yu Jin and Guan Yu had a personal relationship, but it was not so deep that he wanted to protect Guan Xing like this.

Under Pan Jun's repeated questioning, Yu Jin had no choice but to say that Guan Xing's strategy was approved by the prince.Pan Jun immediately said angrily: "How can your son do this? This is completely disregarding the life and death of our soldiers and civilians in Jingzhou!"

In fact, because of Liu Chan's lack of experience at the time, he didn't know the consequences of using the flooding strategy. Pan Jun obviously misunderstood Liu Chan.However, the misunderstanding between Pan Jun and Liu Chan was planted just like this.

Therefore, after Pan Jun learned the exact date when the son arrived in Jiangling City, he simply hid in the government office and did not go to the gate of the city to greet the son on the grounds that he was busy with official duties.It can be seen that he is really annoyed by Shizi.

After listening to what Yu Jin said, Liu Chan couldn't help but sighed and said, "Yes, I was really eager for quick success and instant benefits at the time, and I didn't think carefully about the consequences after the flood, so I immediately agreed to Guan Xing's plan. Pan Zhi The center is the people of the Li people, and it is understandable to be angry with me."

During the conversation of the prince, Yu Jin felt quite remorseful, and quickly said: "The prince did that for the sake of Jingzhou, and wanted to end this war as soon as possible. In fact, if the flood hadn't come, I'm afraid Jiangling City is still alive now. Under the siege of the Jiangdong Army, I don't know how many more military and civilian casualties will be caused! I believe that Pan Zhizhong will understand the painstaking efforts of the son in the future."

Liu Chan nodded, and confessed: "After you go back, tell the people in the government office that this matter is over, so don't talk too much about it."

Yu Jin nodded, knowing that Shi Zi was protecting Pan Jun from gossip.Although this son is young, he can imagine for his subordinates everywhere, and he will definitely become a wise king in the future.

Feeling moved, Yu Jin immediately said: "The general obeys orders. After the general returns, he must notify everyone in the government office."

After seeing Yu Jin off, Liu Chan went back to his room and changed into casual clothes.He called Zhao Feng again, and told him to change into casual clothes and go out with him.

Zhao Feng wondered: "Your Majesty has just returned to Jiangling City, why do you want to go out now? And you have to wear casual clothes? Do you want to inform Young Master Zhuge to come?"

Seeing how cautious Zhao Feng was, Liu Chan smiled and said, "You don't need to ask any more questions, just bring a few guards in plain clothes."

Zhao Feng had no choice but to take the order and go.

Soon, Liu Chan's carriage set off.But the destination surprised Zhao Feng, it was actually the government office of Jingzhou.Why did the prince come here in casual clothes at this time?
After the carriage arrived at the Jingzhou government office, Liu Chan told Zhao Feng to send someone into the government office to find Pan Jun, saying that someone outside wanted to see him.

Not long after a guard entered the government office, he came back alone, but there was no sign of Pan Jun.After Liu Chan inquired, he found out that Pan Jun was no longer in the government office, and he had gone back to the government office.

Liu Chan looked at the sky, it was only in the middle of the afternoon!Pan Jun has always been diligent and solid, often working until late at night before resting, how could he go back now?
Liu Chan's heart moved, probably knowing that Pan Jun was avoiding him, and he didn't want to see him anymore.Once this Pan Jun loses his temper, the anger is really unbelievable.

Liu Chan sighed secretly, and ordered Zhao Feng to turn around the carriage and return home.

(End of this chapter)

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