Chapter 536
After Liu Chan went back, after thinking about it all night, he still didn't give up.The next day, he stopped doing casual clothes and went directly to the Jingzhou government office in public service.

When Mi Fang, Yu Jin and others learned that the son had arrived at the government office, they all came out to greet him, but there was still no sign of Pan Jun.When they saw Liu Chanjiantian's formal attire, they were a little startled before they all came to their senses.

Liu Chan remained silent on the surface, and after following everyone into the government office, he chatted about some government and military affairs.

Only then did Liu Chan ask where Pan Jun is now.Mi Fang sighed, and said: "Pan Zhizhong didn't come to the government office today, but just sent someone to tell him that he is sick in bed today and needs to rest."

Liu Chan said oh, and didn't continue to say anything on this topic, but said that he should go see Pan Zhizhong later.

After Liu Chan came out of the Jingzhou government office, he immediately asked the coachman to turn around and take the direction of Pan Jun's mansion.

After arriving at Pan's Mansion, Liu Chanhe walked over and the two got out of the carriage.Zhao Feng stepped forward and called to open the door, and notified the visit of the eldest son Liu Chan.

After waiting for a while, it was not Pan Jun who came out to meet Liu Chan and the others, but an old woman with white hair.

The old lady must be over sixty years old, supported by a young maid, obviously because of her old age, her legs and feet are not flexible enough.

Liu Chan frowned slightly, his eyes full of doubts.He really couldn't understand why such an old man came out of the Pan family.

Zhuge Qiao suddenly stepped forward and said to Liu Chan in a low voice, "My lord, this old man is Pan Zhizhong's mother."

Liu Chan was a little surprised when he heard that.

Then, he remembered that when he left Jiangling City and went north to Xiangyang City, he persuaded the Pan family to bring his mother to Jiangling City from his hometown, and he wanted to hold a grand birthday banquet for the old man himself.But after all, he went north without doing it, and handed over the matter to Zhuge Qiao before leaving, so of course Zhuge Qiao knew the old lady.

After Pan's mother walked out of the gate, she looked at Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao.She first looked at Liu Chan who was standing at the front, and realized that she didn't recognize this handsome and thin child.

Then, her eyes stopped on Zhuge Qiao, as if she had some impressions, and she fell into thinking, as if it was a memory.

Liu Chan didn't dare to be negligent at this time, Pan's mother is already old now, it's not good to let her go down the steps to see him.He took Zhuge Qiao, went forward to greet Pan's mother and said: "Chan, I have met Mrs. Pan."

Mrs. Pan's ears were not hard of hearing, and she looked at Liu Chan again, only then did she realize that the person in front of her was Liu Chan, the son of Pan Jun's lord, the King of Hanzhong.

Mrs. Pan has always been grateful to Liu Chan for celebrating his birthday, so even though she was getting old, she still insisted on coming out to greet him.She originally thought that Liu Chan would not be too young, but she did not expect that it was such a young man in front of her.

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Mrs. Pan's face, revealing her gums with half of her teeth missing, and she wanted to salute Liu Chan.

Liu Chan was afraid that the old lady would fall, so he quickly supported her and said, "You don't need to be polite."

Only then did Mrs. Pan reach out and grab Liu Chan's hand, and said with a smile: "I have always wanted to thank you for the birthday banquet in person, but I heard that you were fighting outside at that time, so there was no chance to see you. Later, the Jiangdong people brought Jiangling City is surrounded, son, you will continue to lead the army to fight against Jiangdong people. I originally thought that this son is so capable of fighting, he should be quite young, but I didn't expect you to be so young!"

Liu Chan smiled and said: "The old man is too much for the prize. How can Chan know how to fight? It is all thanks to everyone's help that we can drive Jiangdong people out of Nanjun!"

Mrs. Pan smiled, and said, "My lord, you are so humble. I, an old woman, know all about the wars you fought. My family Chengming often tells me how my lord fought against Cao Wei's men and horses." Things, my old man also likes to hear."

Liu Chan couldn't help but sighed inwardly, people said it was about old children and old children, this old Mrs. Pan was probably listening to the war as a story.

At this time, Zhuge Qiao also stepped forward to salute Mrs. Pan.

Mrs. Pan looked at Zhuge Qiao again, and suddenly remembered Zhuge Qiao's identity, and said with a smile, "This little brother should be the son's attendant, Mr. Zhuge?"

Zhuge Qiao cupped his hands and said, "This junior is exactly Zhuge Qiao."

Mrs. Pan was even happier, and said to Liu Chan: "My son, this is the birthday banquet that Mr. Zhuge personally organized for the old man. It was really hard for him at that time. He was busy inside and out."

Liu Chan chuckled, looked at Zhuge Qiao again, and said to Mrs. Pan: "A Qiao has always been very careful in handling things, so I can't rest assured that I entrusted him to handle your old birthday banquet."

Mrs. Pan nodded repeatedly, and said, "That's right, that's right, Mr. Zhuge managed that birthday banquet very well."

Liu Chan stepped forward to support Mrs. Pan himself. Naturally, Zhuge Qiao also stepped forward to support the old man, as it was impossible not to help.

Mrs. Pan didn't expect that Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao would come to help her, so she immediately wanted to refuse, but Liu Chan didn't let go, so she had to be supported by them into the mansion cheerfully.

When everyone came to the living room, Liu Chan asked Mrs. Pan to take the seat, and he and Zhuge Qiao took the next seat, which really gave Mrs. Pan enough face.

Of course, this is also the consciousness of abiding by etiquette in Liu Chan's bones.In fact, if Liu Chan’s first mentor, Mr. Zhang Xing and Zhang Wenji, forced him to study "Book of Rites" in Jiangling City at that time, I am afraid that he would not have such a strong sense of respecting the elderly.

Liu Chan has a lot of time now, and immediately chatted with the old lady about her birthday banquet.Of course, he still had to apologize to Pan's mother for not being able to participate at this time.

When Mrs. Pan mentioned the birthday banquet, she immediately became in a good mood, and very excitedly told Liu Chan about the grand occasion.Speaking of excitement, the old lady praised Zhuge Qiao's ability from time to time, which made Zhuge Qiao feel a little embarrassed.

It can be seen that the grand birthday banquet was regarded by this old lady Pan as a proud event in her life.

After the three of them finished chatting about the birthday banquet, half an hour had passed.Liu Chan thinks.Now is the time to say what you're here for.

When Mrs. Pan heard that the son came to visit Pan Jun, she couldn't help feeling very strange, and said, "Is Chengming sick? When he came to pay his respects to the old man this morning, he was still in good health."

Liu Chan actually knew this well, that's why he spent so much time chatting with this old lady instead of rushing to see Pan Jun.His visit was actually more like a guest.

It was only then that Liu Chan told Mrs. Pan how Pan Jun avoided seeing him yesterday because he was angry with him, and how he deliberately pretended to be sick today to avoid the government office.

Mrs. Pan frowned when she heard this, and suddenly reached out and patted the table in front of her: "This Chengming!" The majesty of being a mother was fully revealed.

Mrs. Pan then said to Liu Chan: "My son, please wait a moment, I will immediately order someone to find that unworthy son for you!"

Mrs. Pan immediately asked her maidservant to go to the back study to find Pan Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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