Chapter 538 Food Production
Liu Chan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, these people with rich experience are indeed insightful.

But he still felt something was wrong, and said: "What if those who fled come back soon and find that their fields have been planted with crops by our army?"

Pan Jun smiled and said: "It's not difficult, just return the fields to them. In fact, the original intention of the lower officials is to dispatch troops to help those victims who have not returned home to plant the fields. However, the current season It has already passed, and I am afraid that the final harvest will not be good. However, it is better than nothing."

Liu Chan still felt that something was wrong, and asked: "After returning all the cultivated fields to the victims, what will the soldiers who have worked so hard to participate in the cultivation think?"

In fact, in Liu Chan's view, the garrison system essentially means that the state uses its power to force the soldiers of the army to become cheap labor and deprive them of the fruits of their labor.Although it is said that the results of farming became the food and grass of the army in the end, the soldiers did not gain any benefits personally.Here we mainly talk about military villages, but in fact there are civilian villages, the essence is the same.

With Pan Jun's words, all the fruits of the soldiers' labor will be given to others. In the end, they will not even get the army food, and they may starve together with the victims.This is not only unfair, they will inevitably rise up against it.

Pan Jun's method is actually relatively simple and naive.He doesn't seem to realize that the country is not a big deal, and it is reasonable to rely on the country's order to decide what to do.

When Liu Chan questioned him like this, Pan Jun frowned and couldn't reply for a long time.

Then, Liu Chan suddenly understood that it was obviously because Pan Jun couldn't solve this dilemma that he hadn't written it into the watch until now.In other words, the problem of thinking at home that he mentioned earlier may be thinking about this problem.

Liu Chan sighed in his heart. There are many things that need to be seen to believe. I don't know how many things I have misunderstood this Pan Jun in the past two days.

Liu Chan immediately sat on his seat and began to think.Zhuge Qiao naturally wanted to help, so he began to think about it.

The three of them remained silent like this. After an hour, the sky had already begun to darken.The courtyard outside the living room has turned into an orange-red color, reflecting the golden steps on the ground.

It was already dusk.

Liu Chan suddenly felt a little thirsty, and subconsciously wanted to ask Xia Houyun to add water, only to find out that this was Pan Jun's home.He shook his head and asked Pan Jun's servants to add water to him.

After Liu Chan finished drinking the water, he said to Pan Jun, "Pan Zhizhong, I have a compromise here."

Pan Jun snorted, he thought for a long time but couldn't think of a solution, did Shizi figure it out so quickly?He then asked: "If there is anything you can do, my son, please tell me quickly."

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Actually, we have to start from the beginning. Although our Jingzhou Army has a large number of people, it is impossible to cultivate all the land in Nuodanan County. We can select the most fertile land and exclude soldiers. They are cultivating. Then, we must send news as quickly as possible to the places where the victims fled, saying that their land army is already helping them cultivate. After hearing the news, the victims will be very happy to return to From home."

Pan Jun nodded, but the point of the question was what to do after the victims came back.Pan Jun told Liu Chan his confusion.

Liu Chan said with a smile: "That's what I'm going to say next. When the victims come back, they will find that most of their hometowns have been destroyed. We let them start rebuilding their homes first, and the fields should be handed over to our army to cultivate. "

Even so, the problem is still not solved.The fields were all planted by the army. After they built the houses, they couldn't just watch them starve to death, right?
Liu Chan has a way, and then said: "Since the ownership of the land belongs to private individuals, of course we have to pay the land rent to others for the land we cultivate."

"What?!" Pan Jun and Zhuge Qiao said in shock at the same time.

Since ancient times, it has only been heard that farmers have to pay rent to the state, but never heard that the state has to pay rent to farmers.Isn't this completely reversed? Is there any reason?
In fact, in Pan Jun's view, it is not impossible to follow Shi Zi's approach.However, the government can completely adopt the saying that after the grain harvest, most of it will be donated to the farmers as rations.In this case, it will be more beneficial to the government and the official voice.

Moreover, farmers are easily deceived by the government's remarks.They don't realize at all that the army is occupying their land privately for production, which is an illegal act, and all the food produced can even be returned to them.Therefore, even if the government is hypocritical, the farmers will still be grateful to the government.

It is precisely because of such thoughts that it is no wonder that Pan Jun and Zhuge Qiao were so surprised.

Therefore, Pan Jun said: "My son, don't give grain to farmers in the name of paying rent. Because this will not get their gratitude. We can give grain to them in the name of relief, and we can Ask Chengdu to exempt them from taxes. I think they will be grateful to you by then, right?"

Liu Chan was speechless.The people are actually the masters of the country. They use taxes to support a large group of officials and the army, that is, their parents.And these officials are still thinking all day long, how to use their power and concealed deception to steal people's gratitude to them, so that they can be famous in history?

Are they really that amazing?
In the era of the Three Kingdoms, the duty of the literati is to plan for their lord how to obtain the most sufficient food and grass for the army from the hands of the people, and how to plan for the lord how to carry out a murderous war; the military officer is to act as the lord's executioner , bloody massacre of all the same race on the battlefield!

What did these people do but use cunning and force?Instead of benefiting the people's well-being, they only made the country more turbulent and dirty!

Thinking of these, Liu Chan suddenly felt disheartened.He no longer dared to think about it anymore, otherwise he might lose all his thoughts at that time, and it would be impossible to integrate into the life of this era.

Liu Chan sighed, he gave in, and said, "If that's the case, just do as you told Pan Zhizhong. Also, it is necessary to ask Chengdu to be exempted from tax in Jingzhou for one to two years. Moreover, even if we produce and save ourselves, this year The grain is definitely not enough, we still have to ask Chengdu to allocate as much money and grain as possible for the reconstruction of Jingzhou.”

Pan Jun nodded. His son's assumptions were indeed more thoughtful, and he said happily, "Then I will immediately report the results of today's discussion to the King of Hanzhong."

Liu Chan nodded, but there was no pride on his face.

Not long after the discussion was over, Mrs. Pan also sent someone to inform everyone to go to dinner.Liu Chan didn't refuse either, and after finishing his meal in Pan's residence hastily, he bid farewell to the Pan family and returned to his residence.

(End of this chapter)

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