Chapter 539 Relief for Work
After Liu Chan went back, he asked Zhuge Qiao to go back to rest by himself, and he also returned to his bedroom.

He immediately lay down on the bed, just like the habit he developed in this mansion a long time ago, staring at the ceiling above his head with a pair of big eyes, thinking about a series of things in his mind.

In fact, since the beginning of the war, he has been very busy every day, and he has no time to do this.But strangely, after he came back, he suddenly and unconsciously returned to this habit of childhood.

Liu Chan once again thought carefully about the feasibility of Pan Jun's approach.But soon, he had a decision.

Since I have agreed to Pan Jun's letter to Chengdu, I have fully authorized him to handle it. It would be very unwise for me to intervene afterwards.What's more, this method is actually thought of by myself, and it should still be feasible.

Therefore, although this matter is not perfect, it can stop here.

The second thing Liu Chan thinks about is how to provide relief to the victims in the future.At that time, no matter where the relief food arrives—from Jiangzhou or Chengdu, it will be distributed to the victims.

The question is, how to distribute these things to people is fair and reasonable?After all, people are different, and there is a difference between laziness and hard work.

The fairness of society, at least in this era dominated by physical strength, should be reflected in the fact that hardworking people can enjoy more food, dignity and wealth; while lazy people, although they also have the right to live, need to be relieved , but can only keep them in poverty.There is no room for discussion.

Darwin's theory of evolution is actually not applicable to human society, at least it is not applicable to the values ​​of human society.After all, the greatest thing about human beings is that they have compassion and can pity the weak.

But on the other hand, it is impossible and should not implement absolute fairness in society.Because people are born with genetic differences that limit the differences in individual talents.Coupled with differences in birth background and education level, it has caused huge differences in personal acquired achievements.

People's talents and backgrounds really cannot be chosen, such as Liu Chan himself.Because of his background, he became a person with less than one person and more than ten thousand people from the very beginning. With a little struggle, he can suddenly master a huge Jingzhou army with tens of thousands of people. Ninety-five honors.This is his fate, he can't choose it at all.

And some people, since they were born, were destined to be only pawns in the army, or farmers in the fields...

Talent is destined, the background cannot be changed, but the education people receive can be changed.Then, as long as the society gives people suitable and reasonable development channels, it is completely possible to change the situation where state power is monopolized by aristocratic families.

Liu Chan shook his head, feeling that his thinking was a little bit off.

But the thought just now was actually not useless.Because this gave him a great inspiration, and after the war in Jingzhou was completely over, he finally made up his mind to popularize cultural education in the army so that every soldier could read and write.

After all, an army with culture and ideas is unlikely to become an enemy of the people and the country.

Liu Chan returned to the topic again, how to distribute rations to the victims.In his mind, the four words "relief with work" suddenly appeared.

Liu Chan suddenly became excited.

Now Jiangling City's defenses are mostly damaged, and these need to be repaired by hand; due to the flood in and outside the city, a lot of silt and sundries have been left behind, which need to be cleaned by manpower; the flood has destroyed many roads and water conservancy projects, and these It also needs to be rebuilt; even now that it is summer, the water consumption for farmland irrigation will increase sharply in the future, and more water diversion projects will need to be built, which can also be used in the future...

Thinking of these things, Liu Chan couldn't help but feel happy in his heart. These are all things that need to hire a lot of people.

At that time, as long as everyone is willing to work, they will be able to receive relief rations, more work will pay more, and personal dignity will be well maintained. Isn't that great?It is much better than Pan Jun's method of buying fame!
After Liu Chan thought of this, he couldn't help being extremely proud of his cleverness.Later, when he thought of the excitement, he even laughed out loud while lying on the bed.

Those white-eared guards who were guarding outside the door heard Liu Chan's laughter and thought that something had happened to the prince, so they knocked on Liu Chan's door quickly, which surprised Liu Chan a little.

However, after those white-eared guards went in, they saw that Shizi was lying on the bed in no trouble at all, so they had to apologize to Liu Chan, and immediately retreated.

Liu Chan was obviously too excited at this time, and he was so excited that he couldn't sleep.After he got up and walked back and forth a dozen times in his bedroom, he finally calmed down.

Then, he himself took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and wrote down all his thoughts.After carefully reading it several times, I realized that my arrangement should be flawed, ignoring the elderly, weak, women and children among the victims.

These people are obviously not very good at manual labor.In fact, even if they participated in work-for-work relief, they might not be able to earn enough rations.What's more, he couldn't accept his use of child labor.

Liu Chan stood up from his seat and began to pace the room again.

After a while, Liu Chan suddenly took out a battle map, and kept moving his fingers around Jiangling City.

Suddenly, he exclaimed, and said: "Yes, it's time to kindly invite those high-ranking families who escaped from Jiangling City to come back! With them and so many servants in their families, Jiangling City wants to Prosperity is impossible!"

So Liu Chan sat back in his seat and started writing again.

After finishing writing, Liu Chan immediately called a white-eared guard in and said, "You immediately send someone to send this letter to Xiangyang City and hand it over to Mr. Ma Liang, so that he must rush back to Jiangling City as soon as possible to preside over the daily government affairs. "

Although Pan Jun is also a talent in government affairs, his strong character predestined him not to be able to compete with the smooth and free-spirited Ma Liang in handling government affairs.What's more, now that the government affairs of Xiangyang City have been stabilized, it is safe to let Guan Xing be handled by others.

Then, Liu Chan suddenly felt a little hungry, and he really didn't have much appetite today, so he was just late for dinner at Pan Jun's house.

No, at this time someone knocked on his door again, and it was Xia Houyun who came in.He held a tray in his hand, with bowls and chopsticks on it, exuding the aroma of food.

Liu Chan was overjoyed, this Xia Houyun is really good at serving people, and said with a smile, "How do you know I'm hungry now?"

Xia Houyun smiled slightly and said: "Just now, I met Mr. Zhuge, and I heard that the prince didn't eat anything in Pan Jun. Now that the time is up, I guess the prince must be hungry."

Liu Chan laughed, and then invited Xia Houyun to have supper with him while talking.The supper really tasted good, Liu Chan couldn't help but praised Xia Houyun a few words.In fact, if a person is in a good mood, everything tastes good.

It was rare for Xia Houyun to see the son praise himself like this. He usually likes to make fun of himself with Zhuge Qiao, but now he is really happy, and his face turns red when he smiles.See how happy he is.

(End of this chapter)

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