Chapter 540
Early the next morning, when Liu Chan came to the Jingzhou government office, Mi Fang, Yu Jin, and Pan Jun, the three giants of Jiangling City, were already waiting outside the gate.

It seems that Pan Jun did not excuse his illness to stop coming to the government office today.

After everyone came to the living room, Liu Chan talked about his method of working for relief.

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and they all stared at Liu Chan with wide eyes. They never thought that Shizi could come up with such a way.

This approach sounds really good.In this way, not only can the people's livelihood be saved, but also various constructions can be carried out to benefit the people's livelihood.In particular, the construction of water conservancy has always been regarded as a good deed to benefit one party. It is really a good way to kill two birds with one stone!
Then, they were astonished by Liu Chan!In fact, even Zhuge Qiao and Xia Houyun who were on the side were shocked when they heard it.I really can't imagine how Shizi came up with such an idea.

Liu Chan was a little embarrassed by everyone's enthusiastic eyes, and it was rare that his face was slightly feverish.

Only then did Liu Chan cough lightly, and said to everyone: "Everyone, please sit down and discuss this method of 'relief with work'. If there are any omissions, feel free to bring them up."

Therefore, after a period of discussion, everyone felt that this law was perfect enough, and then waited for the return of the appointed executor and the disaster victims.

Liu Chan saw that everyone had no doubts, so he said: "As for who needs to implement this method, I already have a candidate. Now Xiangyang City, there is basically no problem. Therefore, I sent someone to bring a letter last night To Mr. Ma Liang, please hurry back to Jiangling City as soon as possible. After all, he is the one who has presided over Jingzhou's government affairs for a long time!"

Yu Jin and Pan Jun nodded, obviously agreeing with Liu Chan's invitation to Mr. Ma Liang back from their expressions.Pan Jun's position in governance is mainly in the management of documents and letters. He often had to cooperate with Ma Liang before, so he didn't have any opinions.Not to mention Yu Jin, government affairs are not something he should manage.

But Mi Fang was an exception, with a slightly displeased look on her face.Because he is now an acting prefect, the son wants to call Ma Liangzheng back, so he should say hello to himself in advance, right?
But Liu Chan had a different idea.Ma Liang's current position is General Zuo, who is an official of General Zuo's mansion directly under Liu Bei in Chengdu, what are you doing to Mi Fang?

What's more, Liu Chan has a problem with Mi Fang in his heart now.He just wanted Mi Fang to be his uncle, so he would discuss things with him now, otherwise...

Liu Chan's eyes are sharp, and he has already seen Mi Fang's expression in his eyes.He couldn't help curling his lips, scolded Mi Fang inwardly, and didn't bother to say anything more.

Then, he said: "Now that these two important matters have been discussed, there is one more thing I want to say next."

Seeing that Liu Chan still had something to do, Mi Fang couldn't understand why he had so many things to discuss in less than a day since he came to Jiangling City?I have been the prefect here for a year, and there are not so many things!
But Liu Chan is the son after all, and even the future lord. Mi Fang could only be patient and said: "What else is there for the son, but it's okay to say."

Liu Chan said: "Previously, most of the rich and powerful families in Jiangling City were notified in advance by us, so they took their families and either fled to Jingshan, or entered the various counties north of Jiangling City. I think, now the war It's all over, and they should all be invited back."

Pan Jun wondered, "I heard from the prince that it seems that they are specially invited to return to Jiangling City before the disaster victims?"

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Exactly. In this world, those rich and powerful families not only have great fortunes, but also have a great influence on society. As long as they can come back, then those victims who escaped , and will definitely follow the news immediately."

The influence of the rich and powerful households among the people is indeed very great, and sometimes even faintly surpasses the government.It would be a good idea if they could drive the flood victims to return to their hometowns.

Pan Jun was in charge of this matter, and he immediately cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, then I will leave this work to my subordinates. After the discussion is over, I will immediately draw up a list of those wealthy families and households, and then send out the stage horses to Go tell them."

Liu Chan smiled, Pan Jun is indeed much more active now!Said: "Then there will be Laopan Zhizhong."

Then, Liu Chan went on to say: "Everyone, after those rich households come back to Jiangling City, we can't let them sit idle. We must let them contribute something to the people of Jingzhou, right? Otherwise, we don't need to waste time and effort sending people to Tell them to come back soon."

Pan Jun is a man who has read a lot of poetry and books, and the idea that immediately came to his mind was that the prince wanted to attack these wealthy households and let them spit out their family's money and food to help the government give aid to the victims of the disaster.

Before Sun Quan sent troops to Jingzhou, he led an army, and mercilessly wiped out those wealthy families in Jingzhou who dared to collude with Sun Quan.It can be seen that Pan Jun doesn't particularly like those rich people.Therefore, he felt that it was a benevolent act of "robbing the rich and helping the poor" that the son wanted to attack these people.

Pan Jun couldn't help smiling, and nodded to Liu Chan.

Liu Chan was baffled by Pan Jun's smile, and asked, "Does Pan Zhizhong have anything to say?"

Pan Jun still smiled and said, "Does the prince want to force those wealthy households to contribute money and food to the victims of the disaster?"

Liu Chan was taken aback when he heard that, he had never thought about this aspect!It seems that these people always believe that the power in their hands is the greatest!Those money and food are their private property, how could he force them to take it out?

Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "Pan Zhizhong don't want to say that, this son absolutely has no such intention."

Pan Jun asked curiously: "Then how can I get them to contribute to the disaster victims?" What else can these people do besides giving money and food?Contribute?Do not make jokes.

Liu Chan immediately said seriously: "This son will never use power to oppress others. But they do have money and food in their hands, so I want them to take the initiative!"

Pan Jun immediately thought of what happened during the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and said in surprise: "Does the prince want to sell his official position?"

Liu Chan couldn't help but spit on Pan Jun in his heart, Nima is only selling an official!

On the surface, Liu Chan waved his hand calmly and said, "No, the disadvantages of selling an official outweigh the benefits, and it is also extremely unfair to those who have obtained official positions through military exploits."

Pan Jun and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

If the son really wants to do this in Jingzhou privately, then the military master Zhuge probably won't stand by and watch.The "Shu Ke" he formulated clearly stated that even in troubled times, it is not allowed to award official positions casually, otherwise it will only lead to serious devaluation of official positions.Under such circumstances, how could it be possible to allow the situation of selling officials to sell titles?

Seeing that the three of them seemed relieved, Liu Chan couldn't help but feel a little funny.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Zhuge Qiao, he was already wiping the cold sweat off his forehead with his hand.It can be seen that he was indeed frightened into a cold sweat by Pan Jun's straightforward words just now.

Xia Houyun's performance was fine, but his brows were wrinkled, and his expression didn't change much after that.Maybe it was because he was young and didn't understand politics and laws, so he seemed so safe.

(End of this chapter)

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