The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 541 Economic stimulus

Chapter 541 Economic stimulus ([-])

Liu Chan then said: "Actually, our Jingzhou army's war with the Jiangdong people has been fought at this time. It should be said that we have won a complete victory. The next battle will be handed over to the Jiangzhou army. Let's fight. So, now we in Nanjun should also celebrate with great fanfare."

Pan Jun frowned. The crown prince just said clearly that he wanted the residents to save money, so why are they celebrating now?
Pan Jun had no choice but to ask again: "My lord, now is the time when people's lives are very difficult. If you want to celebrate, how can you celebrate? Didn't you just say that you want the soldiers and civilians to save?"

Liu Chan smiled and said: "Naturally, the rations of the residents have to be saved. I have never denied this, and I will continue to implement it. As for the scope of the celebration, of course it will be celebrated by the whole city. At that time, we will Draw out a few main streets in the city, and decorate them with lanterns and festoons everywhere, that is, on the banks of the Yangtze River or in the Long Lake, our army has a lot of boats, so we can hold some rowing competitions!"

Everyone was stunned. Is Shizi completely out of his mind when he said this?This is definitely extravagance and waste, where can you see the shadow of practicing strict thrift?
Pan Jun's face turned pale, and he argued dissatisfiedly: "Your Majesty, you must not do this. Otherwise, someone will definitely write a letter to the King of Hanzhong to impeach you for your great achievements, disrespect for people's livelihood, and extravagance and waste!!"

No matter how confused Mi Fang is, she certainly knows that such a thing is really impossible.Yu Jin's face also changed, and he begged Liu Chan not to do this very anxiously.He was really worried that something would happen to Liu Chan because of this incident, and Liu Chan was his only backer in Shu Han now.

Liu Chan smiled and said: "Everyone, don't worry. Think about it, after more than half a year of war, people's livelihoods in Jiangling City and even the entire Jingzhou area are already in decline. When I entered the city, I had already taken a detailed look at the However, many of the merchants in Fang District have closed their doors. Therefore, it is very necessary for us to reactivate the economic vitality of the city through a city-wide celebration."

Mi Fang was obviously still somewhat reluctant to do this, because she had never heard of anyone doing this before.And, even if that shitty economic dynamism is reactivated, so what?

Mi Fang had no choice but to ask: "If that's the case, the cost must be quite a lot?"

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Although the cost is not small, it is actually worth it. First of all, we have to buy all the items needed for the celebration from the private sector, so that everyone can make money. Because this celebration is not The ones prepared for us officials are for the rich households and disaster victims in Jingzhou. And when the celebration begins, the number of those wealthy households connecting with their families, at least tens of thousands, will definitely come out to play Yes. If he wants to play, he has to spend everywhere, right? At that time, it can bring a lot of business to the district. It can also allow those old and weak women and children to do some small businesses on the street. Everyone can make money, so don’t be afraid I can't afford to eat."

Everyone was stunned again, what was in Shizi's mind.

"We will celebrate in the city for a period of time first, and then go to the Long Lake outside the city. Everyone can have a boating competition, and they can go boating, drinking and having fun on the lake. In fact, we can even officially start gambling for the boating competition, earning a lot of money. The money can also be used to continue to provide relief to the victims.”

Everyone understands now that Shizi is just trying to earn enough money for the disaster victims and from the pockets of those who come out to play.

Everyone's heart moved. In this case, the money will indeed automatically flow from the hands of the rich and wealthy to the hands of the victims and merchants.Therefore, on the one hand, the old, weak, women and children among the disaster victims can also make money, and those young and strong are doing work for relief, and the life of the family should not be a problem; It is necessary to hire manpower, so it can also provide jobs to the victims, which is indeed a double win.

This method of the son is really wonderful.Without making a fuss, he settled all the people's livelihood issues!

In his heart, Yu Jin admired Liu Chan's good brains, and wanted to share with this clever prince, so he cupped his hands and said to Liu Chan, "My lord, let the celebration of Changhu be left to the general? It was done brilliantly.”

Liu Chan smiled slightly and said, "Well, I can give you some small ships of the navy. You must make them beautiful by then."

A rare understanding smile appeared on Yu Jin's face, and he said: "The last general will definitely live up to the entrustment of the son."

Liu Chan nodded and said with a smile to Pan Jun: "By the way, Pan Zhizhong, I will leave it to you to maintain the security of the celebrations inside and outside the city. You can send some soldiers to pick it up. If someone dares to bully the city Or if they bully others, no matter who they are, they will definitely be punished severely!"

Pan Jun was very happy to see that he had also been assigned a task, and immediately accepted it.

Then, Liu Chan continued: "However, before we start the celebration, we still need to repair our Jiangling City. This requires your help, Uncle."

Mi Fang smiled slightly and said, "What is your order?"

"I would like to ask my uncle to issue two orders: First, the rural disaster victims outside the city will be given sufficient food subsidies for the manpower they need to rebuild their houses, so that they can quickly help the disaster victims rebuild their homes; second, the residents in the city want to rebuild their own homes. If you want a house, you can go to the Jingzhou government office to receive a quarter of the construction subsidy."

Mi Fang wondered: "I can understand the idea of ​​helping farmers outside the city rebuild their homes. But there are not many flooded families in the city, so why let them rebuild their houses?"

Liu Chan smiled slightly and said, "Of course ordinary people in the city are unlikely to do this. The money for this subsidy is actually going to those rich families and wealthy households, and only they have the ability to rebuild themselves at this time houses. Once they are attracted and start building houses, not only will more disaster victims come to the city to find jobs, but the market for various craftsmen and building materials will also become active.”

Mi Fang's heart skipped a beat when she heard that, her mansion happened to have several places that needed to be expanded, and now she can take advantage of this time, so let's take care of things.

Therefore, Mi Fang immediately said: "The son's words are very good, let's do this."

Liu Chan nodded, this proposal was already very attractive to a rich man like Mi Fang, and he was not afraid that he would object.

(End of this chapter)

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