The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 542 Economic stimulus

Chapter 542 Economic Stimulus ([-])

Then, after everyone thought about it, Pan Jun said, "Your Majesty, is it necessary to give a quarter of the subsidy to those rich and powerful households? At that time, I am afraid that our official treasury will not be able to bear it." gone."

Liu Chan thought for a while and replied: "My idea is that if the subsidy for them is too small, it will not be attractive, and the enthusiasm of those rich households will not be mobilized. However, I really lack practical operation here. I don’t know how much Pan Zhizhong thinks is appropriate?”

Pan Jun suddenly showed embarrassment, and said: "I personally think that it is between one-fifth and one-sixth, maybe it is more suitable. However, this is just my personal opinion. The actual bearing capacity of the Jingzhou government treasury, I don’t know for now.”

Just when Liu Chan nodded and was about to speak, Mi Fang said first: "What is one-fifth or one-sixth? I think the one-fourth that Shizi said just now is very good! The son is young and not very proficient in handling practical affairs, so you are making random ideas here! In my opinion, even giving one-third of the subsidy is not too high."

It's rare for Mi Fang to say such a lot of things, and she seems to be quite assertive.In fact, the reason why he said this was not for the sake of the overall situation at all.He was only seeking personal gain for himself, because he had already planned to expand his mansion just now.Pan Jun's request to reduce the project subsidy just hit his bad luck. Naturally, he couldn't help but refute Pan Jun.

Pan Jun had a good temper, but seeing Mi Fang talking to him like this, he immediately became annoyed and his face turned red.He felt that a quarter of it was too high, and a third of it was absolutely ridiculously high.

Pan Jun was not afraid of Mi Fang, and immediately retorted loudly: "One-third! If we really give them one-third of the subsidy, I can guarantee that within a few months, our treasury in Jingzhou will be absolutely empty. , There is no more than half a copper coin. At that time, we people will starve to death, and the victims of the disaster will also starve to death with us, only those rich households will become more fattened!"

When Mi Fang saw that Pan Jun dared to scold herself like this, she immediately became angry, slapped the table with her palm, and shouted: "Pan Jun, how dare you talk to me like that! Do you still have a little sense of superiority and inferiority in your heart?" heart!"

Pan Jun saw that Mi Fang was not only domineering, but also used his own identity to suppress him.In fact, he was the kind of person who would be easily subdued, and suddenly his whole body trembled with anger.

Yu Jin saw that the two men were going to quarrel soon, so he hurried out to smooth things over, and said to them, "Both of you, you are all thinking for the sake of the people of Jingzhou. If you have something to say, just talk about it. Why do you blush and have a thick neck? The prince is also here today, if you look like this, it really looks a little ugly."

Seeing Yu Jin coming out to persuade him, Liu Chan himself didn't want Mi Fang and Pan Jun to quarrel any longer, so he also said, "Uncle and Pan Zhizhong, you two, don't get too excited. If you continue to quarrel like this, nothing will come out of it." Good idea. From my point of view, I will allocate financial personnel to the Jingzhou treasury tomorrow, and ask them to investigate the situation of the Jingzhou treasury. Then, let them prepare a detailed budget for the reconstruction plan Books. In this way, the cost of various aspects will be clear at a glance."

These words of Liu Chan can be said to be a final decision, and there is no reason to object at all.Mi Fang and Pan Jun glanced at each other, and then both took orders, not daring to continue arguing.

But soon, Mi Fang's complexion suddenly became a little ugly, and then turned a little pale.He suddenly said: "Your Majesty, I don't think there is any need to send someone anymore. It is so troublesome to compile a budget for reconstruction, and I don't know how much time it will take! I think that one-fifth or one-sixth of Pan Zhizhong One, is a very good suggestion."

Mi Fang's change was too fast.Liu Chan, Yu Jin and Pan Jun were all confused by Mi Fang, and they all looked at Mi Fang in surprise.

Especially Pan Jun, he just had a conflict with Mi Fang, and now he still feels very uncomfortable with Mi Fang.And Mi Fang has been working in Jingzhou for a long time, he has already understood this person's temperament very clearly, this is not a person with an open mind.Therefore, it is impossible for this person to reconcile with himself so quickly, there must be something tricky in it.

Pan Jun's brain was bright, and he immediately reacted, cupped his hands and said to Liu Chan: "My son, I am very grateful for General Mi Fang's understanding, and also very grateful for his open-mindedness. However, I still think that this method of the son is the best. The safest and most practical. After all, the next official is not Mr. Ma Liang, and he is not particularly familiar with finances. The figures mentioned just now have been repeatedly explained. They are just personal opinions. Please also send someone to the government tomorrow. Let's do some research."

Before Liu Chan answered, Mi Fang's expression changed again, and she immediately said, "There's no need for Pan Zhizhong. After Mr. Ma Liang comes back, I can leave these matters to him. Why bother so many people to prepare a reconstruction budget? This is too much The teachers are mobilized."

Pan Jun's heart skipped a beat, and he felt more and more that there must be something wrong with Mi Fang.

In fact, Liu Chan saw that Mi Fang suddenly became so agitated, always scrambling to implement Pan Jun's previous proposal, and began to feel that there was indeed something wrong with Mi Fang.

Pan Jun immediately replied: "General Mi's words are wrong. Mr. Ma is indeed an expert in this field, but the problem is that he is still far away in Jiangling City!"

Mi Fang immediately said: "Then just wait for Mr. Ma to come back and deal with it?"

Pan Jun said without giving in, "However, it will take a few days for Mr. Ma to come back. Such an urgent matter cannot be delayed because of Mr. Ma alone."

When Pan Jun said this, he looked at Liu Chan meaningfully.

Liu Chan probably understood what Pan Jun meant.What's more, even when there is no dispute, Liu Chan would rather support Pan Jun.

Therefore, Liu Chan waved his hands to Mi Fang and Pan Jun, and said, "Both of you, I know that both of you are good ministers. My uncle is open-minded, while Pan Zhizhong is dedicated to the public. I think so, even if Ma Liang When the husband comes back, he also needs to start sorting out the treasury. Otherwise, no matter how capable he is, he will not be able to preside over the disaster relief affairs. Therefore, I will send someone to sort out the treasury first, and then hand over the statistics to Mr. Ma Liang. All right."

Mi Fang couldn't help but let out a low voice, then suddenly lowered her head, her hands were tightly clenched because of remorse and excitement.It can be seen that the anxiety in his heart has increased at this time.

Liu Chan naturally noticed the change in Mi Fang's expression again, and became more suspicious of Mi Fang in his heart, and became more determined to check the situation of the treasury.

But Liu Chan continued calmly: "By the way, I think we can ask those rich and wealthy households to use food when paying the victims. In this way, we can also hoard them A large part of the grain has been taken out. What do you think of this method?"

Yu Jin didn't say anything more just now, but just watched Shizi talk to Mi Fang and Pan Jun calmly.Therefore, he was the first to react at this time, and felt that Shi Zi's approach was really wonderful.In this case, the government really doesn't need to do much, and the wealthy households can help solve the food ration problem for many victims of the disaster.

Yu Jin immediately said: "This proposal by Shizi is very good!"

Pan Jun was the second to react, and immediately seconded Yu Jin.

But Mi Fang seemed a little downcast at this time, and suddenly didn't want to say anything more, and agreed to Liu Chan's proposal.

(End of this chapter)

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