The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 543 Ma Liangzhang Comes

Chapter 543 Ma Liang Comes Back
When Liu Chan came out of the Jingzhou government office, it was already the afternoon of the day.But now is the summer season, the sun has begun to become hot, and the white sunlight is very dazzling, making the weather hot and dry.

Feeling the weather like this, Liu Chan's heart became a little heavy.

Time was becoming more and more pressing. After he returned, he should immediately issue a call-up order to the Zhijiang camp, telling the army to come to Jiangling City to start farming.

While Liu Chan was thinking about this, Zhuge Qiao had already asked the coachman to get ready to leave the car.

After Liu Chan took Zhuge Qiao and Xia Houyun into the carriage, the carriage started immediately.

At this time, Zhuge Qiao said to Liu Chan: "My lord, General Mi's performance just now was really unexpected!"

Xia Houyun interrupted with some disapproval: "It's not unexpected, but it should be said that it makes people feel too strange."

Zhuge Qiao glared at Xia Houyun, Xia Houyun just shut up and stopped talking.

Liu Chan looked at the two guys, with a wry smile on his face, and said, "Xiahouyun's statement is actually true. The behavior of my uncle just now is indeed too strange and too suspicious. I'm afraid, during his one year in charge of Jiangling City, something may have been tampered with in the treasury!"

Zhuge Qiao actually had this idea in his heart long ago, but he also got it out of experience.Mi Fang is the eldest son's uncle, with a special status, he is not willing to express his position on this matter lightly.

But Xia Houyun didn't have such scruples, and immediately nodded, agreeing with Liu Chan's statement, blinking at Liu Chan with a pair of big eyes.

Seeing Xia Houyun, Liu Chan immediately nodded and said with a smile, "Why, do you think the same as me?"

Xia Houyun nodded without hesitation, and said: "Yes. That General Mi was still refuting Pan Zhizhong just now, and then he agreed in the blink of an eye. Moreover, he put all the emphasis on preventing the prince from sending people to Check the treasury and prepare the budget. If there is no problem with the treasury, it is impossible for him to change his mind in such a hurry. What do you think, son?"

Seeing Xia Houyun talking so much, Liu Chan added a rhetorical question to himself at the end, feeling that this guy is really getting more and more enjoyable.He couldn't help sighing inwardly, for such a person, if that guy Zhang Bao got involved with him, it wouldn't be too strange, would it?
However, when Liu Chan thought of this, he immediately shook his head, got rid of this nasty thought, and said, "Yes, what you said and what you observed are very correct."

When Xiahouyun saw Shizi praised himself again, a bright smile appeared on his face.In the end, he glanced at Zhuge Qiao quite provocatively, and added a soft hum.

Zhuge Qiao could only give Liu Chan a wry smile helplessly, all of this was silent, as long as everyone understands it in their hearts.

Liu Chan then reached out and patted Zhuge Qiao's arm, and also smiled.

After Liu Chan's praise, Xia Houyun became excited when he was happy.He said to Liu Chan again: "My son, I really admire you so much today!"

This Xia Houyun has three advantages that make people like him the most: the first is that he is very careful and can serve others; the second advantage is that his mouth is particularly sweet; the third advantage is that he can speak freely.

If these three advantages are concentrated in one person, it is actually very easy to become a jester in the future.But now the three of them are not very old, especially Xia Houyun is only between fourteen and five years old, he is considered innocent and innocent, so there is no need to say that he is deceitful and artificial.

Seeing Xia Houyun complimenting himself like this, Liu Chan couldn't help feeling complacent, and said with a smile, "How do you say that?"

Xia Houyun immediately said: "Your Majesty, you are eloquent today, and you have come up with a lot of ways to rebuild Jingzhou and rescue the victims. This is a great thing that benefits the country and the people, so of course my subordinates must admire you. Moreover, the things you said, my son, are methods that my subordinates have never heard of before, so it can be seen that you are definitely a smart person!"

Liu Chan was greatly relieved by Xia Houyun's praise. After laughing for a while, he said: "It is true that most of these methods have never been used before, but they are not without practical operability. We'll have to wait and see how well they work out."

Although Liu Chan spoke modestly, he was actually expressing his confidence.Although he has always acted modestly and prudently, under Xia Houyun's praise, he inevitably felt a little elated.

What's more, even Cao Pi, Jia Xu, Zhang Liao, Sun Quan, and Lu Meng, such a young man with ambition like Liu Chan, can't help him. If he is not complacent now, he is too lacking in passion.He is indeed qualified for this.

Just when Liu Chan was triumphant, Mi Fang returned to her study in the mansion.He immediately closed the doors and windows, and walked around inside alone with his hands behind his back, his face full of tension and worry.It seemed that if he was fine, he would really be a ghost.

Two days later, Mr. Ma Liang received a letter from Liu Chan. In addition to sending him his greetings, it was also a call-up order to call him back from Xiangyang City to Jiangling City to take charge of disaster relief.

So, Ma Liang immediately found Guan Xing with the letter and explained to him what the prince meant.

Although Guan Xing was very reluctant to let Ma Liang leave, but when he thought that the flood around Jiangling City was caused by himself, he couldn't help feeling a little guilty.Therefore, he could not find a reason to keep Mr. Ma Liang.

Guan Xing sighed, and said: "Mr. Ma, then I won't keep you in Xiangyang City. Take care of everything. Please also properly solve the problems of the victims, so that you can help me atone for the sins I have committed... ..."

Ma Liang also sighed, and said comfortingly: "Young Lord, don't blame yourself so much. Isn't everything you have done to help Jiangling City get rid of the siege as soon as possible? I believe everyone knows your hard work with effort."

Guan Xing nodded.Then, he picked up a seal from his desk and said, "Mr. Ma, this is a battle plan for our army's revenge attack on Nanxiang by Sima Division. Since you are going to Jiangling City, by the way Just help me bring it to Shizi."

Ma Liang nodded, took Guan Xing's battle plan, and then bid farewell to Guan Xing.

After Ma Liang left the Xiangyang city government office, he went straight to his residence and ordered everyone to pack up and prepare to go back to Jiangling city.The reason why he was in such a hurry to leave was because in the letter that Shi Zi gave him, there was a sense of urgency between the lines.

Ma Liang was indeed one of the people who understood Liu Chan's mind best.

(End of this chapter)

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