Chapter 544

Just when Liu Chan arrived at Jiangling City and started to rebuild Jingzhou with the three giants of Jingzhou, the war in the south of Jingzhou was still in full swing.

At this time, Lu Meng's army of more than 2 people finally retreated safely across Yuanshui, and temporarily got a good chance to breathe.Although Zhang Fei's army was still chasing desperately at this time, it was actually out of reach.

Then, Lu Meng took into account that the troops in successive hands were actually a bit small. Although they occupied a favorable terrain and blocked the advance path of Wuximan, there were too many people in Wuximan after all.Therefore, when Lu Meng retreated, he sent an additional 2000 troops to reinforce Lu Xun.The number of troops in Lu Xun's hands increased to nearly 6000.

Sha Moke of Wuximan, because of the setback in front of Lu Xun's army before, in order to regroup, the 5000-man army that was transferred from Lingling direction has also arrived halfway at this time.

As a result, Shamoke's courage became stronger again, and he launched a fierce attack on Lu Xun's army again.However, Lu Xun was indeed extremely powerful. He calmly commanded the army to use the favorable terrain to defend the position, which ultimately made it difficult for Shamoko's army to advance.

The battle between the two sides continued.Shamoke can only roar and roar at the river valley in front of him every day, but he can't find a way to deal with it at all.

In fact, while Lu Xun was fighting during the day, he was not idle at night, constantly thinking about this war that was already a defeat for the Jiangdong Army.

The jumping light from the lamp reflected on his fair and handsome face, which looked very rosy.However, on such a night when he was alone, his eyes were always fixed on the self-indulgent expression on the desk case, and he rarely looked away.

However, one thing is certain, at least after a lot of thinking, Lu Xun believes that it is absolutely impossible for Liu Bei to reach the hinterland of Soochow by relying on Zhang Fei's Jiangzhou army and half of the Jingzhou army in Liu Adou's hands. .

This is because the number of troops in the hands of Zhang Fei and Liu Chan, although it looks like a lot, is still at a great disadvantage compared with the number of mobilized soldiers and civilians in Jiangdong;

Second, the Jingzhou Army first followed Guan Yu in the Northern Expedition, and then went south to compete with the Jiangdong Army for Nanjun. The soldiers' bodies and fighting will have already become overwhelmed, and they must have developed serious war weariness.This can be seen from Deng Ai's public security army.Then, no matter how strong the morale of Zhang Fei's army is now, without the Jingzhou army as a backup, its combat effectiveness will be difficult to sustain.

Three things, after Jingzhou has experienced two wars, it can be said that the people's livelihood is in decline, at least this year's food will definitely have problems.Therefore, this alone is doomed to this war, and it is impossible to continue for a long time.

So, after a lot of thinking for several days, Lu Xun already had a complete view of occupation in his mind.

First of all, Lu Xun had already learned from Sun Quan that when Sun Quan withdrew his troops, he gave his army a goal: to keep the three counties of Wuling, Lingling and Guiyang.

However, Lu Xun believes that the goal set by Sun Quan is obviously unrealistic.From the fact that Wuxi Man almost conquered the entire Wuling territory as soon as it came out of the mountainous area, one can know how weak the defense of the armies of these counties is now.

Therefore, Lu Xun believes that judging from the current situation of the Jiangdong Army, it may be possible to defend Guiyang, but it is almost impossible for Wuling and Lingling.

Lu Xun felt that the combat purpose of his army to stop the Wuxi Man seemed to have been achieved.Then, he will set the interception target on Zhang Fei's army next.

As long as he can stop Zhang Fei's army west of Yuanshui for a period of time, Lu Meng's army can be repaired and deployed in Xiangtan and Changsha.

Xiangtan is to the west of the Xiangshui River, and Changsha is to the northeast of the Xiangshui River.These two cities, one east and one west, form the horns of each other, which should be enough to exhaust Zhang Fei's army here.

In fact, the reason why Lu Xun chose to arrange such two blocking lines of defense was because he saw the absolute importance of the two locations.That is Lukou Port and Jiangxia City in the northeast of Changsha.

Since the Battle of Chibi, Lukou Port has been the most important port operated by the Jiangdong Navy.Not only is there a large number of naval troops stationed inside, but it is also located between Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake, guarding the throats of these two largest water areas, and it is absolutely impossible to lose them.

As for Jiangxia City, its area originally spanned both sides of the Yangtze River.Today, the north of Jiangxia is occupied by Cao Wei and has become an important base for Cao Wei to march into Jiangdong.Therefore, Jiangxia's status is so important that it will inevitably become a place where the three countries compete with each other in the future.Therefore, in Lu Xun's view, Jiangxia City's position in the future is so important that it cannot be lost.

Lu Xun has almost completely seen through the future development of the situation.However, he didn't know that Liu Chan had already set his sights on the following places when he was fighting in Nanjun: Dongting Lake, Jiangxia, Changsha, Xiangtan, Ancheng, Youxian County and Leiyang east of Changsha.He is trying to construct a buffer zone with Jiangdong Army in these places in the future.

After a little observation, it can be seen that the locations selected by Liu Chan almost coincide with those selected by Lu Xun.This once again proves that there are never fewer smart people in the world, and everyone's thinking is similar.

Therefore, Lu Xun immediately sent the first seal to Lukou Port.This belonged to Sun Quan. After Sun Quan withdrew from Nanjun, he returned to Lukou Port first.Now the governor of Lukou here is temporarily handed over to Quan Cong.

Lu Xun's statement is mainly to persuade Sun Quan to revise his goal, as long as he can keep Guiyang and the area east of Xiangshui, it will be fine.Otherwise, the Jingzhou army will definitely not let it go.Of course, Lu Xun did not forget to remind Sun Quan that when the Jiangdong army was defeated at this time, he must be prepared to deal with the surprise attack of the Cao Wei army in Jiangbei.

Then, Lu Xun issued another document.This was to be handed over to Lu Meng.Lu Xun ordered the messengers to catch up with Lv Meng's army as quickly as possible, and asked Lv Meng's army not to retreat to the east, but to garrison troops in the area between Xiangxiang, south of Xiangtan, and Changsha.

He will immediately find a way to get rid of Wuximan, and then immediately return to his teacher and enter Yuannan City.He wanted to stop Zhang Fei's army from crossing Yuanshui here, and consume as much of Zhang Fei's morale as possible.

At that time, after Lu Xun retreated from Yuannan City, he would head towards Xiangtan. By then, the defense line of Lu Meng's army must have been built.At that time, Zhang Fei will no longer be able to get his hands on an inch of Jiangdong's land!

(End of this chapter)

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