Chapter 545
Of course, after Lu Xun issued those two documents, he was about to solve a big problem: how could he get rid of Wuximan.

With Lu Xun's current strength, it is completely possible to block Wuximan's advance direction.However, if he wants to defeat the army of Wuxi barbarians, it is almost impossible.

However, Lu Xun has fought against the Wuxi Man many times, so he already knows the situation of the Wuxi Man very well.He had a faint feeling in his heart that as long as he waited a little longer, maybe he would be able to find an opportunity before Zhang Fei's army arrived.

But the heavens have indeed favored Lu Xun doubly, and they are destined to help him start the road to a generation of famous generals again.

Just one day later, God sent him a generous gift.

However, this is not an item. There is a person from Jiangdong, and he is Zhuge Ke.Yes, Zhuge Ke, who has been coordinating intelligence work in the Jiangdong Army, is here.

After Lu Xun received the news that Zhuge Ke had come, he was immediately overjoyed.Now in the entire Jiangdong, no one has more foreign intelligence than this Zhuge Ke.

So Lu Xun immediately stood up from his seat, rushed out of his camp, stepped on his mount, and went straight to the gate of the camp to meet Zhuge Ke in person.

Zhuge Ke's men were slowly approaching the gate of Lu Xun's village at this time, and the accompanying men were only a mere hundred guards.In a place like Jingzhou today, with only a few troops, this Zhuge Ke is really daring.

At this time, the time has come to dusk.There was a huge corner of the sky in the west for half a day, which was dyed a bright red color by the light of the setting sun that was no longer visible, like a pool of blood dripping into an egg yolk that was not completely broken up.

Zhuge Ke was dressed in white clothes, sitting on a white horse, with a sword around his waist.His appearance is actually not very handsome, his face is a bit long like Zhuge Jin's, and his eyes are not very big, but he is surprisingly energetic, showing a kind of pride, intelligence and elegance.

This is someone who cannot be easily ignored no matter where he goes.

Of course Lu Xun is no exception.

After Zhuge Ke stopped his mount in front of the gate and got off the ground, Lu Xun went up to meet him, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Yuan Xun, you didn't stay behind, why did you come to me suddenly?" Yuan Xun, that is Zhuge Ke The table word.

Zhuge Ke reluctantly showed a smile, the orange sky was slightly dim with light, illuminating half of his face, and his hair turned the color of ginger.

Zhuge Ke returned the courtesy and said, "Before I came here, I didn't even say hello to you, Brother Boyan, please don't be offended."

Lu Xun laughed and said, "How could I be offended! It's a good thing I can't wait for you to come to my barracks!"

Hearing what Lu Xun said, Zhuge Ke's face finally became much more relaxed.

Seeing Zhuge Ke's expression was a little different from usual, Lu Xun guessed in his heart that there might be something wrong with him.He then asked: "Guan Yuan looks down on you, what seems to be on your mind?"

Zhuge Ke nodded and said, "Exactly, I came here this time in person, and I came here specifically to find you, Brother Boyan."

Lu Xun snorted, feeling flattered in his heart.He said: "In that case, Yuan Xun, please enter the camp with me first before we talk about it."

Zhuge Ke nodded, and Lu Xun and Zhuge Ke mounted their horses again and entered the camp side by side.

Lu Xun's camp was very neatly arranged, and the soldiers inside seemed very disciplined. Zhuge Ke nodded secretly as he walked along the way.

Recently, he heard people mention the name of Lu Xun. It is said that even the lord Sun Quan praised him for his ability to fight.In fact, Zhuge Ke was not very familiar with Lu Xun, but he knew that he was a scholar and didn't have much experience in war.Later, after he pulled out information and checked Lu Xun's letter to Sun Quan, he realized that this person was really unfathomable, and he really had the ability of Zhou Lang in the past.

In fact, Zhuge Ke knew that because Lu Xun was so handsome earlier, many people called him "Little Zhou Lang from Jiangdong" in private.Therefore, Zhuge Ke feels that this title of Lu Xun is indeed worthy of the name.

After the two came to Lu Xun's camp, Lu Xun asked again: "Yuan Xun, there are no outsiders here, if you have anything to do, just say it."

Zhuge Ke said: "Brother Boyan should have known about my father's stay at Zhijiang Daying. My father was greatly stimulated by this, and he fell seriously ill on the Yangtze River. Sent back to Jianye for training."

Lu Xun did not get any information about Zhuge Jin's matter, so he quickly asked, "Is Mr. Zhuge's situation okay now?"

With a little hatred, Zhuge Qiao sighed and said: "It's not very good. I asked that fellow Ling Tong on purpose, only then did I know that the retreat was too bloody. An honest man like my father, I can’t accept anything in my heart.”

Lu Xun didn't know the details of how Zhuge Jin and Ling Tong withdrew from the Zhijiang Camp, so he asked, "Mr. Zhuge's illness is related to Yuan Xun's coming to me?"

Zhuge Ke nodded, otherwise he wouldn't be a talkative person, why would he get involved there? It's not an honorable thing.

Zhuge Ke said: "No matter how you say it, my father's matter is related to the Jingzhou Army, especially that Liu Adou. Besides, I have already learned from Sun Shuwu that there was a little quarrel between me and Liu Adou in the past. Therefore, I will come to you personally this time, and I want to teach Liu Adou's people a lesson."

Lu Xun wondered: "Teach Liu Adou's people a lesson? But I only have Wuxi Man here!"

Zhuge Ke sneered, and said, "Brother Boyan, I'm here to help you get rid of the Wuxi barbarians!"

Lu Xun was overjoyed when he heard the words, and let Wuximan retreat, but now he is most troubled by one thing.

Lu Xun immediately cupped his hands and asked, "What's so wonderful about Yuan Xun?"

Zhuge Ke said confidently: "There is no friendship between Wuximan, Liu Adou, and Liu Bei's father and son. The reason why I can work for them is nothing more than being driven by interests. I will go out to the camp tomorrow to find that Shamoko!"

Lu Xun couldn't help but let out a cry, this Zhuge Ke is really brave!

But Lu Xun did not disappoint Lu Xun.He only stayed with Shamoco for two days, and he completely convinced Samoke, and reached a number of interest agreements with him, and the benefits to Wuximan were of course far more than those given by Liu Bei.

Although it is said that Wuximan is greatly cheaper in this way, Jiangdong can get Samoko's guarantee to withdraw his residence immediately, which is really a very cost-effective thing.

However, Zong Yu was clever enough to notice Sha Moke's strange behavior.So, he immediately stayed with a few of his followers, disguised himself and escaped from Shamoko's army, and went straight to the direction of Public Security City.

A day later, Zhuge Ke was standing under the first sunlight, watching Sha Moke's army retreating slowly.

After Lu Xun got the news, he was ecstatic, and sighed in his heart that Zhuge Ke's mouth was really scary!
(End of this chapter)

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