Chapter 546
Zhang Fei's army suddenly received a report halfway, saying that Lu Xun's army had retreated from the river valley and returned to Yuannan City.

Zhang Fei was stunned.His army chased towards the east at the fastest speed all the way, one is to see if they can catch up with that bastard Lu Meng's army;

Second, if you can't pursue them, go straight to Yuannan City, an important town west of Yuanshui.In this way, his army not only seized the perfect place to cross the river, but also cut off the retreat of Lu Xun's army.

But what is helpless now is that Lu Meng's army has run away. How did they get rid of Wuxi Man and retreat to Yuannan City?

Zhang Fei was puzzled, and asked the scout captain angrily, saying: "Where are the Wuxi Man? Didn't it mean that they are being blocked by Lu Xun's army in the valley now? How could they make Lu Xun retreat? Also, Have they surrounded Yuannan City?!"

People who can become scout captains have always been bold and cautious, and their status in the army is quite special.Therefore, when he faced so many problems with Zhang Fei, and when his temper was about to explode, he still remained relatively calm.Moreover, he completed the reply in just one short sentence.

He said: "Back to the general, Wuxi Man is now gone."

Now Zhang Fei really became angry immediately, and shouted loudly: "What is missing? They are our allies! You can't find them in the valley, so why don't you send someone to look for them in Yuannan City?"

The captain of the scout replied helplessly: "The army of the Wuxi Man did not show up at Yuannan City either. The lower officials have a faint feeling that the army of the Wuxi Man is probably retreating towards the direction of Yuanling City."

Zhang Fei was originally looking angry, but after hearing what the scout captain said, he was stunned.A thought immediately came to his mind: Wuxi Man was defeated by Lu Xun?

But this is impossible. There are so many Wuxi Man troops, even if Lu Xun has great abilities, it is impossible to defeat them overnight.

Then, the second thought that came to Zhang Fei's mind was: Wuximan retreated without authorization?
But why do they do this?His eldest brother has promised to give them a lot of rewards, and he will also give Shamoko an official title of barbarian king.What's more, Lu Xun has killed many of them these days.

In fact, this time, Zhang Fei was indeed right.It's just that he couldn't figure out the reason.

However, Zhang Fei was very unwilling to believe that the Wuxi Man retreated like this.Because in that case, it would definitely be a huge bad news for Liu Bei.They still have to use Wuximan's army to attack Jiangdong. If there is no Wuximan's army of tens of thousands, their strength will be reduced by half at least immediately!Then the next battle is really not easy to fight.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fei didn't even feel like getting angry.

Therefore, this matter is really important. In order to find out the reason, Zhang Fei had to lower his stance, and said to the scout captain in a gentler tone: "In this case, quickly send someone along to Yuanling Go to the direction of the city to find the Wuxi Man, and see what happened to them?"

The captain of the scouts was relieved to see that Zhang Fei was not furious, and he immediately replied, "I will handle it immediately."

So, Zhang Fei immediately sent an order, and the whole army rushed directly to Yuannan City.This immediately started a fierce battle between Zhang Fei and Lu Xun that lasted nearly 20 days.

At this time, although it would take some time for Liu Chan to hear the news of Wuximan's treachery, but he was in Jiangling City, but he was not idle for a moment.

Mr. Ma Liang has sent a message that he will be able to come to Jiangling City around noon tomorrow.At that time, Liu Chan will be able to relax a little bit.

In fact, he could have entrusted Mi Fang, the deputy prefect, to do many things.But he was really worried about Mi Fang's ability and integrity.In addition, many of the things he is handling now are proposed by himself, so he feels that it will be more appropriate to handle them himself.

Therefore, Liu Chan was originally just a Jingzhou special envoy, and now all the departments in a Jingzhou government office in Nuo Da are actually led by him.The power of Mi Fang, the acting prefect, has actually been completely emptied by Liu Chan, and he has become an empty prefect.

Of course, the reason why Liu Chan is like this is just unintentional.With the continuous start of various disaster relief work during this period, various departments suddenly discovered that many things need the advice of the eldest son before they can start.

But later, Liu Chan was going to deliberately deprive Mi Fang of her power.He really felt more and more uneasy and even disgusted with Mi Fang.If this person is because he is the head of the military and political affairs in name, otherwise he would have bothered to pay attention to him.

On this day, Zhuge Qiao sent a report to Liu Chan, and the expression on his face was rather ugly.

Liu Chan knew that the things that could make Zhuge Qiao angry would definitely not be small things, so he asked, "Did something big happen?"

Zhuge Qiao pointed to the report and said: "Those people in the accounts department have already checked the accounts of the treasury and the items inside, but there is a big deficit in it."

Liu Chan reacted immediately.In fact, without even thinking about it, he already knew why Zhuge Qiao acted so angry.This matter should be related to that bastard Mi Fang.

However, Liu Chan still asked: "But is it related to my uncle?"

Zhuge Qiao nodded, and said dissatisfiedly: "It's him, as well as Cao, Yu, Shi and Shu Zuo who belonged to the prefect, a total of 33 people are involved in the case."

Liu Chan's face darkened, and he reached out to pick up the badge from the top of the handle.After he looked through it, Mi Fang embezzled more than [-] gold from the treasury, of which [-] gold had been added to the treasury in the past few days.However, the money is still less.Moreover, the entry and exit of property in the treasury are all recorded.

Then, Liu Chan continued to read, and the following are the people involved in the case. Sure enough, there are really many people involved, and it is really a nest case.

However, these people in the positions of Cao, Yu, etc. are actually hired by the prefect himself in his own name, so it is no wonder that they can work together with Mi Fang.

After Liu Chan finished reading it, he gently closed the watch, with a rather calm expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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